Saturday, January 01, 2005
Why I will be in Jail for Homicide within the Weekend..or maybe up Till Wednesday, if I am Lucky.
So I started thinking: boy howdy dowdy, I'd like to have an NES (right now, before any of this gets underway, you need to know that this is a bad idea. You'll see why soon, but right now, before little 8-bit Luigis and Excitebike guys start dancing in your head, forget the whole idea). I called Gamers first. They had an NES without any cords. Well, jeez, thanks. I needed a twenty-five dollar coaster.

None of the other game stores in DM had them either. Amazon sells a piratey Japanese knockoff. Then, wonderfully Ebay shone down. Problem: I wanted a NES now, to play with Alyssa this weekend. Solution: one of the Ebay entries was based out of Marshalltown, and was selling two controllers, cords, 14 games, lightgun. Hot diggity damn, thought I.

$76 dollars and a few emails later Alyssa and I were on the road to Marshalltown. This trip took about 1.5 hours, meaning .25 hours more than it should have. (The entire staff of are now incinerated, and will probably be found in a mass grave hastily dug in the ruins of Machu Pichu within the next five days. Give or take a few, depending on local holidays.) Then we got to the place, and this 30'sish woman came to the door, along with five children. Did we want to inspect the merch? Well, the place was wild with the kids,so we inspected in the car. I unwrapped a few games, fiddled with the lidofthe NES, felt for the cords, etc. We went to Perkins and were served by an emaciated blonde. The pancakes were delicious. I recommend them with double berry sauce. Unfortunately, this experience did nothing to rival the Perkins pancake experience Bil, Goat and I had in Oskaloosa several years ago (remember, brunette waitress?).

Got home and, whoopsadoodles, the sellers thought the SNES adapter was the same as the NES. I spent five minutes trying to decide whether molotovs or flaming arrows were the best way to destroy a house, but then decided fuck it. I could have ordered one on Ebay but the whole reason I'd driven to Marshalltown was to get the fucking system this weekend. Oh well. We drove to Ames and forgot about it.

This morning: email from the seller: (the quote is not exact, but close:) "Hey, sorry. I'll see if I have one, and I'll ship it."

next: "Could you go mail that SNES adapter to me? I need it for a different auction..."

I was thinking about doing it, what with the karma and all. But then Alyssa and I went to radioshack and bought an was marked for a sega, but the guy assured us it would work and actually tested it at the story. Yay.

Then we got home and..guess what! Mario Bros. works about 30% of the time, Doc Mario 10%, and everything else not at all! (although I did get Double Dragon II and Burgertime up for about five mins each).

That's where I'm at now. Murderous. Violently murderous. And if you're wondering, the auction listed all these things as tested and working wonderfully. Just like my dad's fucking shotgun...but even that will warrant a test, I think...

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