Thursday, September 30, 2004
You lousy stinking Francophonic bacon-loving bastards.
Wow. Kevin havin a job is like me having a job...and a sex life...and sanity...and sasquatch being my butler. I give him a month before he quits cuz they call him bozo.

My roommates are okay now that Ive socialized with them. Karl and I socialied a lot more too. Hes WAY into Mindless. Hes seen them all over the east coast and has inside tracks on them. Seriously, Ive seen proof. And pictures. Hes goin to hook me up soon with their new album and such. To relate it to you all: he now more or less resembles and acts like 4 Kevins mashed into one body, highly caffenated, and with new shiny toys to share with everyone. Its...very interesting. In the good way. Trent is a rich widdle guy. Hes cool though. Just has a lot of shiny toys. Im afraid hes not going to socialize a lot, so Im going to try to get him out of this room at every chance I get. Im glad I dont have any real major issues (or any at all) with these roomies. They certainly arent Gerts and for fucks saving graces NOT the pot smoking drug fiends from Kirkwood. is all good.

And a DAMN lot of hot females here too. I heard Tim's prediction that they import hot mammas from the Savanna of Hah-Tees. It has to be true. A helecopter dropped off a giant crate and as soon as this person pried it open w/ a crobar, they all came runnin out like scared rereleased deer into a habitat. or some shit.
We'll start taking bets.....NOW
Kevin has a job. Apparently he's given up on winning the lottery. Or maybe he just ran out of money to buy tickets with. No offense to Kevin, but I think we should take bets on how long this lasts. I give him three weeks.

In answer to Tim's question: Yes, I told Amish and Kevin to come up tonight. This hasn't been fully cleared with Ryan yet, but I have no doubt it'll be cool with him. The plan is to go out to a bar tonight. I'm not sure which bar and I'm not sure what time we'll be leaving. I do know that there will probably be karaoke involved. (Ryan is coming, after all) So thats the bad news. The good news is that Ryan and I both just recently got paid, so we'll probably be in a generous mood.

I'll give Tim a call when I know more, but I can say for sure that the sooner you get your asses up here--the better.
The destruction of Canada and all of its culture
I am told that new Mystery Science Theater DVDs will be released soon. Yay...

Also, a band of young ruffians has moved into the Old Lady's apartment (under Bil's place). I knew something was amiss when I walked by around eleven and saw not just one light on in the place, but every light. And then bass-heavy music. And a crowd of people on the porch, and people inside. Weird. I wonder if it smells like her...
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
The waaaaayyyyyy back machine!
Hey Wells! I have an idea for your comic. I hope no one has suggested this idea yet.

Garrett meets Dr. Lucas and they take the Waaaaayyyy Back Machine to visit us in our middle school years (7th or 8th grade, say) and they sqrew everything up! know...thats what Garrett and Lucas would do if they did any time traveling.

So when they get back the world is in chaos. They know they need to get the sports almanac from Biff before they can make things right thats been done. Maybe we could have them accidently tell Ryan about some new game that comes out in the future, and he could make it first. Or they could tell one of us about some great stock options.

Tim, if you still need a job, give me the e-mail address that you use most often.

A word of financial advice for everyone:

One of the most common financial problems that the people I talk to seem to have, is having car payments that they can't bloody afford! If you make 15k a year and have more than one car financed then you are a fucking moron. And I don't care how much money you make, you don't need to have two '04 Ford Expedition's. IT BLOWS MY MIND!

I had a lady crying on the phone today, telling me about how she was going to have to file for bankruptcy if we couldn't get her a loan. I felt sympathy for her until we got to her vehicle information and I found out she had four cars and a motorcycle financed. SELL A CAR DUMBASS! None of her vehicles were older than '99. Would it really suck that bad to drive a '96 Ford Taurus and save enough money to buy your children some fucking food? Hope they don't want to go to college, cause mom is bound to fuck that up for them.

The more I run into idiots like this the more I thank God for my parents' relative sanity.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Junkies to the left of me, retards to the right, Here I am stuck in the middle with fools.

My new roomie Karl looks like Mike from American Choppers, The Deadly Latin Vipers Cleaning Assassin Squad destroyed our room's internet router, Florida and my genetically pure side of my family are constantly bombarded by hurricanes now, no cash to see Shaun of the Dead, Tom left a fucking Madame Trashheap when he moved out, I have 2 dollars to either buy TP or do laundry, I still have no clue about the fucked up note, school is asking me for 10grand before i start classes cuz FA is a fucking bunch of cumstained jerksocks, I got barked at by a rich white republican douchebagging assfucker cuz I turned my car around in his "spot" he was waiting for, is a hoax, Drakengard ate up 3 hours of my life as I tried to beat the last boss, FABLE owns my spare time, and my printer is not printing blues or blacks even though the test sheets print out perfectly.

"I shoulda come home for break." is the best way for me to explain it.

However, I have started on the new comic. And "other" things. But yes. Shit.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Avast ye swabs!
I can't believe none of us knew about this!

I heard this song on Dr. Demento last night about the most special of days: International "Talk like a Pirate" Day !

Apparently the people behind this new holiday totally dropped the ball with advertising because this is the first time I've heard anything about it. ARRR! Keelhaul the lot of em!

We were supposed to weigh anchor on this holiday September 19th, but why not change it up a little? We could make October 9th our new "Talk like a Pirate Day".

