Friday, March 19, 2004
Purated Donkey Shit with Baby Parts
That about expresses my mood. Joseph, the Hampers Howlitzer (thats a type of cannon, fool), bought us groceries yesterday. He did this cuz the fucking rodent rocketer moved out cuz his dad doesnt want his fucking botched blowjob boy around alcohol. God? Please fucking damn those Mormons. Please?! All the drama we had with him is based on the fact he is mormon. I didnt let it get to me, the mormon part. I talk big but its all a show....sort of. it didnt make me judge him at first. For example, turns out his parents didnt want him to hang out with other kids for the fear he might be influenced badly. Long story short his parents are the fucking mormon stereotypes i hated and never dreamed of existing. They also didnt like the fact he was sharing a room with 3 other guys, all a year+. and that Elliot, the brains of our flat believes in evolution and that apes have souls. Fucking hell. So his parents transferred him to a single room. It fucking is retarded to shelter your children. Anyways, he bought $50 in groceries to pay us back with all the food and messes he made ( he puked everywhere st. patty's day and we had to clean it up....the fuck). But instead of giving us the money to go get what we needed....he goes and buys a shit load of tostinos pizza, 5 lbs of beef, and Ramen Noodles. This is abominable. I lived off this stuff before and its terrible. Its as real of a diet as Hot Pockets. Its not a diet--its purated donkey shit.

Oh and that "Border Hopper" I was talking about? I had a real converstation with Jose. Hes pretty cool. He played Magic and politics and keeping things truthful. So i retract my hateful remarks I made. At least hes not a fucking Mormon.

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