Ok I don't want to overshadow monki's post and I'm glad to hear those game companies are still after you. Thought I might finally finish that cryptic post I made a week back.
I quit Target on Jan 30th. I decided that was enough of that crap as they were gearing up for a remodel and reorganization of the schedules. End result was 4am start time, customer service after 8am, and having to learn several new duties without any further compensation. Well thats what would occur should we chose to stay they offered transfers to one of the three stores that was still overnight or quiting as options. And all this would have taken effect in May after helping to massively rearrange the store in the remodel. Not sure exactly what I'm going to do next but sleeping on a regular schedule and not trying to hide from the daylight is facinating after 4.5 years of opposite time.
Also I hadn't mentioned really but I sort of introduced myself to the Des Moines Playhouse some time back and left a copy of my old theatre resume. They called me and I've gone in to help with lighting a couple times and then I sort of became their goto guy for puppets after they had a contractor build what was supposed to be a large giant for the Big Friendly Giant out of an inflatible love-doll wrapped in fiberfill and fabric. The downside is that they are essentially a not-for-profit organization so I only get reimbursed for materials. And I've let them off cheap so far. They've provided most of the raw materials and some old packing foam that Bil brought home a long while back made up most of em. Thought I'd show you them here quick since I'd bummed a digi-cam. And thats more than I'd posted in a long time. hah enjoy.

First fellow is Mighty Adolph from Pippi Longstockings. Second is the Terrible Frog from A Year With Frog and Toad
I quit Target on Jan 30th. I decided that was enough of that crap as they were gearing up for a remodel and reorganization of the schedules. End result was 4am start time, customer service after 8am, and having to learn several new duties without any further compensation. Well thats what would occur should we chose to stay they offered transfers to one of the three stores that was still overnight or quiting as options. And all this would have taken effect in May after helping to massively rearrange the store in the remodel. Not sure exactly what I'm going to do next but sleeping on a regular schedule and not trying to hide from the daylight is facinating after 4.5 years of opposite time.
Also I hadn't mentioned really but I sort of introduced myself to the Des Moines Playhouse some time back and left a copy of my old theatre resume. They called me and I've gone in to help with lighting a couple times and then I sort of became their goto guy for puppets after they had a contractor build what was supposed to be a large giant for the Big Friendly Giant out of an inflatible love-doll wrapped in fiberfill and fabric. The downside is that they are essentially a not-for-profit organization so I only get reimbursed for materials. And I've let them off cheap so far. They've provided most of the raw materials and some old packing foam that Bil brought home a long while back made up most of em. Thought I'd show you them here quick since I'd bummed a digi-cam. And thats more than I'd posted in a long time. hah enjoy.

First fellow is Mighty Adolph from Pippi Longstockings. Second is the Terrible Frog from A Year With Frog and Toad
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