Friday, August 05, 2005
Their all damned monkeys!
I've been playing halo again. Most of the games I played the other night were horrible horrible losses. Not because I sucked it up (for once). I was actually a productive member of my teams. My problem was the rest of my teams seemed to have had massive anurisms just moments before the match started.

One round on turf, where instead of killing the blue team, we actually managed to ask them to kill themselves for us. (they were suicide happy to begin with) I got bored of not killing people I hid out on a roof till it was over. Okay, so that was a win, but a stupid win... The next round (Goat you'd be proud of my shotgunnin') saw 2 vs 4. I did all the things people get called Noob for. Camping, swordwhoring. Cramped quarters were my heaven on lockout. The best moment was as the entire red team assaults our position, slaughtering three of them in seconds with mr. pointy.

Match three teamed me up with one of the suiciders from the first round. The boy never saw a positive kill number the whole match, and at one point, my entire team managed to get the hog stuck in the warehouse, only to all be killed by the other team. And it wasn't like it had just happened, they were trying to get it unstuck... Wasting time, sitting like sheep in a butcher shop... Then they all respawned right at the wreck...

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