Well....after hearing about Andy's luck with his French final, it just makes me want to run to class 2.5 hours earlier than necessary to take mine....Not so much, but that damned test will bring me to the end of this week, and the beginning of break, which unfortunately will be consumed by Pizza Hut. But, I should go study for said French final. Hey, here's an idea on what to get Amish for Christmas: the biggest bottle of Southern Comfort you can find, and a pair of women's jeans. That should tide him over for a while....At least a few days.
And, in response to the religion topic, I was actually there for the full extent of Andy/Amish's philosophical and spiritual debate, and it actually wasnt too bad, and some good points were brought up. Being raised with both Catholic and Protestant dogma, [very long complicated story] I have learned to see both the good points and bad in both, but have realized that there will always be your balls-to-the-walls people on anything and everything. So, just be tolerant I suppose. Well, that is all I have to say, must go study French.
Andy- I'm sure you didn't fail.
Everyone else- Drive carefully in coming back home.
And, in response to the religion topic, I was actually there for the full extent of Andy/Amish's philosophical and spiritual debate, and it actually wasnt too bad, and some good points were brought up. Being raised with both Catholic and Protestant dogma, [very long complicated story] I have learned to see both the good points and bad in both, but have realized that there will always be your balls-to-the-walls people on anything and everything. So, just be tolerant I suppose. Well, that is all I have to say, must go study French.
Andy- I'm sure you didn't fail.
Everyone else- Drive carefully in coming back home.
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