Wednesday, December 31, 2003
It must be Mormon Week at IIDB or something.

Here's a comic Dave will like.

And I have to go to work.. Again. What's going on Thursday/Friday/Saturday?

Bitch best recognize!
Why is it that when i go to or whatever it is, I end up back at Is the site doing its own thing right now? im confused.
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
First off, what I know of New Year's Eve (Wednesday night): Dave is cool with us doing something at his place. Last I talked to him, booze is okay. Lighting things on fire is probably frowned upon, and it would be best to keep things clean. I know McD mentioned maybe part-y-ing at his place, but Dave's will be gone in a few days and it'd be nice to do a party there again, since it's been a while.

Bil, your Mormon-sendery is just plain evil. But so excellent at the same time.

Not much is happening tonight. Mish, Carol and I just journeyed to Ottumwa to purchase supplies for tomorrow, as well as Hitman II. Now if only we had a PS2 at my place...

Winter break has been funky so far. I'm not sure why...maybe the couple nights at McDonough's, maybe the Carol-being-hereness, maybe the many nights of sobriety (as compared to last year). The whole idea that Dave will soon be gone is is the impending loss of the apartment. I'm interested to see where we'll be hanging out next time I come home after break. We could maybe build a village out of cardboard...Andy could bring boxes home from the Hut, and I could chew bubble tape that would be used as adhesive.

That's it for now. Must go to the Hut soon.
Well, time for me to go to work. Oh hey Dave, I need to know what your address is going to be in Denver.


Heh heh heh.
Actually, I don't really know what's going on this weekend either. I just know that nothing much is happening (aka 'goto Dave's place') on Friday.

Oh, and I have Thursday off for New Years, but not Wednesday. Sigh. I don't even know if anything is happening then either, though.

Back to SSX3...
Damnation. Its 2 hours and some odd minutes before I get the pleasure of returning to Hell's Oven, as it was so aptly named by Andy. Well, I have heard almost 900 conflicting things on what is going on both tomorrow night and this weekend. So, pretty much what I'm asking is what in the world is going to take place? I've heard one thing from McD, and then another from Amish, and so on and so forth....So, can we all agree on something? Well, must go to wash the uniform....Yippee!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't know about where anyone is hanging out. No one tells me shit anymore.

I was over at Ryan's Sunday night though, and it was kinda fun. I wasn't there very long. I actually enjoyed playing DDR. Once you play it a few times it becomes somewhat addictive. It's like crack for your feet. Its really challenging and the music (or what I heard of it) is pretty catchy.

Last night I became the Delivery Driver of the Apocolypse. Haven't you heard of him? He rides a small purple chariot and carries with him the vomit of Hell's Oven. Wherever he goes, the smell of molten cheese follows and he creates anger and frustration in many, by bringing them their pizza an hour later than his dumbass shift manager told them they would get it. I AM HE I am the cold mushroom that rides in the night...I am the younger brother of pestilence....I am the fifth rider of the Apocolypse....I am the cold pizza that ruins your party! I am Garato Melatagra, Delivery Driver of the Apocolypse!

On a lighter note, I think I broke a record for delivery tips on a monday night.
Want a culture shock? EVERYONE IS HANGING OUT AT MCDDDR'S HOUSE. What the fuck is this? Its like....duh. And why hasnt anyone posted ne thing since saturday?! Why is anything anything! Oh well

Only four days left of Indentured Service. Whoot! Are we still going according to plan for this weekend? Dont fail me now, cruel Fates!
Saturday, December 27, 2003
Damn phone.

I think the battery is going bad. It claimed to be well-charged, but died suddenly without warning.

I'm gonna be in town around 7:30 or 8, then I think plans are to head to O-town to buy a couple of games or something...
Friday, December 26, 2003

Looks like... Dave's place tonight. Again.

in fact, I'm heading in now to get some Pizza with D @ T.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Bil, you hate the holidays as much as I hate the Mormons---a lot.

We are doing something at Dave's this weekend. Don't tell the dirty Slogan Sodomizer. He is NOT ALLOWED to any holiday hoopla we do. FORBIDDEN...LIKE DANCING. I hate Nelly and Murphy Lee (he aint dumb) and all those dumbass rappers. Fuck them to hell. Anyone ever notice that chocolate cashews look like lil fetuses? Fetuses are what filter out impurities in your body ...right?

I have bills to pay and money to blow and I'm going to see RotK today at noon! I'm really a thundercat. I connect with skillz like Voltron. Im a juvenile cuz I care about G's. Im starvin like Marvin GRRRRRRRRRRRRRL! I got so many its like I'm valet parking. ...and I need to sleep. BIL SHOULD COME TO TOWN AT 7. JUST BEFUGGINCAUSE.

Blogback turned into a vindictive frigid prostitute, so I dumped it for Haloscan.

I haven't messed with the design of it yet, but it's better than blogback's "let you have it unlimited for 2 weeks, then add an ad banner, only allow 5 replies, oh and you're not allowed to delete messages anymore" bullshit.

So, we lost all the old comments. Shucky darn. Oh, and I haven't messed with the template any, so it's just the basic version. Blah. I'll deal with that later... Or not.

I showed Karl the blog today, and he was highly amused. I might add him to it later, although I don't think I want to imagine the kinds of things he would post. Karl is fucking crazy in case none of you have noticed that before.

Anybody else wish xmas was just over and done with? There is way too much bullshit here for me. Even 4 days off from work in a row isn't worth this. I fucking hate holidays... Especially xmas. I hate the family shit, I hate the giving/receiving presents shit, I hate the holiday shopping/shoppers shit, I hate the religious shit... It's just all bad. There is no silver lining!

I wish I were a bear, so I could hibernate. And maul people with my massive claws, etc.
Monday, December 22, 2003
ERRGHA! This weekend did sodomize the llama's ass indeed. Why? you all know i fuckerred w/ the work schedule to go to UNI and...see...jaime. Ok I wish i hadnt done this now. It was gay. At 830 we had about 12 peep wanting to go to the bar at midnight when jaime and i would get up there. Nope. About every 30 minutes id get a call from her friends as they each dropped out. By the time we got to Tama ( thats like 1/2 way there...right?) no one is goin to the bar cept me and jaime. WORTHLESS FUCKING TRIP. I wish that I had a time machine so i could kick my self in the nuts and stop me from going. Oh well. If id kick my past self then the same matter couldnt existi twice in the same space in history, hence i would a fistfucked reality, time, space, and all the strings and tape that hold it shottily together.

