Your mystery date is......a one-armed pervert!
There are a lot of joggers in Ankeny. A lot of damn joggers. On any given day I see at least eight. Also, days do not pass without multiple offurrences of every emergency vehicle in town firing up and driving right through my face. They're damn everywhere.
Tomorrow Lieutenant Girlfriend is returning and instead of barring I will be cavorting around the moonlit countryside. So if anyone wants to do anything, tonight's the night! Anyone want to come over/up/whatever direction I am from you? Let me know, beetches. Ryan, are you online today?
I'll be out of town the weekend of the 28th.
Woke up this morning at five am, covered in rain water that had infiltrated my window screens. Curses.
Wauson called the other night and we talked for about two hours until my battery gave out.
Tomorrow Lieutenant Girlfriend is returning and instead of barring I will be cavorting around the moonlit countryside. So if anyone wants to do anything, tonight's the night! Anyone want to come over/up/whatever direction I am from you? Let me know, beetches. Ryan, are you online today?
I'll be out of town the weekend of the 28th.
Woke up this morning at five am, covered in rain water that had infiltrated my window screens. Curses.
Wauson called the other night and we talked for about two hours until my battery gave out.
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