Saturday, May 22, 2004
Rommy and Michelle's High School Reunion
Oh shit cocks. Today started off with a bang. I woke up early to start on some homework and low-behold while in the shower someone is at the door. Elliot gets it and tells me I have "guests." I was fearing the mormons. Ugh. Fucking mormons. I dont know why I even tried to understand their religion. I was actually starting to kind of believe their stories cuz their stuff fits into the bible like during the 130+ years betweeen the old and new testement. Then i got to that stupid part about how they practiced baptism BEFORE christ, and the whole thing about them going to the new world and starting a second jeruselem. I was almost fooled. but the fact of what made me unbogus was reading the Introduction: ie how the book and the church was written. A guy, finds tablets, shows 11 people, and then starts a damn religion. Hmm...twelve who know the word...LIKE THE DECIPLES?! Bah. If I hadnt read the stupid introduction I would have eventually admitted the mormons have something. But its all damn true. All the shit i give them about starting a false story based on one guy's stupidity and whining on not wanting to do his dad's work is all fucking true. God I hate the Mormons even MORE for using the name of God to keep this stupid fallacy. Its pretty much a big floppy Phallicy to be more exact.

Luckily, my guests werent the Mormons. It was Rommy and Michelle. My first words were "Holy Shit Cocks!" only to get a wierd expression from both of em. Turns out theyve been busy going to the Grand Canyon and a bunch of caves and Yellowstone. Twas cool to see them again. They are hanging out all this weekend up here with me and with some family. It will be fun to hang out with them later tonite. For sure Ill get them to post on here to prove that Im not lying and that I really did say Shit Cocks.

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