Monday, July 30, 2007
The New Internet Hate Machine
I just wanted to say that. 's all.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Helloes Peoples!
I will be going on an awesome trip!

Aug 2nd - Frankfurt, Germany
Aug 5th - New Delhi, India
Aug 13th - Mumbai, India
Aug 15th - Chennai, India
Aug 17th - London, England

After that, I will be going to the U.S.!

Shall we meet??

I'd like to go to Albia and after visit some of you! let me know where you are living so I can make itinerary!

Dave, I'll go to Denver!

Nick, where the heck are you???

See ya soon!
Here's a cat for tim to review:
Death Cat!

Also, my move is complete and I have internet again!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Follies are go!
25 August 2007. Where will you be?!
Monday, July 23, 2007
My new religion
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Silly Hobo, Tricks aren't for skids.
If I could draw there would totally be a picture of a hooker beating the shit out of a hobo right here.

It's not an easy scene to render in stick figures.

I'm willing to perform in the follies, but Dave better shit on the stage this year. You've been talking about it for too long, now it's time to deliver.

I'll go to the Montgomery flea market as well. TO THE LEFT, TO THE RIGHT! That flea market is out of sight!

Like a mini mart.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
In American, Now.
Ok. Prolly should have clarified.

If I can get back for the Saturday of the Follies.






Consider doing the police reports. Tim, Andy, Ryan, Myself. You all else are welcome to watch and venture on. Ali will be around, since she will be possibly driving.

Just saturday.

3 hours of your lives.

Think about it. We can be heroes, if just for one day.
Sarah found this after wondering what the hell Dave's Montgomery Flea Market post was about.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Throwing an Idea at Y'all Like an Abusive Husband Throws Fists at His Wife
I may be in Albia for day. That day being the last night of Restoration Day Follies.

If I were to be around, and had said transportation, and were to go collect certain members, would certain members being collected by certain transport be able to assist said self in aforementioned Follies? One night, 3 hours, Albia.

Monday, July 16, 2007
Tower the fucks

I meant to put this up a few months ago. I made it for YOU, Rock!

Go here. Naow.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Hindsight is 20/20
I am glad I saw all of you over break. It was nice. Depsite how miniscule it may have been, I was glad to see you all. I think I take advantage of you all being my friends, and maybe I talk way too much about you all. But it's only because I respect the hell out of all of you. Ali and Kara realized that my friends were not all made up and that everyone was true to my word. Minus Amish, who they actually said wasnt as hairy or burley as I had built him up to be.

My point is thank you all for being my friends this long and for however long is left. If my Denver friends scared/scarred/repulsed you, that was not my intent. They wanted to meet the legends.

And so on.
Friday, July 13, 2007
as of july 4th
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

...and just so we never forget...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Why are the Japanese so damn bizarro?
Why are the Japanese so damn bizarro?

This one is just fucking surreal.

One more.
Oh, Don Piano
This clip of the Don Piano cat doesn't have text, but it does feature an extra few seconds of deleted footage.

And this is the with-text clip, which is still lovelier.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Dear Blog
Dear Blog: I am very unmotivated to write to you at the moment, but I will do it anyway. Why? Because I was just wondering: if you were jogging down the street and somebody in a passing car screamed at you to leave town because aliens had invaded, would you consider the possibility of their seriousness at all? Probably not. But how many cars would have to pass by and scream such a thing at you before you were genuinely concerned?
Last ones I swear

Amish would love this...

But he only gets the koala...and that is only a hyperextended form of Lefty Linda.

And his hat still gets more action.

Basically this is another eff-you-Amish post brought to you by DaveO. Eff you, Amish.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
This is What Drugs Can Do for You!
"Blah blah blah Whiskey!"

I think Amish got destroyed...

Kevin, with a Red Label...

And yes: that is the Million Dollar Man Tedd Dibiase with a dirty diapey on his no-nos.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
This one's for Jimmy Jack
For those of you who aren't on Facebook, here are a couple of the pictures Dave's friends took over the weekend:

Friday, July 06, 2007
Kevin's score is old as internets
Tim's score. On the red.

Oh god, how do you flip images? I not good with computers
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
When: Tommorow....exact time negotiable.
Where: My place.

Let me know if you intend on coming so we know how many burgers to buy. Also if you want to bring a side or dessert feel welcome.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Guess what that number is.
I don't know what they're protesting
But whatever it is, I agree with it completely. Just based ont he fact that this is an awesomely hilarious sign.

So, food Monday? What's the plan? Is there a plan?

Also; is there anything going on for the 4th that I should know about?