Hoist the mainsail, weigh anchor and swab the decks lads. Yer betcha peg-leg it'll be a grog chuggin, wench grabbin good day, Arr!
Peachy keen!
Blah blah blah BLAH!
I am very frustrated right now. Why is it when you actually want to work, it's next to imfuckingpossible to find a job? It's just like the world in general says this to you: "Oh, you want to work? Well good luck you poor sap! You'd have better luck getting struck by lightning AND winning the lottery at the same time. While you're at it, why don't you just find the cure for aids or something? HA!"
I have applied at several places, interviews have come to me, and gone very well. Possible and future employment has been discussed with owners/managers, then positions are filled. But, there's only one thing missing here....ME. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that I am not blonde, or that I am lacking something. Maybe it's the fact that I actually want to work, or that my schedule accomodates easly to almost any shift anywhere. Hopefully I get it figured out fast.
I am just in a horrible mood right now. If things in the employment area don't improve fast, I may have to fall back on everyone's favorite fall back employment place....Pizza Hut. Shudder.
Though, comming back on weekends may prove to be just as useless. Hells bells.
So, I am going to go to the library and waste some more of my life studying for a degree that will probably prove to be as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
If anyone has any suggestions, hit me with them.
Bye for now.
Flogging Dave's backside
Flogging Molly is playing in Kansas City on the 12th of October. That is a Tuesday night--which is bad because I'll have to work the next day. I've been toying with the idea of taking the 13th off of work and just driving down. The drive back would suck a lot, but I'd really like to see this band.

The show starts at seven and their website says that they will go on stage at around 10, so that should mean I would get to see about an hour of Flogging Molly and then enjoy a four hour trip back to Des Moines. I would--hopefully--get to bed by 4:30. So there is no way I could do this and then make it to work at 8:30 Wednesday morning.

Right nowI don't think I'll be able to do it. I only have 75 hours of pto left for the year and I plan to take a chunk out of that when Halo 2 is released. I also don't really feel like making a trip like that alone.

On the other hand, if anyone else would want to make that trip with me, I might still consider going.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
I'll tell you what a blowhole ISN'T for.....
Ive still not found out who wrote that letter. Its hand written, btw. Ali claims that it was in the room next door to me on the potheads' homemade bar cuz she saw the paper there (the upper right corner was ripped off...prolly for doin dope!) but still...those guys never seemed to have a prob w/ me cuz I never complained about their music or their "vapors." If they did have an issue with me, it might be the fact I do stuff with Ali as where they dont so much. But they dont know some of the details of me that they put in there; the letter included the situation about me and Michelle Rominger and all that jazz. Its a Meadow Mystery, Mr. E. Solved.

A heapin handful of my friends up here have moved into their own apartments these last few days. As well, its Fall Break and Im stuck here--mostly alone at the dorms. I was to partae last nite, but everyone who was drinkin (the RAs, mind you) got involved in Tekken Tag. They fear Panda and Roger curteousy me. So that was played for about 4-5 hours and not the trumpet as planned. Oh well. There is still a week.

I plan to be back in Iowa around December 18th...ish. Damn thats a long ass time from now.
Friday, September 24, 2004
There must be some virus going around, or maybe it's just that time of year.
I'm starting to become ill myself, and have been for about a week. I am glad that it is Friday. After about 4 hours yesterday in the library I'm ready for this week to be over.
As for the employment thing, my status is still un-employed. The job at the Brown Bottle didn't work out, but that's all right. It has to be...The search shall continue on Monday, providing I feel a little better.
Anyways, I'm making my way towards Albia in a bit, after I do some things up here, and throw my microwave in the dumpster. I should be around most of the weekend, so hopefully I see you folks.
Bye bye for now.
Y halo thar, buttsekz? lolz
Somebody tell Amish this joke, he'll love it:

A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer please, and one for the road."

I don't have anything else happening right now. Although I did promise someone I'd try moving to Australia next year. We'll see how that one works out. Eh, let's see, what else. The job still sucks, but it's better than it was. Starting to get bored with spending hours killing rabbits and beetles in FFXI, and right when the payment comes due.... Meh, I'll keep playing. For now.

It may be boring and rote, but at least I can say I'm not playing Fable.

Oh, and apparently we all need to go see Shaun of the Dead. Immediately. I'm down with that idea.
I left my wallet in San Hendres
Just a link for the moment. I think its funny.

I got a disturbing letter yesterday. It said I was unsure of myself, very naive, sheltered, little or no friends, no idea of love, and all this other hateful stuff. I have no enemies that could make these alligations its one or two things:

1) Rob Faidor. Fucking hate Rob Faidor.
2) Bizarro Dave. Not like the store, but like the odd.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Why blame it on the bossa nova? Just what the hell did the bossa nova ever do to you?
I spent the last forty minutes sitting on the couch on the front porch reading Danse Macabre. Toward that time, when I was getting into Stephen King's take on '30s and '40s horror movies, I started hearing this incredible BANG! sort of noise from the backyard. Not bang as in gunfire but as in a building being rammed into. Or maybe pulled off its foundation. And this sound was accompanied by the unmistakable engine of my dad's van.

I ignored this for a while but then suddenly was overcome with curiosity. Was he trying to pull the shed through the yard? Had he gone mad and decided that the vehicles should be parked inside the house?

I walked inside and through the kitchen and there, looking out through the window of the back door, I saw that he had a chain running from the rear of the van and into the probe. Wrapped around the passenger side door of the probe. And he kept getting into the van and slamming the gas.

I have no idea what this is supposed to accomplish. He's not trying to move the car because it still moves--easily. He's not trying to free the door of the rest of the body, because despite being badly damaged it still opens.