The card game is badass wes. Oh and the futon? YOU ARE ALL INTELLEGENT ENOUGH TO FIX THE FUCKING THING SO ITS COMFORTABLE. AND IF YOU CANT...BLAME DIRRTY GERRTY FOR FUCKIN IT TILL IT BROKE. Amish knows that all it requires is lifting the matress, moving the cushions, straightening the matress, and then sitting back down. Apparently someone wasnt thinking. The futon is not beyond all that you can imagine with 100% of your brain, Bil. And Andy? School is a fallacy. You shoulda listened to me like 3 years ago when i DIDNT go to college. I know i went back on my word with kirkwood and Ihicc but stilll.....shoulda listened to me.

Do i need to sleep? Prolly. I think i shall. we can hang out at dave's friday the 26th and then bils the 27th, for i have both of these dayzoff for rizzle. And God? Please dont let or have anyone tell Slogan Slayer about our weekend plans.

This has been a most frusterating couple of days.

I have to say that Bil probably enjoyed his weekend less than I have enjoyed these last two days, but not by much.

For the last three and a half years I've been busting my ass in various classes. I sat through the classes, I did the assignments, I paid the parking tickets...why? So that, when I finally completed my requirements for graduation, I could just slide into a comfy office job and never have to work at places like Pizza Hut or Rubbermaid EVER AGAIN!
Pizza Hut and Rubbermaid are the kinds of places that tear at the very fabric of your soul. They break your will down, brick by mother-loving brick. Mindless, repetative and boring. The only thing that kept me going when I worked at those places the first time 'round, was the hope that college would be my salvation. An education would surely save me from a life of drudgery.


There is no free-ride for the educated man. He has no garentee that his diploma will be worth any more than his toilet paper. Two and a half years after I left hell to search for something better, I find myself back behind the walls of bondage!

FUCK THE EDUCATION SYSTEM BROTHERS! Damn the man! He has led me back into the mouth of the beast!

Salvation lies within. The big office building in the sky, with the nice big coushy chairs and the good-smelling offices, and the hot hot can't be reached through education alone. The only thing education can hope to do, is to spark a fire within. Well I am on FIRE brothers...and I'm not talkin bout the pizza oven!

I am not going to die slinging pizza or plastics! I will reach that big office building in the sky. And when I get there, I'm gonna stand up on my desk, I'm gonna unzip my kahkis, and....and...and.......damn....I lost my train of thought.

Wherever a man goes, men will pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate oddfellow society.-- Henry David Thoreau
Well, two days into winter break and I still haven't rolled off the couch before noon. Today: after one.


Yesterday a chunk of my family congregated over a bunch of cookies and various other foods to celebrate Christmas. As soon as I walked in the door I was handed a string of small candy canes that just begged to be swung around like a metal chain. Maybe I will affix a tree ornament to the end and have a nice holiday mace.

Bil, sounds like you had a horrifically long night. At least you escaped the talk of the 6 x 4s.

About Christmasish time stuff: the 24th doesn't work well for Wes. He's the only person I've talked to yet, but I'm guessing a couple other people might have problems with the Eve. Maybe the night of the 25th? I can do anything, but I'd be able to do it sooner on the 25th, and Wes would be able to do it (probably...I guess he said he'd have to wait until after some dinner in another town...but that's not too bad).

By the way, 1000 Blank Cards was a success. A wacky success, but one nonetheless.
Yesterday was the goofiest day ever.

Here is what my schedule was like:

9 am - 'bout the time I went to sleep.

1something pm - Martin and Kenny call me -- they're coming over.

2ish pm - Martin and Kenny show up. We watch some ATHF, Sifl & Olly, and play some Capcom shit

Oh, and Martin found the Rival Schools 2 for dreamcast that he swore I still had, and lost somewhere. Martin = cockminister.

4-5pm - We decided to get something to eat. Went to Pizza Hut and got a couple of Sicilian pizzas. Made Kenny pay for them. HA HA.

6-7pm - Kenny and Martin leave for Des Moines. I go into Albia. Starting to hallucinate a little bit. I think Dave showed me some FOES stuff he created on a wrestling game.

7someting pm - Me, Wes, and Tin leave for O-town to see Return of the King. Get stuck in front of a railroad crossing that stays down because the train stopped 20 feet down the track. We wait for 10 minutes before turning around and taking the long way.

8something pm - Get in the theater, the movie is already started. The place is fucking packed, but we finally find 3 empty aisle seats up in the very front left corner. Sucks.

8-11something pm - Amazing shit happens. I learn to hold my bladder for an hour+. Chick behind me sighs whenever Aragorn or Legolas is on screen, and talks constantly otherwise. "No Frodo, don't do that!" "Oh, Sam..." "That's disgusting." "He belongs in an institution." ?!? "Incestuous hobbits." !!?!?? "Stupid Arwen." <-- HAHAHAHA. YOU CAN'T HAVE ARAGORN BITCH. I mean, even aside from the fact that he's a fictional character and whatnot.

Midnight - Back in A-town. Drowsy and can't stay awake anymore. Have a fitful couple hour nap on the edge of Dave's horrible fucking futon of pain. Went to sleep while people were playing Double Dash. Wake up to some fucking cardgame that apparently takes a thousand hours to complete.

2 am - The cardgame happens. There is talk of things best left unsaid by many people. Begin to wish I'd stayed asleep.

4something am - Wonder why the fuck I'm still awake and in A-town. Card game finally ends, and everyone leaves. I drive back to Chariton keeping watch for Nazgul chasing me on dragons in my rearview mirror.

5ish am - Home. Get ready for bed, but decide to 'check blog before going to sleep.' Smartly stay off of IIDB, (browsing II = goodbye 3hrs of my life) but unsmartly decide to check out a Project Justice FAQ. Boot up the game to 'try something real quick.'


4 pm - Wake up. Realize supposed to be at work. FUCK.

4something pm - 2ish am - Horribleness. Think about RotK a lot. Decide that RotK and seeing Wes/Tim were the only good to come out of this weekend.

So.... My place for xmas weekend? Shout it out, whorehoppers. I'll need to make some preparations if so.
Saturday, December 20, 2003

Carol and I are going to lunch, and then I'm aiming my car for Albia. I'll probably be in around six or so. Not sure where to head after that...
Merry Christmas Ye Bollocks!

Just so all you goofy bastards know, I did pass my French class. I failed the final, but I had a B+ so it only brought me down to a B-. So, I'm free. The fucks cannot repress me no mo! Now I need a job. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. For the next three or four weeks I'll probably be delivering pizzas to the citizens of Albia. While this will be a humbling experience...fuck it, I need the money.

