Thursday, October 28, 2010
Undead Nightmares
I am so very happy with Red Dead's new DLC, Undead Nightmare. I am so happy about it that I'm going to write about it here. This is the premise: upon a SpOoKy night you're awoken by a zombie. The zombie bites some of your loved ones. You go to the nearest town and find it overrun.

That's about as far as I am now. But here's what's best about the DLC: the atmosphere of the game. You tool around and everything's normal and then you stop along the woodline to rest your horse and in the treeline you see the shambling almost-still figures of 12 or 13 zombies, splashed with morning sun and almost invisible until one of them breaks into a dragging lurch for you. Then the moans sound and you're pulled from the saddle and swing your torch or pull your gun and you're surrounded. You take out the zombies and gallop off and notice the zombie cow alone in the fields or the strange silhouette of a zombie horse far off.

Which is to say that UN takes what I really enjoyed about Red Dead--the detailed atmosphere, the little surprises you almost miss until they're upon you, the vastness of the world--and filters those things through the zombie machine and what comes out is pretty good, so far.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Will No One Post?!

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Hollow Weenies
What are the plans for Halloween, anyway? I know four of us are coordinating costumes, and I know some of you are in Florida. And I also know some of you aren't even reading this.

Amish claims to have a car for me. And by claims, I mean he tells me to pay him in large amounts and that I will get a large part of the money back as soon as the dethroned prince of Nigeria reclaims his thrown soon after he can pay for his lawyers. Once this is settled, I am "supposed" to have Weed Wagon 2.o. Who wants to help me stencil a pot leaf on the hood? I wanna get profiled by cops and waste their time.

Another problem: I am again looking around for jobs. Don't fret: I have not lost mine. I am just looking to see how green the grass is on other sides of the fence. There are always opportunities in Seattle, and apparently now Boston has some perks. Don't suggest Florida: it is a hole for jobs.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I Will Eventually Post Something Other Than Pictures
Friday, October 08, 2010
I propose this Halo: Reach match, upon which we can all place bets
The Brothers Beary vs. the Brothers Goathead.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Blatently Stolen from VG Cats

Cuz I am that asshole with the jets, as sniping Andy has found out.