Friday, September 10, 2004
What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
I wouldn't do a damn thing.
But that is besides the point.
So, I have been dead to the blog, but I haven't really felt that I have anything worth posting about. Yeah, I'm up here at UNI now, and things are going relatively well. My language classes are boring (except for Polish, which right now owns me) and my psych classes are boring. I know 95% of the material being taught in both language and psych classes, so occasionally I look down to make sure I'm still writing something on my paper, not the desk. It passes the time I suppose.
I still don't have a job up here, which is increddibly disconcerting. However, I do have a pretty good shot at getting in at the Brown Bottle. I applied for a waitressing job, but the owner/bossman/manager guy asked me about bartending. I told him I'd never done it (well, outside of Grrts apt.) and he said that wasn't a problem. So, I am supposed to stop by Wednesday, and I will know for sure by then. My guess, is that since he asked me about it, and he is willing to train me, that is what I will more than likely be hired for. Which, should prove to be an interesting endeavor. A job is a job, and money is money. If that doesn't work out, I suppose I will resort to sitting on curbs will beg for spare change, or something. (jk)
Anyways, there is a slight possibility that I will be comming to Albia next weekend, but that is still up in the air. Hopefully I will have a job by next weekend. If not next weekend, definately the weekend after that one. (Need to pay phone bill, misc activities) And, I would like to see you guys, I haven't seen you all for a while, and it kind of sucks. Though, I'm sure Albia isn't too much different w/o me. Maybe the Hut is, hehe.
Well, this has kind of turned into a long post about nothing, and I just bought a new book yesterday, so I think I am off to go read that. I hope everything is going well with everyone else.
As for Mt. Dew Pitch Black, I haven't tried it, nor will I. I can't drink the Dew w/o having really bad reactions to it, (heart races and I get really bad shakes ) so I will just take you guys' words for it.
Tim, when I do come home, I will let you know, so can I get those books from you? I'd be really greatful. :)
To all everyone, have a wonderful afternoon.
Dzien Dobry.

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