Anyway, I'm going to be in Des moines all day today. None of you will likely see me. Try to hold back the tears.
Friday, December 19, 2003
Wes, we should decide what exactly it is we're doing Saturday.

I've got nothing planned, and the whole day is free.

When/where should we meet to do shit?

Oh, and to everyone: if we still gots nowhere to booze on Xmas weekend, we could always do my apartment. Yes/no?

Since Dave is a whore with a whorish schedule of whoreness, I'm going back to bed for a few hours. I'll be in Albia around 6 or so, probably...
Super Fatty Eat Attack.

Not much to say at the moment, except that everyone should ask Andy about his run-in with the law over an on-foot speed violation.

Last night Grrt karaoked some Stone Sour song in a bar. It atually wasn't too bad.

I'm hitting up Lord of the Bling Bling with Carol later today, and my room looks as if there might be new animal species living in it, so I'll probably be home sometime tomorrow afternoon. And once there...great and wonderful things will happen. Great! And Wonderful!

And Rommy called yesterday...he won't be back for Christmas. THE SUMBITCH! But he's gonna try to make it back in March.

May the whores be with you.
Good shittin lord. I watched that Bilbo video again. The girls have anti-war, anti- UN buttons on. WTF?! Its some sorta secret nazi thing i guess. Something those bastardly Redds conceived!!!

I dont know Ive not slept.
Matrix Fighting Game
Gollum Raps
Thursday, December 18, 2003
You know what your problem was, andy? Its that you WENT to your french final. I remember my days at Kirkwood. The testing areas got fucked up cuz of the number of agro and crim justice people was so large they had to compensate into other areas. I didnt find my french testing area even though they said it was in the classroom...whcih was full of agro kids. The other testing area the ag prof. told me to go to was full of crim justice kids. Fucking hell, eh? So what did i do? I had bronchitus at that time...I was sick of walking everywhere. So I just went home. Fuck the french! They were the real reason behind WWII. If they hadnt of given up so easily when the Germans came knocking, then the war woulda changed tides. Fucking french. They need to grow razors and shave their hairy bodies...point is andy--YOU GOT OWNED.

Hey...theres an idea for amish. Plane tickets to france! Hes as hairy as they are! He will fit in perfectly. Hell...amish loves Jerry Lewis as much as they do anyways.

Also: Does anyone know how to get to Llama School? I know i need to go to Tiko....and take my lil llamas. Its somewhere near Colorado, Colorado. LAS PALMAS! GET TO LLAMA SCHOOL!
Well....after hearing about Andy's luck with his French final, it just makes me want to run to class 2.5 hours earlier than necessary to take mine....Not so much, but that damned test will bring me to the end of this week, and the beginning of break, which unfortunately will be consumed by Pizza Hut. But, I should go study for said French final. Hey, here's an idea on what to get Amish for Christmas: the biggest bottle of Southern Comfort you can find, and a pair of women's jeans. That should tide him over for a while....At least a few days.
And, in response to the religion topic, I was actually there for the full extent of Andy/Amish's philosophical and spiritual debate, and it actually wasnt too bad, and some good points were brought up. Being raised with both Catholic and Protestant dogma, [very long complicated story] I have learned to see both the good points and bad in both, but have realized that there will always be your balls-to-the-walls people on anything and everything. So, just be tolerant I suppose. Well, that is all I have to say, must go study French.
Andy- I'm sure you didn't fail.
Everyone else- Drive carefully in coming back home.
Dave, you bastard! Tell my mom I want WHISKEY for Christmas!, that's a very bad idea...yoooou whore.

Yeah, Mickey did own that kid. Wow. When I was in Disney World way back in the day, Goofy flung my nephew (Christopher) over his shoulder and ran off into some wing of one of the restaurants. "Hayuck, sexual molestation!" Everything turned out okay...I think.

Mr. Hed: too bad. If you happen to fail...well, then, maybe we can create an international incident of some sort and pin it on the French...then our nukes will show them who speaks the superior language! Booya!

The Bilbo Baggins video is so fucking goofy that I can't get over it. If you want to know what Tolkien hears if he's in Hell, open the video in four or five windows ten seconds apart and crank the volume. Sweet madness! ... and click here for someone else's opinion of the song.
Well, I just got fucking owned by my french final. I was seriously going to start drinking at noon today because I fucking sucked so bad at that final. It was like being bent over by a mormon and having an entire litter of hamsters paraded into my colon.

If I fail that fucking class I don't graduate and I half to take it the fuck over...
If that happens, God help the first french person I run into. I would beat him for no other reason than his language sucking big Oliphant cock!

I'm not going to drink though...I'm just going to play very loud music and curse a lot....mostly curse the french.
You know what you can get Amish for christmas? You can get a beat some fucking motivation into him. He broke into my place cuz i accidentally locked the door. Did he come to K&G to get the key ? The answer has a No and a Fuck in it. He prolly pulled that stupid dull widdlin knife out and jimmied the lock (more like tommy'd the lock..the thevious nazi) and smoked his god damned cigars. So when he unwraps his Beatin Stick he can be like "Whats this?" and i can be all like "Its a stick to beat some fucking inspiration to get off your lazy ass once in a while." hell the stick could prolly double as an anti-ugly stick. A Purdy Stick HEH HEH HEH "YOU CAN SIT ON MY LAP FOR A BEATING! HEH HEH HEH!"

Oh yeah...what does Tim want? A certain "hooker" whos name rhymes with " Jim's Mom" needs me to find out. I was like very close to blurting out "SKKY VODKA!" but i was very concervative.

And summarizing all the repsonces, I suppose I agree now with the explainations about religous quotings on here. I just dont want this to turn into the night Amish and Andy got into it about salvation ...Ugh... We're all intellegent and can say our piece w/o slandering. I hope. Ok. If someone does get into stupid flaming assfuck religous pricke'mon....the field gets opened for the Purdy Stick.

And yes...Mickey owned that kid.

