Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Here's Your Travelling Update
Kevin's unwilling to go to Denver. But he says he also probably can't take any days off for the trip. And he works Friday nights. Meaning we leave Saturday and come back Sunday. Or Monday, maybe?

But he might get a new job, where he'd be able to take a day off.

Anyway, maybe we could do a trip with Kevin at some point where we don't go far, and a seperate trip for people who can take a couple days off.

Either way, saving a longer journey for mid-July works better for me. Nothing really draws me to St. Louis, but Ozarks is decent, and Chicago has a badass museum with a walk-in pharaonic tomb replica. So maybe that doesn't appeal to anyone else. Well, F yourselves! In the F hole!

And maybe a Saturday night/Sunday night/come back Monday thing isn't that terrible? That would be Kevin compatible:

Here's the rundown on what I can compile at this point:

Denver: Dave wants us to come. Kevin says nay.

Ozarks: Ryan's not really interested. I'm sort of fence riding here.

Chicago: This has a museum. A...booze museum. And all the guards are women in booze-labelled lingerie. Really I'm not sure if there's much there for me either.

We're going to New York. It's decided.

Update: After noticing that Goathead suggested Minneapolis--I sort of like that idea, and Ryan says "it would be interesting."


So the most important things at this point are:

1) Is a 25 June date good for everyone but me? Because it's not really bad for me--i'd just like a bit more time for money saving.

2) Will Kevin's schedule work? The leave Sat, come back Mon thing?

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