Saturday, May 08, 2004
"...and then I ram my ova-depositer down your throat and lay my eggs in your chest. But I'm not an alien!"
I have some things for monki. First of all:

I have been sitting on this 99% done for months, but today I finally decided to buckle down and finish it and upload it: title pic - (it's just stylized text, but I really like the double-e thing)

Also, an interesting link to a website about game design. It mostly deals with 2D fighters and some online strategy games, but it's some very interesting reading about game design and gameplay. (I particularly like the articles on Playing to Win)

The rest is just me rambling. Feel free to skip it, I'm just venting a little bit about stuff:

So I just woke up a couple of hours ago, which is sort of not-good. I was planning on getting up early and doing things but it didn't end up working out that way. I foolishly stayed up until about 6AM, then decided I'd better get some sleep if I'm to accomplish anything at all today. I got woken up at 11 by some guys that thought they were supposed to put some caulking around my bathtub. This, being the first I'd heard of it, sort of threw me off. Having just over 4hrs of sleep and answering the door in just a robe didn't help. Interestingly, Karl and I know one of the guys that showed up (it was Kenny - the Chariton Kenny, not Albia Kenny) so I talked to him for a little bit. Then I went back to bed.

Whilst in bed, I was very busy ducking responsibilities. I still haven't talked to my landlord about my moving yet, so I was going to get up nice and early and take care of that today. Oh well, he probably wasn't there anyways (<-- sour grapes!) I was also going to talk to my boss today. A job was posted yesterday: West Des Moines corporate office, level 3 pay (more than I'm making now) for basically what I'm doing now + some extra responsibilities. I can live with that. Need to get ahold of my boss before Wednesday, though. Monday, monday. Really, I will do all these things on Monday. Really.

I have to say, moving just looks better and better every day. Mostly, I'll be really happy to get the hell out of this small-town redneck racist/sexist/misgynist/homophobic bullshit. At work yesterday a lot of conversation revolved around "those faggots" and I nearly ground my teeth down to nubs. I don't mind people having a frank discussion about the pros and cons of different sexualities, but outright bigoted and homophobic "jokes" really get my goat. Probably has something to do with all them queers at II that I'm friends with.

Interestingly, the "conversation" started because of an interesting news item: apparently one of the Wachowski brothers is set on becoming a Wachowski sister. This obviously horribly offends my coworkers personally, even though they've never and probably will never meet the guy... Er, girl... and it has nothing to do with them.

Whilst it's entirely possible that I'll end up working with another group of misogynistic homophobes and bigots in WDM, I would imagine that a little bit of multiculturalism goes a long way, which is why I feel larger towns generally = smarter and more liberal people. P'raps I need to just cut out the middleman and move directly to Sydney, though. I have high hopes for DM. Setting myself up for disappointment, maybe, but high hopes indeed.

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