Friday, April 16, 2004
I'm Phallical!
Well. Today was a waste of 24 hours. First off, had a dream I was thrown from a helicopter over the ocean and into a pod of sleeping whales. *ERAGH!* They sleep vertically, dont cha know? Well anywho, I went to class and my english teacher, Cruella DeVille, gave us a break from 1255-240. Class gets out at 330. I didnt stay. I came home. Fuck it. I cant skip that class anymore cuz a lot of folks fail it. So I get back and challenge Tom, roomie, to a SSBM duel. He wins ONLY because i ran into a crate and it exploded. So therell be a rematch TONITE.

Later on, I went on a walk in the blisterin 78 degree weather. Twas nice. Then I went shopping for groceries. I was damn parched so Dmitri and I ended up buying a lot of juice, Koolaid, and soda. Its kind of the opposite of shopping hungry. Whilst shopping at Wal Mart, it occured to me no one has wrote a song about Wal Mart to the theme of "Under the Board Walk": Shoppin at Wal Mart. Ill be gettin great deals. Shopping at Wal Mart. Thirty-three cents a pound Veal. Shopping at Wal Mart. WAL MART.

So after all that I talked to a drunken Sarah whilst I tried to get blitzed off of a very tall no avail. My decent lookin RA came in the room for a cupcake too but I dont think she saw the booze bottle sittin out. Or did she? Shes easily bribed with candy or cupcakes, so I shouldnt be worried. And should I pursue her? Nah. Churchy Shim Dave from '97 could prolly get her. Shes one of them "date religous and devote guys who are very worldly" sorta girls but shes cool enough to have a convo with about anything. ANd she watches R rated movies like no other.

Which brings me more so to the Blog. I went back and read the comments from the Black Post Day. Holy shit. If we had knives and guns and robot suits, we'd all be fucked. Im glad Mau was a voice of reason (sorry Kelly, but Mau got to be the Goldfish for that day). We should all shake her hand and give her thanks. She saved us just like that guy in that Mel Gibson movie....uh...whats his name...OH yah. Pontias....wait....Im lost. Point is, lets just eat marshmallows and drink Canada Dry Ginger Ale from hence forth every full moon till....ergh. Im bein distracted.

Mayhaps when I come down for summer break (June 18th BABY!!!) I can persuade Mau to come along as well?! Thatd be fucking hella cool. Plus itd be nice to have most of the gang back together from high school, which would go well with that fucking stupid wedding. YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.

What would happen if Tim and I had our fantasies melted together?

Now...Ill go feast on some babies. Protestant Style.

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