Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Some Quotations I have Enjoyed this Afternoon
Michael Schaub on the new issue of Bookslut: All this, and no profanity! So read with a clear conscience. (I'm just kidding. There actually is profanity. Fucking tons of it.)

Margaret Atwood in The Blind Assassin, on the defense of a future war memorial depicting a realistically worn-down and bedraggled soldier instead of a glorious warrior: Father refused to back down . . . saying they could consider themselves lucky the Weary Soldier had two arms and two legs, not to mention a head, and that if they didn't watch out he'd go in for bare-naked realism all the way and the statue would be made of rotting body fragments, of which he had stepped on a good many in his day.

I have also stepped on a good many body fragments in my day.

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