Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Unbelivers' blood tastes best . . .
So many posts while I've been gone! As if many monkeys with many whips have been at your backs, scourging you, screaming commands in monkish to the effect that if you don't type more and faster you will have the very flesh torn from your shoulders!


I like Ryan's take on my car accident although there was no hooch involved. But the rest of his story is acceptable, and so I'm making it the official version. Except that . . . um . . . as I spied the SUV below me I noticed that there were kidnapped female pirates in the back, being taken to some mansion in the Caribbean to be ransomed off to the highest bidder, so I spurred the probe over the edge of the overpass, landed on the front of the SUV, flipping it forward and upward, and when it landed I dispatched the driver with the sword-in-a-cane Goathead gave me several years ago. The female pirates were . . . well, they were grateful. Very grateful. So grateful they even showered affection upon my girlfriend, the passenger.

Dave returns tomorrow, then. Exxxxccellent. Any ideas, Senor Wells, on when you'll be here? But then again, you're probably already on the road. As to me visiting the mistress: I told her I would spend Monday through Wednesday of the upcoming week with her, but it's (possibly) negotiable. Due to her job it's the only time open, so I'm hoping that Thursday through Sunday are kickass enough to earn me a few days' leave from the Wells madness.

Am going to Des Moines today with Mr. Pants to apply to be a librarian. Yes, laugh. But know that it pays between 12 and 15 dollars an hour! So of course I won't get hired. Currently I have aps out to three newspapers, a publishing house, Cargill's security team, and a bank. Freelance fucking assassin is not too far down the line.

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