Thursday, September 16, 2004
May you all fornicate with Garrett!
As much as I wanted to take part in Shawk's retail job simulator, I willed myself out into another job interview today. In the voicemail and in the conversation with the receptionist when I scheduled my interview, the name of the organization was not mentioned. And since this job was somewhere in the high 30s of my apps, I had lost the original help wanted. So imagine my cornfusion when I pulled into a building labeled "Vocational Rehabilitation."

Were they going to rehabilitate me? And if so, of what? Deprive me of booze? Been done. Submit me to mindnumbingly endless nights of video games? Also done to death.

But really, I found out that they help disabled people find jobs. And my job, as researcher, would be to find info on disabilities, occupations, and various other crap on a case-to-case basis. I pray to God that we got some wackos (if I get hired) who want to be porn stars, CIA agents, roni thiefs.

Today I bought this fantastically popular new book, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. English fantasy. But I comfort myself with the fact that it's a sort of fringe popularity, with endorsements from people like Neal Gaiman (of Sandman fame). So it can't be tooo bad. Also, Wes dumped some book called Middlesex--narrated by a hermaphrodite, primarily so far about incestual relationships--at my house, and it's pretty good so far despite (or maybe because of) its bizarre subject matter.

Speaking of books: Kelly, House of Leaves is still here and waiting to be read. So let me know when you're able to receive this weekend.

I also have this ancient collection of scifi edited by someone whose first name is Groff. GROFF! It sounds more like a hairball side effect than a name.

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