Waiting . . .

If you don't live in Iowa, you missed two of the wildest snow days since '96. I think that was the year when there were rumors that the buses wouldn't be able to run and the out-of-town kids would have to sleep in the gym.
Uncharacteristically, I stayed in during most of the storm. Both of the companies I've been working for these past couple weeks closed, so I just hung out at home, shoveled snow, and watched Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. I also drank hot chocolate mixed with Ice Hole Peppermint Schnapps. The hot chocolate was good, but the mint was really overpowering, even in small amounts.
Aside from waiting out the storm, I'm also waiting to hear back from the company I interviewed with on Monday. She said I was the first interview, and I'm sure I won't hear back until some time next week, but the anticipation is already driving me crazy. Two days stuck indoors probably didn't help that. If I do get that job, maybe I'll be able to afford a snowblower. Then again, what fun would that be?
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