This is for Dave.
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
I totally agree with the things Tim and Bil said. Like Bil, religion and philosophy are a couple of my favorite subjects and I sometimes wish we talked about them more. Often it is this area of ones life that affects all the other areas the most, its important stuff...and stuff.
I've been one of the most notorious for getting into heated disscussions about religion. (I'm reminded of the time Nick actually called me a 'Catholic Nazi' and I wanted to powerbomb him through the Multipurpose room stage) And I'm sure I've said some stupid things...athough probably not nearly as fucking ignorant as 'Catholic Nazi'. However, since I've had a lot of religion classes to fulfill my Study of Religion minor,I've learned to discuss religion fairly calmly and rationally....fairly. I did kind of get pissed at my Ethics of Religion prof when we were talking about abortion, but he had a really dumb argument.
Anyway, point is, we might have had some unpleasent dealing before, but I think we are all mature enough to deal with it. And I also own a gun now, so if any of you fucks piss me off, you're going to find out how Smith and Wesson perfom lobotomy operations!!

Also, I would like to propose Scientology, Wicca(and other pagan types), Zoroastrianism, the David Koresh cult, Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, Feng Shui, Pyramid shit, Mowahidoon, and all phycics dumb enough to advertise on TV to be included in the list of religions open for bashing. I know some of those aren't exactly 'religions' but I want to bash them anyway. Just thought I'd check before I bashed, in case any of you became Druse without me knowing.

Well, I should get going. I need to go confess my constant masturbation and intercourse with sheep to some guy I don't know.*

(I really am going to confession now, but I'm not telling him about the sheep;)
So Andy and I were trying to figure out what to get Amish for Christmas, and the top choices are cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie mix. If anyone can think of any other canned goods Amish might like to fuck, let us know. Andy also considered a ball of bread soaked in milk, but the structural integrity would be questionable.

We also theorized that the 2nd and 3rd Matrix were inferior to the first because the original was a very personal story with strong implications for individual life, while the sequels were blown-up scifi action orgies. We hope to formulate these ideas in an article titled "Why the Second and Third Matrix Suck our Nuts." As soon as it's written, we'll let you know.

I'm an entrepreneurial genius. Let's start a booze delivery service! This idea actually started as a joke, but now I think it has strong potential. There are hardly any such stores in existence, and certainly none in this area. We would make crazy mad tips (cause people would be DRUNK!) and we'd also work to cut down on drunk driving (and we would ride that horse of self-promotion into the ground until its legs were bloodless stumps). How many times do people at parties wish they were sober enough to go pick up another twelve pack? Happens all the time.

So I did a google search on booze delivery, just to see if anyone's used the idea. There are a couple of places, including one in Florida, and according to this article it has pretty good support from the community for its efforts in cutting down on drunk driving. The only opponent was a damn MADD rep who feels the delivery service is dangerous "because there is no sure way to make certain that none of the beverage ever falls into the hands of a person under the age of 21." Well, that's just moronic. I know that most booze stores only sell bottles full of magic alcohol that turns to water in the mouths of minors, but ... blargh. Anyway, I know this was really goofily proposed, but .. it is an interesting idea with some potential.

About religious discussion: I'd hate to think we were better off for censoring it. Although there've been notably bad conversations on the subject, it's possible (and not a bad idea) to have occasional thought-out and respectful discussions. And since this is in writing and not in person, it should be even easier to not go crazy and set someone on fire with a flaming Bible. It's at least worth trying. This last occurrence seemed pretty good to me; unfounded prejudice and hate were more the topic than religion anyway. And it's better to talk about those things than to let them fester like the corpses of dead male hookers under Andy's bed.

Let's freestyle rap!
I hear you bout RotK, Bil. Fucking Tim, McBlowjob, and Gotehedd called me at 5 saying they saw it and wondered why I wasnt at work. Then they told me they woulda gladly come and got me if I had told em I wasnt at work; READ THE BLOG! I MADE IT CLEAR! I DIDNT WORK MON OR TUES! Now who doesnt pay attention to details?!

Im sorry I read into what yall were saying wrong. Lets away from pointing out wrongs or laughing at the beliefs of our group, aight? Lets just. not talk about religion on here. Please? It makes me pissy. least majority religions. Mormons are ok to bash, cuz there stupid.

Oh and everone should go here and see the fate of the world.
Also. Karl is a bastard.

He calls me up at 2:00pm and says he's going to RotK at midnight.

Do I want to go? What the fuck do you think?!


"Oh, you have to work?"


Karl is a fucker.
WTF Dave.

Wes said something about some old amusing anti-Pope propaganda. I posted a more recent example of amusingly insane anti-Pope propaganda (and I mentioned that those people were fucking nuts in case you didn't notice) and you suddenly decide it's 'open season' on Catholics?

Now, I'm hardly the Vatican's #1 fan, but saying "we can point out a bazillion points to prove the catholics wrong but theyll just burn us as the steak and see that we were saints like 200 or so years from now. But then prove us wrong in the same number of ways to show we are as wrong as they are" is just fucking stupid and wrong. Aside from not making very much goddamn sense.

Maybe you don't realize but at least half of us on the Blog either are or were once Catholic. Aside from that everyone here-- except you, apparently-- can have a calm and reasonable discussion of religion without turning into some kind of bigoted asshat. We actually had the starts of a nice discussion at Andy's last time until Kevin ruined it.

And hey Andy, you forgot about all the fucking insanely stupid atheists.

You fuck!
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
ANDY SUCKS! You Catholic bastard!

Ha ha! You fuck!
"we can point out a bazillion points to prove the catholics wrong but theyll just burn us as the steak" --DavO
as the steak? Like 'as a steak'? We Catholics are good cooks, but cook a human? I guess I could try. I do much better with baby though. The meat is much more tender. And Dave would be all bone and gristle anyway. We wouldn't want you.
I must admit the jesus-is-lord website made me want to carpet bomb the entire town in which the people who spawned that ludicrous site dwell, but I won't, for two reasons.
#1: I do not, in fact, posess the equiptment or ability to carpet bomb an anthill much less an entire town. Nor could I afford to aquire such armaments. (however, if I could the world would be far more interesting...or of the two)

#2: It has become very clear to me that no matter where you go, no matter what subject you seek, no matter what you think or believe...there is always going to be someone who is going to ignorantly hate your sorry ass. Even if you write Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction someone will hate you for Dave...and every other sentient being on the planet...especially the Hedgehogs. Not only that, but in every walk of life there is some dumbass that is going to make the rest of them look retarded. Like, I don't think every lesbian is like Ellen Degeneras(sp), and I know not every protestant is like Jerry Fallwell. They are merely piss-poor examples of those walks of life. You will find fucking retards wherever you go. There are retarded postal workers that shoot up their co-workers, retarded priests who molest children, retarded televangalists who swindel people, retarded cultists who wear nike and sacrifice themselves to a comet. And...yeah...I even have my own moments...months...maybe years, of stupidity. Like when I watch that stupid fucking show with Paris Hilton on it. MAN, thats fucking dumb TV.

