Monday, August 23, 2004
Next thing Ill tell you is that Im Hitler and your Head will explode.
TIM! I CAN MAKE IT TO THE FUCKING FOLLIES! Ugh. I thought Id say that so you all'd get it. So a robotic cross dressing Lincoln? We almost got put on stakes and burned for the last cross dressin reference we made. But yeah. In your little notes and all Ive heard it seems youve left out me and kelly. Why? And do you have anything written down yet? It just seems you all can tell but not show? I dont know. Im sure youre writing down a script or something. Could I get some details? Please? Im FREAKIN out here, man!

The school sent me a bill that says I owe them $10,003.43 . This punches my ass, but the BEST PART (besides the $3.43) is the fact that underneath the balance due, it says MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO ART INSTITUTE OF COLORADO. Hah. Ill write a boot check and cahs it in their face bank. Bah. Stupid money issues.

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