I was on my way outside to inquire when I saw the biggest fucking spider I've ever done battle with climbing all over the brass doorknob on the back door. Motherfucker. I instinctively hissed. I backed away. It dangled down on invisible thread, spinning lazily in the air, kicking its freakish abundance of legs.

Thought about getting the bugspray but didn't want someone to get it all over their hands later. So I had to bide my time, wait for it to descend again, and then kick the fucker to death.


Wes: feel better. What kind of symptoms are you having?

I'm still unemployed.
Serious thing to do
Personality traits can be categorized. This apparently is a well credited way to find out one's personality. DO IT, BITCHES!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Tired. Went to the docter today and ended up with no verdict on what I have wrong with me, and some amoxicilan (which is pretty much penicilan I think). Theoretically tommorow I'll feel better or something. *shrug*

Also, my sickness has been going since Friday (the longest continual period of sickness I can ever recall having). And to top it all off I did something like 12 hours worth of interviews over the weekend in addition to homework and stuff. It kinda sucked.

Anyway, enough bitching. A couple links. Then I'm thinking sleep.

Crazy You should watch the video. Its amusing and informative...

for ryan
So yeah. Tim and I, aside from making rock covers, decided a very good idear. Because Im not comin home for break, Im goin to start making a FINAL burger comic. Yeah. Out of retirement. The only problem? I dont have a clue on what to add into it. I will make and fullfill ANY ideas (no nudity fools). So vampires? Ninjas? Pirates? Avril Lavigne? World domination? Yes. All in there.

The Undead Presidents
Dave and I sometimes do hard rock covers on love songs. This involves cupping your hands over your mouth and shouting in a low voice (EVERYTHING I DO--BITCH!--I DO IT FOR YOOOOOU!) . Think Slipknot doing Celine Dion.

Well, with Rommy's creative help, the next level of our musical careers is not evident. Picture a black stage before a screaming, writhing throng of fans. Then lights come up and the Undead Presidents come out, dressed as, of course, presidents. I will be lincoln, chase is jefferson, andy nixon, etc. We then go through our drum- and scream-heavy renditions on pop and love songs. Bucketfulls of organs are slung into the crowd. Live kittens are shot from my stovepipe hat. Giant green plastic balls full of midgets are tossed through the crowd.

Sunday, September 19, 2004
You cant be dreaming....that your HITLER!!!
...I went to the local Anime Convention (Nau Desu Khan or some shit). Im now 300% sure I will get laid after seein this much goofy, nerdiness under one roof. I saw a lesbian Sephiroth/Cloud. I saw plenty of hot cat girls. I saw plenty of fat cat girls. I saw a fat man dressed as Rei. Im afraid.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
So fall is back again, and all i gotta say is....... FUCK FALL!
I am not dead. Just in case you guys are wondering.

I went to Subway today and ordered the bar maid behind the spit-proof glass (believe me it is, cause I tried and my spit couldn’t break its way through) to fix me a Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sub. You know, the one that fuck Jared is always blathering about now.
Yeah, it fucking sucks.
Anyway, I went over to the magical dew dispenser of gloriousness and started the dispensing. I grabbed a straw and pushed the end into the table to remove that devil wrap. I then push the straw to my mouth to free it from its plastic prison, and shoved it deep into my throat until it ripped a chunk of flesh from the back of my throat.
The latter part of this statement was unintentional, and quite painful. I don’t know if I just wasn’t paying attention or I subconsciously wanted to damage my throat. Either way, it happened.
I made this sort of loud ‘Errrrpshhhcc’ sound. Its kind of hard to spell, but if you combined the sound of someone puking with someone choking at the same time, you would get the idea.
I tried to act like nothing happened and nothing was wrong. You know, so nobody in Subway would know what I did, and think I wasn’t as cool as I looked. I took my sub and walked to the exit. I felt the blood oozing down the back of my throat, but I ignored it. Got to my car and headed to work, spitting blood out the window the whole way. It still hurts even now.

And you want to know what the saddest part of this story is ….

This was the ONLY eventful thing that has happened to me all week.

Thursday, September 16, 2004
May you all fornicate with Garrett!
As much as I wanted to take part in Shawk's retail job simulator, I willed myself out into another job interview today. In the voicemail and in the conversation with the receptionist when I scheduled my interview, the name of the organization was not mentioned. And since this job was somewhere in the high 30s of my apps, I had lost the original help wanted. So imagine my cornfusion when I pulled into a building labeled "Vocational Rehabilitation."

Were they going to rehabilitate me? And if so, of what? Deprive me of booze? Been done. Submit me to mindnumbingly endless nights of video games? Also done to death.

But really, I found out that they help disabled people find jobs. And my job, as researcher, would be to find info on disabilities, occupations, and various other crap on a case-to-case basis. I pray to God that we got some wackos (if I get hired) who want to be porn stars, CIA agents, roni thiefs.

Today I bought this fantastically popular new book, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. English fantasy. But I comfort myself with the fact that it's a sort of fringe popularity, with endorsements from people like Neal Gaiman (of Sandman fame). So it can't be tooo bad. Also, Wes dumped some book called Middlesex--narrated by a hermaphrodite, primarily so far about incestual relationships--at my house, and it's pretty good so far despite (or maybe because of) its bizarre subject matter.

Speaking of books: Kelly, House of Leaves is still here and waiting to be read. So let me know when you're able to receive this weekend.

