Sunday, March 07, 2004
The internet is too stupid to understand tab indentation!
Kelly and Wellsy know (Wells because I talked to him online in the wee hours of this morning when he was too drunk to realize he was covered in bruises from anime girls), but for eveveryone else: Carol and I broke up last night. Yeah. I'm not really sure what to write about it here except that I feel relieved (sort of) today to have done what I think is the right thing. For some reason I can't pinpoint I was unable to be as into or committed to that relationship as I felt I should have been, and as Carol was. So I think it was fair to her to be honest about it.

To lighten the mood today I've been watching the trailer for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 3 game, which is called Snake Eater. The graphics and gameplay look very badass, but the trailers crack me up. Portions of it seem awkwardly translated, not in the sense that the grammar or spelling is bad but just that the phrasing is . . . weird. So are some of the visuals. For example, after a brief cinema of snake hiding under a bridge in a murky pool of water and capping a guy several times through the rotted surface of the bridge, the screen starts flashing yellow, white, red etc, and the words "Survival of the Snakest!" flash across as a US flag meets the flag of the Soviety Union in the screen. Then later the following screens flash across:

(visual of a snake silhouette) "How do you like your snake done?"
(visual of guard dogs silhouette) "We recommend SOLID!"
(visual of a goat silhouette) "But you decide! You're the 'eater'!"

It's so fucking ridiculous that I think I'm going to hemorrhage. You can find the videos with a google search for 'snake eater' and a few minutes of hunting if you're interested.

UPDATE: In a mocking-other-cultures'-attempts-to-communicate-in-our-language kind of way, this site is sorta fun.

NEW UPDATE: Never mind the last thing I said. That site rocks. "Go home and do the jack off!"

NEWEST UPDATE: Here's the Patty's Day plan Amish and Kevin and I came up with : Dr. Mario drinking game somewhere in the albia area. I can't get myself psyched up for crazy DM barness. Comments? Suggestions? Insults?

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