So I had a point...its in all that stuff, sorta. The point is that hate is everywhere. In my opinion, it happens when people give in to the darker side of their nature. It is easier to hate someone than try to understand them.
I'm not going to justify the people who made jesus-is-lord by flaming them. Perpetuation of hatred will not solve anything. Fighting fire with fire will just burn your fucking town down. Instead I will probably pray for them. Thats how I deal with stuff like that now. I pray about it and try to forget it. Maybe you do something different, thats cool.

Like the guys who made South Park ingeniously said, through Mr. Garrison "Tolerance doesn't mean liking what other people do. It means putting up with it. You don't like the baby who is crying on the plane, but you tolerate it." Thats sort of a paraphrase.

Okay....I know that wasn't directly related to the subject. This is more of a response to reading the link Bil put up on his previous post.

Oh boy... I thought this topic was let to die in the desert...yes, we can point out a bazillion points to prove the catholics wrong but theyll just burn us as the steak and see that we were saints like 200 or so years from now. But then prove us wrong in the same number of ways to show we are as wrong as they are

My point? This can of worms is labeled DO NOT OPEN for a reason.

No mentioning of their baby eating ways.
Shit, there's still propaganda towards the pope today.

Bunch of fucking nuts out there.
P.S. some of the propaganda toward the pope cracks me up.

He is reported to say that fornication is not a sin any more than rubbing the hands together is.
He has a private demon whose advice he takes in all matters.

Word of the day:
1. Smug stupidity; utter foolishness.
2. Something that is utterly stupid or silly.

In case you wondered it comes from the paper I'm writing.

Phillip IV of France was distributing propaganda
to make the pope look evil,
or at least more evil,
or something...

anyway, he refers to the pope as "your great fatuity"
oh he also says that in temporalities he is subject
um to no-one. yeah. back to the paper now...
That's right, Andy and I will be visiting Smack Donut and breaking EVERY LAW CONCEIVABLE! I will be in the backseat rolling in creamed corn with a bunch of underage girls, while Andy records, and we will be eating various drugs the whole time! We will also mutilate and torture various celebrities, and do even worse things with others. Libido Boy, away!!!

I did see part of the Hebrew Hammer, Goatley, and the best line: "I like my women like I like my motzoh: unleavened." Much action ensues.

Saw some X Files outtakes tonight and realized how badly we need an office full of CRAZY SHIT. Just CRAZY SHIT! ALL IN CAPITALS! Would be great, we could run around Albia solving bizarre paranormal soon as we found some. So if anyone comes across anything along those lines, let me know.

I still haven't figured out why Birdo would evolve a mouth perfectly shaped for fellating all the other dinosaurs...if Birdo even IS a dinosaur.
OH! And if you were wondering why I kept using 'feck' instead of 'fuck' (I'm sure you weren't, but believe me: you want to know) click HERE and find out. Once you get there click on "Get your bollocks out of my face". They're all funny but that one is just fecking hillarious.
Hey ya feckin teetotallers! Hows about a HOT TODDY!

Its colder than Amish's bed in this bitch! Fucking windows leak air like Amish leaks gas! I should pluck all the hairs off his body and make some insulation! CAUSE HE'S FECKIN HAIRY! and he will never read the blog so I am totally safe

Did any of you guys watch The Hebrew Hammer last night? I really wanted to but I was busy writing another feckin paper. FECK!

Damnit...I can't think of any more ridiculous links to pimp.

Tim and I are going to go watch The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King tomorrow night! I plan to break as many laws as possible on the way. I'm going to break parking laws like a mad fiend. Then I'm going to flip a cop the bird. I will smoke while I'm doing it. Breaking the law is the greatest. I love to break the law. Especially parking laws. FUCKING PARKING LAWS! I break them every chance I get. If there were an FBI's most wanted parking violators I would be on that bitch!

Man, this has been a goofy couple of weeks. I finished most of my finals now though, and I felt the sweet freedom of not having seven papers and a few tests hanging over your damn head. Now I just want to PARTY LIKE A MAD NINJA GOAT!

Seriously though, I hope everyone else is just stomping the shit out of those demonic bastards sometimes called finals. I had a hard fight, but those son-a-bitches finally knelt before my awesome ability to stay up all night and type a bunch of bullshit on my laptop.

Anyway, hope the rest of the week goes well for everyone. I'll probably see most of you before the sun rises next sunday. Good Luck! I love you all! *kisses*

Oh, and if you have clicked on all of my others links: Thats cool, I hope you weren't freaked out too much. Just don't click on this one! Trust me, its just fucking wrong!

Okay, maybe that wasn't so bad....but this one!....just don't even think about it!

Yeah, alright, I admit it: I don't even know what the fuck that one is. Unfortunately, I do know what THIS ONE is....and oh....oh no....don't even. DON'T FUCKIN EVEN!!!

....i see elmo....everywhere!!!
Monday, December 15, 2003
Well, you know you attend a wonderful institution devoted to education when the guys in Oak have enough time to construct a giant 8 ft phallus out of snow....Blimey, I wish break was here. Sorry to disapoint all of you, but there shall be no sequel to last years festivities at my house. Besides, I think it would be pretty hard to top. Oh well, its late and I've got a test to study for in the morning.
Dave- congratulations in the asssisting our government with the capture of a much wanted criminal. What would we have done with out your wholesome and helpful site?
Tim- hopefully some assassins will swing through your window. I'd hate for your bottle swinging/dish throwing skills to go to waste...
Yeah....its time to go study...
Heh, I love Whitehouse.Org...

Also as expected, Saddam was found presiding over operations at a state-of-the-art Weapons of Mass Destruction control panel with a retractable top, hot babes and heliport – albeit artfully camouflaged to resemble an unstaffed, vermin-infested hole in the ground. It was here, from this advanced, zillion dollar terror complex that he concocted and carefully managed execution of his countless nefarious schemes – most notably his powerful, intoxicating ability to make us forget all about the people who were actually behind 9/11 by impersonating a filthy piece of poor homeless trash. Well that was his last mistake. Little did he know that this administration is even quicker at taking down the poor than it is at nabbing evildoers!
Nothing much happening here. Need to do homework, but I'm not...

This amuses me:
"Mr Powell had indeed appointed Mr Brown to be the first US 'secretary of soul and foreign minister of funk' but said the job description for the post had not yet been drawn up."
Hello. Im off today for the reason that Mary is stupid. I updated my site. I got rid of the rant page cuz well...i hated it. It didnt fit the rest of the site.