I also have this ancient collection of scifi edited by someone whose first name is Groff. GROFF! It sounds more like a hairball side effect than a name.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
The right to arm bears
Ugh. Ive lived on a diet of ham sammiches, bananas, and Dr. Pepper for a week now. Im trimmin down the supermodel way!

Anyone notice now that we can buy assault rifles? Yeah. Dubya didnt resign the bill that stops the selling of automatic weaponry. Now yes, the Constitution says we can wield weapons. But for god sakes, these are people killing weapons. I dont think any sane hunter (minus Karl, hes just fucking insane) would go out and kill a deer with an M16. The facts even show gun crimes and bank robberies went DOWN since the ban started. Ugh. Someone go buy one just to prove it's stupid.

Women suck, too. No offence Kelly, Mau, Crackwhorekitten, or Ryan. Well, maybe you, Ryan.

Im not coming back for break, as some of you might of guessed. The reason being that I need to find a job. Finals are eating up all my spare time (well cept for blog time) so a week of solid ass searching SHOULD wield somehting.

And Andy? Less-than-Six-Person Halo is STILL less entertaining than a molasses covered special-needs child.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Halo 2 is coming.....slowly......
"Halo 2 is a lot like Halo 1, only it's Halo 1 on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas ... And, the ninjas are all on fire, too."
—Jason Jones, Bungie Studios

By November 9th we should all have stockpiled a substantial amount of frozen pizza, Mt. Dew and disposable diapers. You may be asking, “Why the fuck would I need disposable diapers?” Well, if you’re anything like me, you know you’ll be jizzing your pants like crazy when you see Halo 2. Then, after you start playing Halo 2, you probably aren’t going to want to get up for shit like bathroom breaks. I’d rather piss myself than press pause!

I now officially have the week of the 9th off work so nothing will stand in the way of my weeklong Halo 2 marathon! I might break long enough to relocate operations to Albia/Melrose. I’ll try and bring Ryan with me, but I fear prying him away might have to involve a hammer and a crowbar.

Until then…ugh…I don’t want to even think about that. That’s a long damn time. The final Dark Tower book comes out at the end of this month, which is almost as exciting as Halo 2. I’m sure I’ll find things to while away the hours until November 9th.

Maybe, instead of just taking the week off, I’ll just quit my job. It doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Everyone in Albia seems to be getting along okay without jobs. In fact, they all seem to be enjoying their unemployment. It’s all of the employed people I know who are miserable.

The path to enlightenment requires unemployment—I’m pretty sure.
Sunday, September 12, 2004 feels like cold spagetti.
Help. I need a pose for the FOES. Like...just Overcoat, Loveless, and Pharaoh. I want to do a bank robbing scene...but I need some suggestions.

Otherwize? Doop e dooo. Not comin home for break. Why? No cash money. :( As well, not on the hunt for women anymore, seeing as how Sara has a guy friend now. Ball suckage.

OH OH OH. One more delectable lil' tidbit. Met this russian girl cousin whos like...UBER stereotype for Scandenavian woman. So she says her family's beauty is in her genes....and for some reason, I heard Amish say "Id like to get into that family's jeans...HEH HEH HEH *slap knee*". Ugh. It haunts me.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
A Klingon, an Elf and a Stormtrooper get on an elevator...
Dave-O said I should post stories of D-COn whackiness. I guess I will...
Starting with points of interest first...David Carradine held a Tai-Chi class. It consisted of approxamately 120 flubby fanboys trying to be cool and maybe 3 people who actually knew what they were doing. It was amusing.

Some of the costumes running around were freaking awesome.
I also got to meet a few other people of some fame or fandome or other. Dr. Demento, of course. Nice guy. Swamped by fans, so I didn't get to tell him how much he changed my life...
Met a few other people, too. Participated in Convention wildness. Well, some of it. There was alot of booze. Booze, rampant sex and assorted drugs.
Who'dve guessed a bunch of nerds, geeks and fanboys could have so much fun...heehee.
that was my weekend.
Friday, September 10, 2004
What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
I wouldn't do a damn thing.
But that is besides the point.
So, I have been dead to the blog, but I haven't really felt that I have anything worth posting about. Yeah, I'm up here at UNI now, and things are going relatively well. My language classes are boring (except for Polish, which right now owns me) and my psych classes are boring. I know 95% of the material being taught in both language and psych classes, so occasionally I look down to make sure I'm still writing something on my paper, not the desk. It passes the time I suppose.
I still don't have a job up here, which is increddibly disconcerting. However, I do have a pretty good shot at getting in at the Brown Bottle. I applied for a waitressing job, but the owner/bossman/manager guy asked me about bartending. I told him I'd never done it (well, outside of Grrts apt.) and he said that wasn't a problem. So, I am supposed to stop by Wednesday, and I will know for sure by then. My guess, is that since he asked me about it, and he is willing to train me, that is what I will more than likely be hired for. Which, should prove to be an interesting endeavor. A job is a job, and money is money. If that doesn't work out, I suppose I will resort to sitting on curbs will beg for spare change, or something. (jk)
Anyways, there is a slight possibility that I will be comming to Albia next weekend, but that is still up in the air. Hopefully I will have a job by next weekend. If not next weekend, definately the weekend after that one. (Need to pay phone bill, misc activities) And, I would like to see you guys, I haven't seen you all for a while, and it kind of sucks. Though, I'm sure Albia isn't too much different w/o me. Maybe the Hut is, hehe.
Well, this has kind of turned into a long post about nothing, and I just bought a new book yesterday, so I think I am off to go read that. I hope everything is going well with everyone else.
As for Mt. Dew Pitch Black, I haven't tried it, nor will I. I can't drink the Dew w/o having really bad reactions to it, (heart races and I get really bad shakes ) so I will just take you guys' words for it.
Tim, when I do come home, I will let you know, so can I get those books from you? I'd be really greatful. :)
To all everyone, have a wonderful afternoon.
Dzien Dobry.
"You're telling me he died in a botched circumcision?"
Whoa, Nelly!

