Friday, March 26, 2004
An intimate quantity of dried muffin remnants...
There's this guy in my town. Well, there are many, but I'm speaking of one in particular. He stands on the most busy street corner in town nearly every day. He's tall. Bdecently built. Blonde. Older..probably in his mid-fourties. He's always in black. Always.
He accessorizes this all-black with a large wooden cross, a big black Blible, a silver Rolex and Blues Brothers- style sunglesses.
Every time I drive by (along with several others. It's a pretty busy place) his message is simple. He points to the Bible. Then to the big silver Rolex on his wrist.

Take it as you will.

Today, I saw, moving to accompany this Nicholas D. Wolfwood-esque individual, a man with a massive cross. Huge. Probably 8 feet tall and made of good, heavy timbres.
This didn't bother me. Not at all. What did bother me, though, were the leather gloves the man wore to prevent from getting splinters in his hands as he dragged the cross across town.
There was one other thing that vexed me thus. The big, massive, rough-cut and clearly symbolic cross...
It had wheels on the bottom.

Now, I'm not trying to make a religious statement with all this. No. Such is beyond my abilities. But it did strike me as a sign of our times.
Not the big heavy wooden cross, but the wheels and leather gloves.
I heard a song once. It was abou the Second Coming of Christ. It stuck out as I saw the man wheel across the highway..
When yo come back again
could you bring me something from the fridge.
Heard a rumour that the end is near,
But I just got comfortable here.

I dunno.

Take it as you will.

Another brief rant, then I'll be silent.
I was flipping through a friend's live journal. He was commenting on hunting wolves from a plane in Alaska, babies on spikes, and homosexual marriage...anything that really struck him as something to talk about.
On the homosexual issue, he got alot of comments. Alot of his friends decided not to be his friend anymore because the lad opened his stupid mouth.
What bugs me, though, is that people set something so intimately personal such as their sex lives in front of the world and expect that no one is going to comment.

What kind of freaking spoiled, "Mommy says I'm special" five-year-old raised in a fucking bubble attitude is that?
It bugs me. The issue bugs me, and the attitudes of the people handelling the issue bug me.

I'm done, now.

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