Friday, April 30, 2004
Between Iraq and a hard place
Eerily reminiscent of A Rose for Emily

Well, I guess all the college kids are probably stressed out right now cause its coming down to finals week and all the papers and tests and jabbada-pow. You have my pity....suckers.

I'm starting to feel like college was a waste in some ways. I'm not going to say that it was entirely a waste, because I don't think that any experience is really WASTED. You'll learn from anything.

That said, I do think that it wasn't all that useful for far as getting a job is concerned. Thats a pretty disheartening discovery to say the least. And its not like I didn't have any warning or indication that it was going to be like this. Ever since I changed to a non-teaching English major I had joked about how unemployable I was going to be. But thats all it was to me for a long time: a joke.

Lately its been a little more serious a problem. I got lucky getting the job I have, and thats not even spectacular. At first I thought it would lead me in directions that I wanted to go, but the first time I tried to go in one of those directions I got a door slammed in my face. I know its still early, but that hurt. My nose is still sore.

Obviously I don't want to do this forever. I'm not even sure I want to do this for more than a not longer than a year. So that brings me to a pretty serious decision. I know what my chances are. Slim. The chances of me getting the kind of job I really want are not all that great. I'm not saying its not possible, its just not likely. And even if I do manage to weasel my way in somewhere, its going to be a lot of work struggling my way up to where I want to be.

On the one hand, thats probably just the way things go. I shouldn't complain because thats how it seems to be for all college graduates. I see the same trends with Heather and Kasey, I saw it some with Krispy, and I imagine I will soon be seeing it with Tim and John. Thats life, right? Its not like I'm really unhappy with the way things are right now. I have fun. Isn't that whats really important?

I'm sure I could continue with things the way they are now and still be very happy. Its proably the right way to go. Keep working here, with one eye on what I'm doing and the other on opportunities elsewhere. So I guess thats what I'm going to do then....right?

No, probably not. In what, I feel, is probably typical Goathed fashion, I evaluated the situation and am currently leaning towards the most fucking insane option I could think of. I'm sort of considering joining the army.

Okay, so right now Dave just slapped the keys on his keyboard and moaned...and right about now hes muttering something to the effect of "you fucking dumbass". I'm sure everyone else had similar reactions. Just hold on for one second and let me try and explain. I've mentioned this to a few of you already, but I wanted to throw this out in a public forum.

So what do I really need? Experience. I have an education, but I can't get any experience. I need experience to get a job. Its that whole catch-22 bullshit. Where does the Army come in? Well, they offer a variety of jobs that train you in that job area. They have a journalism area, a marketing area, a telecommunications area....and also an area that blows the living shit out of underdeveloped middle-eastern countries...

Okay, so its not PERFECT! The point is that, unlike most of the employers that I've delt with, these guys aren't going to turn me down. They're going to teach me skills that I need and give me some money in the process. Supposedly.
There is the possibility that they might just make me a mine detector even if I do sign up for journalism. "Yeah, go find some mines then write a story about them asshole, hows that sound?"

But if I am doing, say, journalism stuff, then when I get out I'll have four years of experience under my belt and my education. Which is a lot more than I have now.

Pretty fucked up alternative to grad school eh?

I'm not sure if I'm really going to do that. If nothing else, I'll at least hold off for a while. There are definately a lot of sacrifices that would be involved. It would be a hard choice to have to make. Sacrifices aren't always bad though. Sometimes they can be the best things for us, to help us grow. No experience is ever really wasted.

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