Saturday, May 01, 2004
Military... Icky...
First, something happy...
Another guy playing mario theme, this time on piano.
an addition to the guitar one that I'm fairly certain I posted earlier, and which is I think better. Which isn't to say this one isn't good.

Well, Devins Grandfather has fallen rather ill and is in the hospital here in Grinnell. She has been spending a lot of time out there, and is really stressed. Consequently, I am really stressed. So if you haven't caught up to me or wandered why I haven't said too much that certainly has something to do with it.

Have some homework still looming over my head before I can be done for the year. I hate that, but at the same time I find myself very strongly anti-work and have been having a hard time just focusing in and getting shit done. Ah well, as the time gets less I'll manage something. Tommorow I'll work. Its nothing too major, just a six page paper. But in a way that is major (as its a sizable portion of my grade) so maybe my inability to get anything done comes simply from my dismisiveness of it. Will have to reassess. Anyway...

For this summer, in case you were wondering... I think I mostly told you peoples that I'm going out to Oregon to work for GarageGames. I should be doing game developement finally. I'm excited, but they haven't really gotten back to me about when they want me to come out. Not to mention that it is unpaid, and I'm not exactly rich right now. So I find myself worrying about money for maybe the first time ever. Which is arguably a good thing, as Morgan at least can probably attest I've been somewhat less than frugal in many ways. Its not that I don't want to be frugal, I do. I find it to be an admirable lifestyle(well as long as its within reason, there is certainly a too much), I just have issues doing it myself. It seems to stem from the problematic mix of my amusement with a wide variety of random things and my somewhat impulsive buying habits. So I guess I need to focus in, or maybe just carry less money/credit utensils.

Then, military. Ug Andy, thats pretty iffy. I can understand the line of thought, but I would be highly hesitant. I personally worry about reinstatement of the draft, let alone voluntary enrollment. Then again though I'm sort of leaning towards pacifist, conciencious objector, and anarchist. The strength of my leanings varies a lot, but I'm pretty damn sure I don't wanna be involved in killing people. And I know journalists don't really kill people directly, but I can't help but feel like you'll be pressed to put a positive spin on people killing(and liking many other badish things). I don't think I would be comfortable with that. If you are, then more power to you and I wish you the best luck. I just would have to say that it warrants some careful consideration, after all the experience you earn might not be worth insomnia from images that still haunt you.

Now thats what I call a rant...

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