Monday, August 23, 2004
Making Handicapped Faces
I've got a couple books from the Cedar Falls library that are approaching the two-week overdue mark. Both my brain and the library's computer patron account record failed, because neither one registered the books as being checked out until I saw them sitting on my floor yesterday and almost simultaneously opened a letter from the CFL telling me that, guess what, I owe them not just the books but also a shitload of quarters.

Thought about dropping them in the mailbox but the postage would probably cost more than this week's worth of fines. All this is a long way of asking Kelly if she'll take them back with her after this weekend and dump them, at her convenience, at the CFL.

Instead of reading those overdue books, I spent a good (see: disturbingly long) chunk of today reading this book--Zodiac--that Wes dropped off while I was gone. As Wes summed up for me, the main character works for an enivornmentalist group and goes around finding industrial plants that are illegally dumping toxic chemicals. He then plugs the pipes and tells the companies that if they don't shut down the plant their pipes are going to back up and something bad is consequently going to happen.

So it's obviously a great story.

The progression of Follies planning has once again skidded off the tracks and begun barrelling in a completely new direction. But it's the best direction yet, so I'm happy. We had to drop Caudill due to some orders from Paxton (through Ryan) to perform the prez debate . . . and, of course, unspoken but still appended to that was the fact that we'd damn well better do the police reports. For the prez debate so far we've got a cross-dressing, robotic Abe Lincoln and friends.

And now, finally, we also have enough people to perform. I didn't even think about it until just now, but maybe if something happens disabling you long-distance travelers from making it the world won't end. I don't slap that on here as an arrogant dismissal or a lightly-veiled critique at your (K or D's) ability or additions to our stuff, I just mean that if it's hard to make it back we might be able to limp along. Last week I was freaking out because I thought we'd have no one; now we have everyone.

Of course, if you both still can make it, we're even better off. And I can maybe get those books returned.

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