Friday, April 14, 2006
Blah, untitled

Ryan has asked me to notify you of his birthday party here, tonight, starting you know, whenever, but probably not too much earlier than dusk. Or maybe much earlier. Who knows? It is a mystery.

I will tell you that there are moraccas involved.

Dave, are you still stuck out wizzest? That is a grave disappointment, particularly now that I am unemployed AND with car and think of the adventures! The legal indictments practically write themselves! Andy had an idea that we would check train fares, but we couldn't find anythign we could swing, particularly now that my unemployed ass now has a bank account of less than $70.

Come on, sweet unemployment check!

That's the warning to all you employed people: save your money! Somehow $950 breezed through my life every two weeks, and what do I have to show for it now? A computer, a car, some clothes, a shitload of books, and that's about it. An NES that doesn't work. Some canvases and a half-painted zombie scene.

Wes's Geemus shirt is probably my favorite wardrobe piece now, because I have very few t-shirts that fit properly and are an acceptable color. If anyone asks what the hell Geemus is, I'm going to tell them it's a rock band ironically posing as a video game production company, with little clues on their website as to the true nature of their endeavor.

Tomorrow morning I will be traveling with Sarah to her hometown. That place is alternately creepy and beautiful, man, built on the Mississippi and in a bunch of hills and a little island dotted with houses. I understand the island even has its own airstrip. So Dave, if you steal a plane, that's the place to land.

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