It was at five a.m. on a Saturday about three weeks ago when a special anti-terrorist program came on Cartoon Network. What? Since when is Cartoon Network anti-terrorist? I thought they were part of the evil time-warrner conglomerate swallowing the world? Well they are. Still there are some freedom fighters in the ranks that reach the masses to say, "Sometimes the things we want most are hardest to get, that means you have to be even more determined, that’s what it takes to be a winner, you

have to want it bad enough to stick with it no matter how bad things get, and things got pretty tough for us down in florida with the deadly dolphins ". Or at least that Chuck cares about the fait of the free world. He is willing to fight terrorist until they are smote with his mighty awesomeness, and they have the action figures to prove it. Whether it’s deadly dolphins in florida or The Klaw and Cobra Commander moonlighting as Super Ninja bent on world domination.

That’s why the military should put this suto-Asian fighting team back into action. With the A-Team to back them up. "I pity da fool who bombs coffee shops!" There’s not a rat hole in all of the middle east that Osama Bin-Laden could hide in from Chuck Norris and his Karate Kommandos. So pick up your action figures and join the fight. Chuck Norris needs your help. Not actually, you would only get killed.
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