The first time I heard that phrase I was a kid, and I thought it was the stupidest thing I'd ever come across. And it still is.

Decided to post so that the poor workin bastards who go to the blog will have at least something to read, even if it's nothing too interesting.

Tonight Kevin cooked a 'roni pizza at Grrt's. I know what you're thinking: the Roni Thief showed up, kicked our asses, adjusted his nylon stocking mask, and took all that motherfuckin roni. But you're wrong, all that really happened was that Kevin forgot about the pizza and when Garrett finally reminded him it was black as hell. Black as fuck. Black as sin. Black as sizzin, even. I'm talkin military-grade ordnance test site black. But it really got me curious, and so the next time I make a frozen pizza I'm purposely putting that thing through some rigorous experimentation.

Anyone who's been in Albia within the past few months--and especially the past few weeks--is aware of the severe Halo addiction. Well, tonight it may have broken. Grrt and me vs. Amish and Kevin was the most boring, irritating 55-minute sidewinder showdown yet. And the saddest thing is that when I quit out the score was still 0-0. Amish was sort of sitting on his flag, arguably with it jammed firmly into his rectum, the entire match. Also complicating matters was the fact that everyone is pretty damn good now, and since we're all pretty damn good together it's like we all suck again.

I unearthed my library today. Which means I pulled the piles of spare blankets and pillows off of my crates of books. Some good stuff, the prize of which is Stephen King's Danse Macabre, which I forgot I even had. It's nonfiction on the horror genre, written in '81, and is really damn good. It's at least fun to read.

This only concerns Goathead, and Cricket peripherally, but I heard that Bob Burke (gleeclub fuhrer) died over the summer. Of a stroke, unsurprisingly. And no one better give me crap about the lack of umlaut.

I'll um your fucking laut.

Mountain Dew Pitch Black: what do you think? (yes, I'm looking around my room for ideas of what to write about) I hated it for the first two bottles. Then on number Three the addictive chemicals all found the appropriate nooks in my brain and suddenly it was the most delicious thing I'd ever put in my mouth. So now there are quite a lot of cans on my desk. And I'm not the only person that happened to.

I recently interviewed with GMAC Mortgage in Waterloo. The job was for a loan counselor (pronounced looooooooooooooon cooooooooooounselooor), which sounded shitty (I applied for customer service rep). Then I found out they wanted me to start on the 13th. Okay. Then I found out that I had to call people all night and threaten to break their knees, wrists, whatever, if they didn't pay back their mortgage loans. And, as the interviewer put it, "we find that 11 pm is the bets time to catch these people at home *smile*." Then I got a call from Des Moines about a research job, and they couldn't interview me until the 13th. So I had to choose taking the shitty GMAC job or gambling and hoping for research to pull through.

So research it is. GMAC was pretty much paying in boxes of generic cereal, anyway. I don't know what the research job is or what they're paying, but I'm a-hopin that it's either interesting or lucrative. That'll put me in DM on the 15th. Speaking of:

Bil: I've had your book (Best Democracy) since . . . since a long time ago. I've been waiting to run into you again to return it but that hasn't been working. If McDonough still makes it over to your/Martin's/Morgan's place, I could leave it in his care or something.

I won't be around much this weekend. Girlfriending. But Garrett's gone at least Saturday night, anyway.

Whoa, Nelly.

I fuckin hate Nelly.

You know the trouble Ive been having with pirates...
I HAVE SOME SERIOUS ASS PIRATE PROBLEMS!!! Its just my pirate picture at deviantart. It will rock your ass hard and solid in MILLISECONDS!!!!

Hmmm...what else. Oh. Taco Bell fucked me over. I ordered 2 soft shell tacos and a Chalupa. But for some odd reason (Novo could prolly give you the Chariton night shift worker's reasoning) the latino girl inside didnt feel like giving me a chalupa...even though it was on the damn ticket. And did i go back to get it? No. Just not worth my time.

I hope eveyrone loved the pirates. The prof. told me that my water sucked. Oh. and if you havent seen Lady Killers, you should.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
I can't write headlines
I could probably clack out six or seven blog posts about the events that took place between Thursday and Monday. Unfortunately, those events have left me way too damn tired to pull something like that off while working. The combination of typing and talking is too much for my bedraggled brain to handle right now.

I will try to summarize some of the story.

You know how, in the movies, someone is always running through an airport with four pieces of luggage attached to various appendeges. They look like biped beasts of burden being chased by a swarm of bees. Well, imagine that person dressed in a black three-piece suit, about five-foot-seven, with curly bleach-blonde hair running through the Des Moines airport. That was me Thursday morning at about a quarter to eight in the morning. My flight was at eight-fifteen.

I've heard it suggested that you show up at least an hour before your flight leaves. Apparently the new security checks can take a while. Luckily, I can dress and undress quickly, so it only took me about seven minutes to get through security. (A note to anyone flying in the near future: I learned that the security process goes a helluva lot quicker if you just take your damn shoes off and put them through the big x-ray machine. I could have avoided a public strip-search, and a very strange security guard awkwardly waving a wand over my crotch repeatedly, had I just taken my shoes off.)

