Monday, December 22, 2003
Well, two days into winter break and I still haven't rolled off the couch before noon. Today: after one.


Yesterday a chunk of my family congregated over a bunch of cookies and various other foods to celebrate Christmas. As soon as I walked in the door I was handed a string of small candy canes that just begged to be swung around like a metal chain. Maybe I will affix a tree ornament to the end and have a nice holiday mace.

Bil, sounds like you had a horrifically long night. At least you escaped the talk of the 6 x 4s.

About Christmasish time stuff: the 24th doesn't work well for Wes. He's the only person I've talked to yet, but I'm guessing a couple other people might have problems with the Eve. Maybe the night of the 25th? I can do anything, but I'd be able to do it sooner on the 25th, and Wes would be able to do it (probably...I guess he said he'd have to wait until after some dinner in another town...but that's not too bad).

By the way, 1000 Blank Cards was a success. A wacky success, but one nonetheless.

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