Sunday, June 13, 2004
To contradict my javascript: IM COMING BACK THURSDAY!
I got a birthday present today...about a week+ late. I had Tom order me a bunny, but when the box got here it was a snake. But I made due. I had a pound of hair, some pipe cleaners, and a stapler. So I have a bunny that I designed. It was my chance to play god. So now Nathan Scott Phillip (thats his name now) and I are goin to kiss like the french. They dehinge their jaw to show love, you know.

Yeah. In truth I got a haircut. Its sorta like DBZ's Trunks hair..before it got morbidly stupid and long. Everyone says i look younger and its better looking then the Hippy John Lennon length it was.

RYAN: If you can un-unfun yourself we shall do something very fun when I return. :D I RETURN THURSDAY!!! THURRRRSSSSSDDDDAAAAAAAAYYYYY! SO Friday? Yes? Good. Fun yourself.

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