I haven't flown for eight years so there was some pre-flight anxiety. Luckily, a couple of lovely young ladies decided to sit next to me and keep me company. They diverted my attention from the fact that I was in a metal box with wings that had jet engines welded to it. They were welded on pretty well, though, and the three of us survived our flight to Minneapolis.

The view was amazing. Iowa was so stunning in the light of the morning sun, so impossibly wide and green, that I actually stopped flirting with the girls sitting with me to marvel at it for a while. It was also fun to see if I could guess what towns we were flying over.

The peaceful flight was countered by the utter madness of Minneapolis International. I stepped out of the jetway into the future. And, I've come back to tell you, the future is fucking nuts! In the future, there are internet terminals all over the place that charge about a buck a minute to use. Everything is made of glass and all of the storefronts are wild artistic wonders designed to draw customers who are overcome by their sheer size and color. In the future, an airport food court will serve sushi (which is really good, by the way), will have 12 different coffee vendors, will have dvd players you can rent by the hour, will have ATM machines around every corner, but will hide it's bathrooms like pirates hide fucking treasure. And the maps by which you are supposed to find the bathrooms are apparently drawn by the same pirates.

There are some good things about the future, though. For instance, in an airport where the distance from the terminals to baggage claim is in exess of three miles, there will be conveyor belts that will speed your walk and halve the time it takes to cross such distances. Best of all, in the future they have evidently passed laws that force every good-looking female to wear super-tight and revealing clothing, while the unattractive females must wear serapes.

Somewhere in all the bustling mess I lost (or got ditched by) the two attractive females that had accompanied me to the future. I just assumed they were off to buy some regulation clothing.

After about an hour of wandering in the airport I ran into them. Their flight to Houston was leaving about an hour before mine left for Aberdeen, so we just exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbyes. If anyone is interested, they mentioned going to House of Bricks this coming weekend. Then again, if you fellas don't come that might just mean more fun for me.

I probably should have skipped the long goodbyes because it took me about fifteen minutes longer than I had anticipated to get back to my terminal. They paged my name over the intercom system, informing me that it was my absolute last chance to board, about thirty seconds before I came running up to the attendant.

The "running through airports" thing became common for me on this trip.

When I finally got to Aberdeen I was pretty jazzed-up on coffee, so all of the introductions at the newspaper were really interesting. I found out later that I shook one guy's hand so hard that his wrist was sore the next day. They seemed really nice, though, and I think they liked me.

Thursday was just a day for tests. No formal interviewing or anything like that. And the tests didn't seem very hard. Mostly just correcting intentional mistakes in artificial news stories. I did find the headline writing part to be difficult. I just sat there staring at the stories unable to think of anything good to write. I started to run out of time, so I just jotted down some half-assed headlines.

When the testing was over I was whisked away to be wined and dined by the veteran copy editor of the newsroom, ostensibly. It was actually root beer and burgers with some crazy old guy. Crazy is probably the fate of anyone who works at a newspaper for 40 years, but he seemed like a cool guy. He told a great story about how he got his gold pica ruler (a gift for employees who work at the same paper for a long-ass time) and immediately tried to hock it at a pawn shop. A few of his co-workers caught wise and attempted to stop him, so he attempted to stab them with his golden ruler. He said he decided to keep it because it made the perfect non-lethal weapon.

After dinner he drove me back to my hotel room. Which is when the pain really began.

I was staying at the Comfort Inn, but it may as well have been called "The Hotel that is located the farthest away from civilization." They explained that I was staying there because it was close to the airport. I think they expected I might go crazy from boredom and want to hop an early flight, so they placed me within walking distance of my only escape option.

It was on the very edge of town. Next to it was the Ramada ("The Hotel that is located the second farthest away from civilization") and a little farther down the road was a Taco Bell. I figured the Taco Bell might save my sanity in a pinch, but a hotel bar would have been much better.

I had considered having one newspaper employee or another drive me to the grocery store before they took me home so that I could pick up some supplies, but I reconsidered when I thought about how it might look when I returned to the car with three whiskey bottles, a twelve-pack of beer, nacho chips and a copy of Maxim.

So I was stuck in my hotel room with no booze, no food, and only basic cable. Thank God for Adult Swim.

Most of the rest of my interviews were uneventful. Just a lot of questions and a lot of answers and a whole fucking LOT of talking in general. It got tiring. I should mention briefly my interview with the publisher. I had never heard the job title in relation to a newspaper before, but I'm guessing he's the big cheese. And he deserved it. He was cool as hell. He's Scottish though, so after I heard the accent it wasn't hard to impress me. He did seem very intelligent and was just a really neat guy.

Friday and Saturday nights I was being trained to actually do the job I was applying for. It was a very intense interview overall. I felt like I was working, rather than applying for a job.

When I went back to my hotel Saturday night I noticed there was a significant increase in cars at the Ramada next door. And people dressed up ... in tuxedos? and ... a limo ... OH SWEET JESUS, IT'S A WEDDING RECEPTION!!!

I could just hear Angels singing vespers. I had despaired, but here was salvation. Again, ostensively.

It looked too good to be true. Here was food, booze and women brought, literally, to my doorstep. I waited until my ride drove off and then I slipped into the convention hall and made a dash for the banquet table. After filling my tummy with turkey sandwiches I headed toward the beer. Much to my dismay, everything had a price attached to it. However, that dismay was nothing compared to the dismay of discovering that this booze was being provided by a bar located in the hotel! There was a sign proclaiming that beverages were being provided by "Murphy's, which is convieniently located to the east of the hotel lobby." Shit! Of all the things I would have loved to have known while I was sitting in my hotel room, stone cold sober, masturbating to anime, the existence of a bar not even 100 yards away would have been very fucking high on the list!

