The Inner Fanboy Squees

I think this is Tim. Look at the eyes and the forehead. It has to be that goofy fucker. If you needed money that bad Tim, I can send you a check every two weeks for like...10 dollars. Thats enough to buy milk and Malt-o-Meals.
So, Final Fantasy XII is a whole lot of fanservice.Why? Well, for starters, the summons are a shit ton of final bosses mashed into the zodiacs of the Tactics univers. Zeromus, Altima, Chaos, and Exdeath, to be precise. If you dont know who these guys are, who the FUCK are you?! And why are you in my shower?!?! As well, Gilgamesh is a boss. If you dont know who Gilgamesh is, you are sad. In Final Fantasy V, he was the recurring boss. Sorta like Ultros, but much cooler. The same Gilgamesh is in VIII, and when he talks about the Cleft of Dimensions, its referring to where he went in V. And yes, he carries a lot of swords (or S-words as you Connery folk might pronounce it)
Oh. And for you Tactic's people: Worker 8 returns. Rejoice!!! Dont know who Im talking about? Then you are dead to me.
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