HOWEVER.....I did have a hand with catching Saddam. HONEST! Go to my site and see for yourself!

Whoooooooooo i should sleep.
"Drunk Man Beats Other Drunk Man with PlayStation"

Well, that has to suck.

Oh, and according to one of the audio commentaries on the ATHF dvd, there's going to be a new animated series. It's set in space and apparently the Space Conflict guys and the Mooninites will both feature heavily in it. Insanity.

Hey, what the fuck. It's 7:30 am, why am I still up?
Maybe it's just general insanity, but I'm going mad sitting in my apartment. Having no work is supposed to be FUN, not mind-numbing. Maybe it's just the combination of Adult Swim and boredom, but I'm wishing a bunch of assassins with swords would swing through the window or something. I could wield crusty dishes and an empty bottle of hooch like a madman. A MADMAN, I say!


Sunday, December 14, 2003
Oh, one more thing. Dave: Seriously bud, before you write a blog you might want to take a few slow...deep...breaths. Inhale *fwehhhhhhhhhhh*
And exhale *pwhhhhhooooooo* Then begin typing.
There will be ingestion of alcoholic substances on January the 3rd. I knew nothing of the other dates. As to the place and time and other details: See me in person!!

In the meanwhile, if any of you would like to join me on Thursday night I will be drinking...maybe heavily, depending on how finals go. I've already consumed too many children to keep count of and I'm hoping that keeps me hop hop hoppin and bop bop boppin till I face off with my French prof. That final is going to be in the classic style of French wrestling, where the person who surrenders fastest is the winner. I doubt I fare well, as I plan to BITE!

Also, do any of you know where I can get my hands on a ditch witch, also known as a ditch weasel. I'm willing to pay in cash as long as no questions are asked and I don't have to sign anything.
That Bilbo Baggins link is so crazy that I can't think of anything to say about it.

In response to Dave's post...I hadn't heard anything about plans for boozing on the 26th and 27th. But I haven't talked to anyone except Andy lately. So since it's such a big deal...where'd the idea originate? Just curious.
Heh, I bring the pain friend...

Bil I think will get a kick out of this.
Random, Japanese. Don't really know
whats going on, but I think somebody
does like a 110 hit combo or something...

This ones for Tim.
Click it, you'll see.
Needs Quicktime,
its worth it...

We should try this...
Knowing us it could be pretty amusing.
The scariest part of the description though, definately:
" 'Spaghetti Breakfast' is our slang/euphemism for 'Tentacle Rape'."
Um, ok...

GO, GO, GO!!! (i.e. I'm gonna go play Counter Strike now...)
Oh boy. Poor Bil. If my landlord gave a fucking shit about my complex, mebbe you would of avoided near death at the bottom of the deathtrap stairs. Mucho apologies.

I had a revelation while talking to Kelly today on MSN. Im assuming we're gonna have an after ball Christmas party at the appt. No big deal....oh wait yes there is. I WONT BE THERE! FUCK NO. IM GOING TO MAKE DAMN SURE THERE IS NO MAJOR PARTYING AT THE ATTIC APARTMENT WHILE IM NOT THERE! YOU FUCKS! How is this relevent? This week's schedule at work. I asked for either Friday or Saturday off. I asked nicely. Why? Jaime's 21st bday is this week. Yeah, call me a whipped bitch who is fighting an uphill battle for nothing. BUT I DONT CARE. I made a pledge. This is in the honor department, ANDY. You have the biggest problem when i make these promises but you dont really realize that its a promise nonetheless and promises arent made to be broken. ANYWAYS, i was supposed to go to her 21st drunkfest and I asked Mary for either friday/saturday off. FUCK NO. Amish doesnt have to work overnite. I have to. What days do i get off? MONDAY AND TUESDAY---THE EXACT OPPOSITE DAYS OF THE WEEK. WHAT THE FUCKING BLUE HELL IS THIS DONKEY SHOW?! Tis the fucking KUM&GO schedule. DOOOP E DOOOO! A jar of mayonnaise and woodchips could easily see this is fucking stupid. If this donkey show could happ this week...imagine me asking for the 26-27th off for a christmas bash at my appt. HA! NOT GONNA HAP! Im afraid im gonna have to pull the black ball out on this event. Heres what IM gonna say

Thatll scare her into gettin me 2 days off. Hope you all are happy for puttin alcohol in my place into a problem.

Oh and Andy? I wasnt tryin to diss you or degrade you w/ the honor spell i said. I was clarifying a point of honor. :D

If by misunderstood you mean his insane rantings are unintelligable as he attacks you with a spork...
Wacky. Must say I didn't expect that one any time soon, or ever.
And also, when it comes right down to it, at weddings, when its all celebratory and shit...

Sometimes I wish I could fire small arms into the air as well...

To paraphrase from above link: (I sifted out most of the shit that sucked)
blah blah blah sent people streaming into the streets... firing guns in the air in celebration.
"We are celebrating like it's a wedding,"

Um? Ok, no wedding going for me when I come for a visit thanks. Me firing guns is one things. You guys doing it (and probably drunk, it IS a wedding), just scary.
Stuponfucious you might say...

oh and speaking of Double Dash...

And if you were wondering,
I bring those blue sparks too,
Check this shit out (first graphic on the thread)

Eyes.... Twitching...
I just about killed myself lugging that fucking TV down Dave's lightless, ice-encrusted stairs. WATCH THAT LAST STEP WHILE CARRYING A 100lb OBJECT! IT'S A DOOZY. But hey, at least I have a TV at home now. Probably should have brought home the 'Cube while I was at it. After all, it sure seemed like I didn't have enough shit to carry.

Why have we not invented lightweight TV's yet? When are the prices on flatscreen TVs going down to human levels? Probably about the time they invent fiber-optic sheets of plastic that do essentially the same thing and are able to be rolled up and easy to carry, and cost you your firstborn child plus a limb or two.

In other news, the Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVD is the shizznittle bizbang, as the kids say these days.
Saturday, December 13, 2003
Holy damn. EVERYONE needs to buy the new FHM cause Neve Campbell is one FINEASS BEYATCH! !!! I will have to invent my own language just to describe how incredibly damn tongue-burningly, apartment arsonistly HOT she is. Maybe my perception is heightened by my remembrance of what she looks like in goth clothes in that one movie with the witches.

Aside from the cover picture, I'm pretty much ignorant of the magazine. I haven't opened it yet. But I can fully endorse standing at Kum & Go and drooling.