From where I was, the bar was probably 250 feet away. I covered that distance in twenty seconds--easy.

I rolled in, huffing and puffing. There were only ten people there, it wasn't a very big bar. It could have seated about twenty people comfortably. They had a few tv's showing two football games and one news station covering the hurricane. It reminded me of the White Buffalo lounge. Dim, fairly old, primarily brown decor. The most important difference between the Buffalo and Murphy's: Murphy's packs a bottle of Jameson. I ordered a glass and began sipping quietly, watching one tv or another.

It wasn't long before I was noticed by another patron who came up to the bar to get a drink. He was black, about twenty-seven or so, just under six feet tall and slender (how many descriptions after convenience store robberies have sounded like that I wonder). He wore a soccer jersey and fake bling that looked like Amish's. He also had a couple of fake diamond rings that he swore were real. He said he bought them with money he got from selling dope. He also informed me that he was a rap artist and the fellow sitting with him was his guard.

Besides all the obvious bullshit that flew from his mouth, he seemed almost likeable. We talked for a few minutes until a short, pale redhead(likely dyed) with a bony face walked up beside him. He introduced her as his wife and she asked a few questions in a very high-pitched voice. She was joined by a taller blonde girl with a very full bust, wearing overalls and a tank-top.

We all drank a drink and talked for about fifteen or twenty minutes. "Fake bling man" and his wife started whispering which made for an awkward silence as the blonde and I sipped our drinks quietly. After some lengthy whispering, the wife recoiled in disgust and stormed off to the table from which she had come. The blonde followed, confused. The husband chased her yelling, "Baby, baby. Damnit, let me explain you sumpin!." I stayed in my barstool and pretended to become interested in a football game. Fake bling came back after a minute or so and started mumbling something like, "Awww, fucked up. Fucked up, man. Shouldn'ta but ah did." I finally asked him, "What'd you do?" In retrospect, I shouldn't have asked. I should have left, content to have gotten at least a buzz out of the whole deal.

"Man, I been wantin ta fuck her frien' eva sin we lef. I tol mah wife she could fuck you, if I could fuck her frien'." I excused myself to the bathroom. I took my glass of whiskey with me. Unless you can't read my bastardized rendition of his accent, he told me that he had offered me sexually to his wife. Apparently where he comes from, one man can offer another man to his wife without the other man's consent. I guess his wife isn't from that same planet. Or she just didn't want to fuck me. Either way, I said, "To hell with drinking, I'm going to bed." Whiskey, no matter how good, was not worth that shit. Not by a long long way.

It was probably for the better that I ended that night early. I had to wake up the next morning at 5:45 to catch my 6:45 flight out of that fucked up town. I'm not sure if they'll offer me a job there, but I know what I should say if they do.

Some Cheese for Dave's Whine
Dave, you'd bitch about other people not posting enough even if everyone else was dead.

But since you're whining about the lack of news from us, I'll lay some shit from Novo-land all upside your head. It's been a pretty interesting, and expensive, month for me anyways.

First, my car decided it didn't like the concept of electricity and cannibalized a cell of it's battery. I found this out when I went out to run some errands and when I turned my key it just went click-click-click-click-click. After which, of course, I went fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck. Luckily, I was up before noon (this is quite unusual) so I was able to talk to Martin during his lunch and borrow his truck. I finally got the car towed into the local Car-X for a checkup, which by the way took all goddamn day to accomplish. I was at work Thursday night when Car-X called to tell me what was up, and how much the damage was. Almost $200, for the tow, the checkup, the new battery, etc. I sense that I was ripped off, but don't particularly care. I'm not exactly frugal. The car runs, that's worth 200 dollars to me. End of story.

Friday was the day that the video-game industry savaged my wallet. Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (fucking awesome) and Phantom Brave (eh.. not really playing it much but seems pretty cool) both came out that week, so I went in to pick them up with Karl and Morgan. While we were there, Karl talked me into buying Final Fantasy XI (pretty cool so far- have a level 3 monk). So, I dropped pretty close to another $200 right there. Shit, between those two things and my living expenses I'm pretty much burning a whole paycheck in a couple of days. It's a good thing I'm selling all my vacation days this week.

Yeah, I'm selling them. You see, I can't use my vacation days because God hates me.

Work has been the fucking devil lately because one of the 2 people underneath me walked out a few weeks back. See, here I was thinking it was because he was a fucking idiot that flew off the handle at random shit and finally crossed the line. Apparently, though, it's because I'm a racist and harassed him. I missed all that shit happening, somehow, when I was busy bending over backwards letting him do whatever he wanted out there as long as all the work got done at the end of the day. I don't really want to talk about it right now, we'll see what happens after Wednesday this week. I have to go in and defend my actions (taking away his security badge after he walked out, which I was told to do in that circumstance) to some HR people and the unemployment office. Should be fun. I would say, though, that on the whole covering for his ass and working with temps has been a lot less stressful than putting up with his random shit. So I'm not really complaing (although being able to use some of my vacation for a couple of long weekends would have been nice).

Well, it's like 5am so I should probably go to sleep. I got things to do in the morn... Er, afternoon. When awake. Yeah, that. Just one more thing for the Squid: Kenny. Man. You need to come to DM some time and play some Street Fighter on TEH BIG SCREEN. It's fucking sweet.

