Thursday, September 30, 2004
You lousy stinking Francophonic bacon-loving bastards.
Wow. Kevin havin a job is like me having a job...and a sex life...and sanity...and sasquatch being my butler. I give him a month before he quits cuz they call him bozo.

My roommates are okay now that Ive socialized with them. Karl and I socialied a lot more too. Hes WAY into Mindless. Hes seen them all over the east coast and has inside tracks on them. Seriously, Ive seen proof. And pictures. Hes goin to hook me up soon with their new album and such. To relate it to you all: he now more or less resembles and acts like 4 Kevins mashed into one body, highly caffenated, and with new shiny toys to share with everyone. Its...very interesting. In the good way. Trent is a rich widdle guy. Hes cool though. Just has a lot of shiny toys. Im afraid hes not going to socialize a lot, so Im going to try to get him out of this room at every chance I get. Im glad I dont have any real major issues (or any at all) with these roomies. They certainly arent Gerts and for fucks saving graces NOT the pot smoking drug fiends from Kirkwood. is all good.

And a DAMN lot of hot females here too. I heard Tim's prediction that they import hot mammas from the Savanna of Hah-Tees. It has to be true. A helecopter dropped off a giant crate and as soon as this person pried it open w/ a crobar, they all came runnin out like scared rereleased deer into a habitat. or some shit.

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