Why Do Men Have Nipples? OR! Why are babies so damn ugly?
And other questions you'd only ask your doctor after your third martini.
Don't get too excited. It's only a news article about a book with that title. But I must have that book. It looks to be really funny/interesting.
Stefanie, my co-worker/assistant/lazy bitch who sits across from me, and I have been having the old baby argument today. Tim and Ryan are familiar with this one, it goes something like, "Babies are cute!" "No they aren't."
So to prove to me that babies were indeed cute, Stefanie found some baby pictures on the internet and emailed them to me. This really got on my nerves. So I Googled (google is a verb now, right?) images of ugly babies. Man, I got some good ones. Here, let me share a few of them with you...

Those are some ugly damn babies.
Don't get too excited. It's only a news article about a book with that title. But I must have that book. It looks to be really funny/interesting.
Stefanie, my co-worker/assistant/lazy bitch who sits across from me, and I have been having the old baby argument today. Tim and Ryan are familiar with this one, it goes something like, "Babies are cute!" "No they aren't."
So to prove to me that babies were indeed cute, Stefanie found some baby pictures on the internet and emailed them to me. This really got on my nerves. So I Googled (google is a verb now, right?) images of ugly babies. Man, I got some good ones. Here, let me share a few of them with you...

Those are some ugly damn babies.
I personally feel that round one of the baby war goes to me.
Uh-thank you, uh-thank you.
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