Well,you did ask, Dave. Remember that.
You bizznatches
Hmm...It seems that I am the one who regularly posts on here now. Its sorta sad that some folk don't have the time to even write a quip about how much life sucks or how much everyone sucks or how much someone's mother sucked.....I feel like I keep the boat afloat. Not so cool. And not to toot my horn.

I tried to put a file from a computer in the lab here in the dorms onto my computer, then onto another computer in the same lab. Why? PC1 had my pirate file. PC1 is overrun by girl who has to scan 800 pics by tomorrow. So it sounds easy: Place file from PC1 onto HAL (my computer) then from HAL place file onto PC2. Simple? No. My computer says its not compatible with file sharing...yet I share/steal roms from other people in the building. So apparenlty the network here at the dorms is on a separate system then the computers in the lab...or something. A fat kid form Des Moines explained it to me when I was enraged. So I can LOOK at my files from the lab, but I cant SHARE my files from the lab...yet my friends can take files from me, as I with them. Just not in the lab. Fuckered up? Yes. Understood? No. I just ranted like a diabetic (???) so Ill shut up. Fucking computers...
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Novo: Cleaning filth as corporate cog
monki: downloading porn
Tim: Fartin aroung with is girlfirend
Dave: Fartin around as girls best guy friend
Goathead: Pusing papers as corporate cog
Kelly: Very small cog
Shawk: Lfiting eyebrow
Martin: Tellind Dave to fuck off
Karl: Spasming
Ken: Laughing at something
Mau: Farting around with corporate cogs

Im sorta stating in general what everyone else is doing. Well at least what I have assumed everyone is doing. Besides Amish's grandma. Im makin burgers. Yay.

I spent all day inside and I thought it was all boggy out. Apparently it was like 90 and cloudless out. I, however, was watching stuff about ancient Europe. Im so unproductive.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Youve had consensual sex with consonants! Letter lover!!!
Woah. Did anyone watch Bush at the convention ( HEH HEH HEH )? There were some individuals who disrupted his speech with either "BULL SHIT! BULL SHIT" or "WAR MONGER WAR MONGER WAR MONGER!" or "HURRAY FOR SOX! HURRAY FOR SOX!" or something. It was madness. Power of the person is greater than any army.

In other news: I may be selected to pimp my character design stuff online on an EXCLUSIVE Art Institute project. Its seriously an honor cuz only 50 of the 450 animation students will be allowed to put stuff up, as well aa "all the seniors" and have EXCLUSIVE stuff on it. It makes my roomie pissed the fuck off cuz hes not been chosen for it. HA. Im so fucking sexy in art.

I have drawn, as well, the sexiest fucking buccaneers EVER. You will all see it soon. Tomorrow, Im drinkin a liter of Heiniken.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
What? I just count the money? I don't get to spend it?
Ok So Dave's a follower of the Dark One now. Tim's enjoying human flesh as long as noodles are involved and Bil's just angry as normal. I totally agree Bil they want a fortune to fix my car too. So it starts funny. I can live with that. Anyways just thought I would get on here and rant since I haven't in a while. The Follies was very entertaining. Good work to all involved. Work sucks as usual and now I have more responsibility. They got me working in the office now. I hate it!! I don't seem to be much good at it either. I'm sure thats no surprise to anybody. Anyways I'm half asleep and have to go to "Satan's Butthole" tomorrow. You people know it as Pamida.

Talk to you later.
How I Became a Cannibal.....or......The Strange Taste of Garrett's Thumbs
For the information of all you hungry people out there, I've got a big ass cheese pizza in the oven. Mmm, you can almost smell that savory melting cheese mixing with the just-spicy-enough aroma of the sauce. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Wes: Amish and I are talking about going to Grinnell Friday night. But we're sort of missing the key element in that plan, which would be knowledge of what your plans are, if you want us to, etc. So let us know. Bitch.

Here's something I really wish we could try.

I'm writing a zombie story. I anticipated it to be sub-par, cookie-cutter scifi, but surprisingly it has become the best thing I've ever written. Maybe I just love the undead too much.

Last night Garrett made chicken and noodles and cookies. I know that most of you are already doubled over in pain at the mere thought, but surprisingly he was a pretty good cook. A little disturbing, though, every time he'd scream in pain while cutting up the chicken. I just tried not to look at my plate too much.
!!! xis xis xis tsoP
I have the devil's post! Devil man! Post 666! The mark of the beasty!!! NOOOO!!! Im so lucky. I 1/2 expected Wllm to snatch this one. But Whos the Luckiest Fuck around?! Oh .... its Davers!!!! Snarf.

My roommate TOm is a fucking crybaby douche. Ok, so, lets say you like a girl. She tried to like you, but she realized you ...well...sucked. So she wanted to JUST be friends with you ( this is supposed to be for the guys mind you ) but because you cant succumb to failure, you become a crybaby emo dickwad, and every time she comes to talk to your sexy hobo king roomie (me), you act like a fucking 12 yr old and run to your room and blare shitty SHITTY punk music to spite her, and for teh rest of the nite youre Grumpy McGrumperton. If this is you, GO FUCKING HANG YOURSELF because honestly youre pissin me off. Ugh. And have I tried to tell him? Yes. He fucking gets even moreso emo and fucking stupid, then he starts moping and expecting pity. I used to expect pity, but comeon. Thats all I had goin for me at one point was pity. He fucking needs a boot in his fucking jaw AND his crotch. Ugh!!!!

Hail Satan.