Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Don't stand under them
It's a dream post again. This one is beyond wierd and partially lucid...

I start remembering at a spot where I'm riding in a car with family. We're in a city, and a district that's doing a lot of construction, high rise style. So of course my dad wants to find a good parking space... right next to a construction vehicle. A large, "if it were hollowed out it'd be a duplex" kind of vehicle. It looked like a large scooping type of thing, with the main articulated arm sticking out of the swiveling body. But there were four more scoops out like feet around it. No wheels, no tracks.

We park next to it. Right next to it. Then the thing gets up and moves away on it's scoop legs. Not slowly either, but quickly and fluidly. Moves to the next spot it's needed.

But it's not just one high rise, but a whole cluster of the things. Block after block is girders stretching into the sky. There are more of these spider machines above us working on the buildings. They could lift themselves vertically to high floors. So imagine mobile duplexes flitting around at speeds quite unusual for a duplex. Also imagine waiting for one to slip and fall while being under them...

Thankfully we found the office-megastore we were looking for amid this growth. Amid all these people looking for office supplies I manage to run into the only one who likes to wear adult diapers on a regular basis, and likes to share that fact... If I've never seen the face of lunacy before, my dream has just fit that bill... God that laugh is going to haunt me...

So I quickly get away from there and end up at a place not unlike billy joe's, where I'm informed aliens are trying to sneak onto earth and we know where that will be.

Anything to get me away from the diapered one...

Thankfully I seem to own an old modified submarine + crew.

Scenes change as I'm now looking at a small VTOL landing on water, sinking into a maw just under the water. (I realize that such a hangar isn't practical, but it was there) I'm on the bridge welcoming the pilot back, chatting with the crew and going to get some food.

I take a squad and go look for the aliens. The search goes poorly, but dan akroyd, who aparently is my merc superior shows up and gives me a hand.

The end because I have to go to class.

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