Saturday, April 24, 2004
The Ninja Game was cancelled tonite cuz its freezin rain and holy hell weather. Also, we had to greet kiddos who wanted to go to the Institute. It sounds like I go to a mental home when I call it the Institute. But yeah. There was a hottie who had a shirt that said "DANCING IS FORBIDDEN!" It also meant free Mountain Dew and free pizza. GOOD Black Jack Pizza. Hotties too. As well as Kill Bill. It was fun times. But I didnt stick around for that, there was a Halo bakkake bein held in TC the RA's room. Twas great. Im gettin better at it...I think.... Oh, and anyone who hasnt seen Red Vs. Blue should be drug out into the street and beaten to death with their disembodied skull.

EDIT My roommate is parkaking in a twelve man, 72 hour video game LAN party. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Theyve played for 36 hours as of now. Its insane. Non stop video gaming and dew?! Who could do that?!????!?!?!??!

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