Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Naked Pictures of Your Blubber
No pictures in this post. *tear* However, heres a link. I want to make cartoons of this caliber. Not so much quality (although the lip syncing is very well done) but definately this sorta thing. Its like Space Ghost and Family Guy had premarital sex and had a bastard child.

I have determined that I have seasonal migranes. That is SOOOO much fun!

Interesting story: Ali and Sara went back to Texas for the Easter break. Sorry to have missed Andy puking...but I spose I can see that any time he gets heavily drunk. While they were gone, I had in my possession two different cars: One a BMW tiny sports way-small-penis car (Sara) and then there was the XTerra Ginormous way-small-penis suv (Ali.) I drove the eff out of them, yes, but most important: The SUV was fun to drive *GASP!*

With me having a girlfriend and a job at Sears and driving SUVs, the next thing ill do is find the common link between Mormons and Scientologists (Travolta: Oh my gahd!) and convert to the mulato baby it produces. And dye my hair blonde. And turn my back on cartooning to work at Wells Fargo.

Fuck. I went to Catholic Mass with Lynn, too. I realize that at Catholic mass, theres an abnormal amount of babies crying. Coincidence? Nah. They know theyre going to be eaten. Which also reminds me: some girl for a demonstration speech brought in her python and a live mouse. WTF indeed. Catholics eat babies like pythons eat live mice is my point.

Oh. And I have a gift for everyone when I return. What is it? You will see. YOU WILL SEE! BWA HA HA HA HA!!! Besides...you know, the Bar and Mr. Christopher scenes.

Have I mentioned I love waffles for a while? Cuz GOD DAMN, do I loves me some waffles!

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