In case Carol reads this, all that was a joke.

And if she doesn''s pretty obvious.

Today I picked up Kart for Carol's Christmas present. At the moment, she's running along Dry Dry Desert. I just heard her say something about "that fucking bowling ball with teeth on the front of someone's car." Har.

Back next week.

Friday, December 12, 2003
Last night Garrett and I crossed FIELDS of icy tundra to see if Andy was still alive. He was like....connected to his computer, and looked as if he'd been living in a cave for weeks, feasting on children. The English department was trying to take his soul.

Dave: Come to think of it, I don't even know no old James.

Speaking of...I wonder if Lucas is still alive...we could sacrifice him to Andy for sustenance.

The Garrett fest was not too bad, although he beat me in the smashing of the bros. He was a little drunk last night, and probably announced "Numbcock" twenty times in Goat's apartment. NUMBCOCK! NUMMMMBCOCK!
Hmm. Yeah. Last day of classes. Oh hell yeah. Work still to do though, unfortunately. Nothing much new here. Trying to find stuff to do over break. I hope to do some programming, time will tell.

Ah, for you comic fans there is some interesting shit at you should check out.
And for Dave and Bil there is interesting theory stuff about how web comics should be made at his site here...

Um, yeah. Thats all as I must be off to class soon...
Good Shittin Lord, Andy. Your posts get bigger and bigger. Climb Mt. Sainai again and bring down the REAL tablets.

A good link would prolly be TWISTED KAIJI THEATRE just because it beats all. Oh, and 8-BIT THEATRE . Two very good webcomix we should all worship.

I had a great idea for a product. HA! FOOLED YA! ITS BUTTER! Thats right...its just a tub of butter. Think about it! heres a couple quotes thatll promote this product.

Wow this toast is great. Is this Jam?
This is some really good wine....
Quick! Gimme something to cover this wound! OW! SHIT! WHAT IS THIS?
Damn my eyes are any Visine? oh here it is.....

I think its funny. Shut up. Hope yall enjoyed Dert Mudfesterer's visit. Did he pawn off Spiderman finally?

I got nothing...gone!
Yeah, okay, I guess it is just different computers. Thanks Bil. Oh, could you add Real Live Preacher's Blog to our list of links?

So...its like six thirty..or something. I'm not really sure. My stomach has seen a strange variety of mexican food, alcohol and caffine thoughout the course of the night. Its not pleased. Thats the bad news. The good news is that whore of a fucking ass-ramming-cock-gobbling-shit-eating-rat-loving-sheep-scrogging-recum-licking-piss-poor excuse for a paper is DONE! SHIT YEAH! There is much rejoicing.

soo....umm.... You guys know the difference between Neil Armstrong and Michael Jackson? One walked on the moon....and one has sex with little boys! OHHHHHH thats a doosey....*sigh*

This sucks. I can't go to sleep, cause if I do I won't wake up till Sunday and I have to turn this paper in at nine. So I just sit here, with the sun sitting over the horizon....taunting me. Hes sitting just over the horizon saying, "Hey Andy. Bet you'd like it if I came up and made it daytime so you could turn in your paper and go to sleep. That'd be nice wouldn't it? WELL IT AIN'T GONNA FUCKIN HAPPEN! Thats right asshole, I'm just gonna take my sweet-ass fuckin time! Maybe that'll teach you to wear sunglasses, and sunscreen, ASSHOLE! You will know the aweful price of angering the sun...BITCH! I will smite you by not coming up and plunging your bitch-ass into a permenant wintery NIGHT! BWA HA--mutherfuckin--HA!"
Yeah...fuck you sun, I hate you.

Could we get a coffee machine on the blogger? Seriously, or maybe just a caffine IV that comes out of the modem or USB port or some shit? I know, I don't know jack about computers, but thats possible right? You can send caffine or coffee through fiber optics right? NO!?! WHAT THE FUCK? I thought we were supposed to be fucking technologically adcanced! What the fuck is it all about? So I can take a digital picture with my cellphone, I can locate porn of my 2nd grade teacher in like ten minutes or less, I can program a robot to wipe my ass, BUT I CAN'T GET A CAFFINE IV THROUGH MY MODEM? What the fuck have we been working toward? Have we been fucking around with microchips and shit for the last thirty years so that mattel could produce fucking Limbo Elmo? I don't fucking think so, okay!?! I want my caffine IV and I want it fucking PRONTO! No passwords or credit card numbers or age validation or any fucking waiting list...I just want an IV to fuckin hop out of my computer and be like "Hi Andy, I'm your caffine IV for the day...plug me in and lets get crackin! Thats all we really need to invent...I just want my computer to be able to jerk me off and give me caffine. Wait...where the hell did the jerking off shit come from? Okay, I really just want some friggin caffine and to be jerked, no caffine just a hard jerking off.....FUCK! jerky, just coffee!! sonofabitch....I gotta piss....can I get a robtic bedpan in here please.....?
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Hello all...This afternoon Bil invited me to join the Blogger. So, I shall accept, and join the rest of you fine folks. That is if it is kosher... But, I must go for now, French has taken me over....If anyone ever wants to take French, JUST SAY NO!!!
Dave is definitely on some bad coffee.

Goathed: good luck with the papers. Garrett and I will play jacks or marbles or something. Or go fish.

Bil: another good link might be Overclocked (with the remixed vidjo game music):
Again: Why does the post page change every time I post. And this version doesn't supply me with a link option. The fuck!

Well, to update you all, I'm FUCKING busy. I had Tae Kwon-do testing last weekend and I advanced in rank. So this week I've been learning my new form. Also, I have a twelve page whore of a fucking paper to write by tomorrow morning. Then I get to start on an eight-page paper (due monday) followed by some intense studying for three tests. FUCK THEM ALL!!

I've been intentially reading a lot of Thoreau lately to counter the intense fucking by the man. Its made me feel better. Dave has made me feel better also, because he reminds me that there are those more fucked up than myself in the world.

So, the bad news: Tim, no party tonight. I've got too much shit to do. The good news: Next week we are going to drink till we achive Bodhi!!

Also, Jeff brought up a couple of speakers that will blow the damn top off those fuckers' bongo downstairs.

"Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak."--Henry David Thoreau, from Walden
I don't particularly like some of the the way some of stuff I added today looks, but most of it needed doing. I'll tweak it later. Comments and ideas and whatnot appreciated.

Also: Give me links to whore. Permanent shit. I love Badgers (Ooooh, it's a snaaake!) too, but it hardly needs a permanent spot on the right of our Blog.

Oh, and if anyone out there from 'our group' is reading this and wants in on the Blog, just leave a comment on one of my posts. Anyone that hangs out with us is allowed to be on here.... Shit, I'd let ODB on here as long as he didn't just complain about "the rap music" or how great Viagra is, or whatever it is the elderly bitch about these days.

I also think that Dave needs to switch to decaff of whatever the fuck he's drinking.

Either that or switch the caffeine content to alcohol content.

It's almost 8am and the sun is fucking out, so I'm going to bed.
Denise Dye is a fucking shit lord cock smoking demoness from the very anus of hell. Why? She HAS to buy scratch off tickets at 3 A Damn M every FUCKING morning. So last nite whilst i was talking to myself at work (its one there to lament to but meself) I spot her car and proclaim "DENISE! JUST LEAVE!" as i always do when she pulls up. Nope. NOT THIS TIME. FATE HAS YET AGAIN PUNCHED ME IN THE PEEPEE STICK. Denise is an old fuggin hag whos also the biggest gossipin trollup in A-Town. FUCK HER IN THE FACE WITH A KNIFE. Tim...theres a prime brain to fuckstart!

oh how did the Dert Gert UNI thing go?

Oh about the working....MONEY ISNT EVERYTHING YOU GREEDY TITS! Money is good yes but at what cost? Have you learned nothing from Scrooge or George Bailey ("You can judge a man's wealth by the number of his friends" *tear*) ??? This whole 6 days a week is gonna be a whack job of Biblical proportions. Let me ask you this...would YOU want to work 52 hours a week? At the same wage? With NO BENEFITS? Ponder that you Denise Dyes....
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
I had to update and confirm that yes, real dolls are damn disturbing.

If you liked the badger video, you'll love this. Well...actually they're not very similar at all, and there's not much music. But . . . just trust me. I've endorsed other great ideas like brain fucking and hijacking alien spacecraft.

I definitely prefer the slightly wider middle section. It looked a little compressed before, but now . . . I just want to make love to it. Sweet fucking love. I might have to take a break to hump my laptop's USB port.

Dave, enjoy your time off, since it sounds like you won't have much. At least you'll be damn rich. And since I know you won't be spending that money on a real doll, perhaps you'd like to know about furries (or probably you already do). I didn't want to search out any examples, but from what I hear it's porn with people in anime animal suits, and the featured performers are usually exclusively male. Yeeha.

Now that I've littered this board with horrible things, I'm leaving. I think Garrett is coming tonight.

I think the Goat and I are both staying here in CF this weekend.
If you want the thing to be blank in backblog then you should use a non-breaking space:
& n b s p ;
minus the spaces in between letters. It will force it to make a blank character in there, which should fix things.
I would type an example, but then it won't appear at all. Surprise surprise...

Bil is....s...stupid. Shut up. Ill prolly update me site today with more Gerts in time. So check it out like late tonite or sometime tomorrow. Or some shit.

I dont work friday so if yall are coming down for the weekend or for friday Ill be open. Saturday I work 3pm-11. (GASP!) so saturday nite is open as well. And it snowed like a motherfucker too.

WARNING TO UNI! Gert is going up there today!!!! Or mebbe tomorrow....just thought id let you know.
Dave is stupid and I am smart.
...the link didnt post... WHY?!?! Oh well. Go to Newgrounds and go to the Badger. (
It's always something negative with you, isn't it? Small. Hmm, I'm assuming you meant that the post section is too narrow. Well, I went in and squeezed all the margins and padding in the other bits and stretched this middle section out. It's quite a bit larger now, percentage-wise. I also made the title pic 25% smaller since it was a bit too big on the shitty computer at work, ended up skewing the sidebars. I think the main problem is that everything is "margin" based. That means that all the slack of a smaller screen/shittier resolution will be taken up in the post size. On my screen the post is well over half the screen, on Wes's monster monitor it's probably more like 75% of the screen. On the shit-box at work, the post is less than 1/3 of the screen (which admittedly doesn't look too hot...).

As for "bland..."

Fuck, I don't know. I think it looks pretty sweet. It's smooth and nothing clashes and blue isn't a bad color by any means. You're apparently going to have to school me on this "bland" thing because I'm totally lost on it. What's bland about it? Enlighten me. Everyone in #infidelchat thinks it looks pretty damn good (after we cleared up a problem that shows up in the Opera Browser and none of the others). And well, seems like 3/4 of them are hackers, webdesigners, and/or artists.

If you want a different color scheme, I'm open to suggestions. Throw me some ideas here. Here's all the colors we can use.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
I dont like the new look. Its kinda bland. And small. Its like....okay i wont make a reference out of that. Ok Im sorry Im naysaying....but hear me out. Ive had a butt plugging day so far and its not gettin better. I tried to make Panburger partner tonite. It was an abomination. At least it covered up the smell of Amish's god damn stank ass cigars . NEW FUCKING RULE ASS MONKEYS : NO FUCKING CIGARS IN MY APARTMENT LESS THEY ARE $20 A POP! I swear Amish goes into the discount swank shop and sez "Hello, vendor. Give me your cheapest piece of shit cigars that smell just as they cost!" I found a bag of these labrador turds at my place. The slob. I walked in this morning and was bludgered to death with the rank of those ill begotten canger logs. Oh and Kevin quit Kum&Go. What does that mean? I get to work 7 days a week! FUCK NO. I hate this! Its like Fate is fist fucking me again! This proves that GOD HATES ME! I am the cosmic shame! Im going to go listen to Dido and cry myself to sleep until i have to go to work....ERRRREEEEEEEAHGHH!!!
Ok, I think the new design is basically finalized. If you hate something about the design, speak up now. Other than the design and filling in of the LinkWhoring box on the right, I'm not going to change much unless someone really hates the look.

On the left, you'll notice a couple of new buttons. We have a counter now. It's free, but gives some damn detailed info. 'bout the only thing more I could ask for from it would be listing referral URLs (not that we have any, yet).

The 'blogBack' comment thing is done, and I even made the comments look like our posts. So, if you hate how I made the posts look... Well fuck you.

blogBack says that it will turn into an ad-based, maximum of 5 comments, 'free' thing soon. Depending on how much use it gets before it turns into a whore, I might be willing to shell out the 10 dollars a year for the full version.
Interesting. It looks good. Much different. Black borders are one thing bil, but 2px thats just pushin it. Also was wondering whats up with the feedback thing. It has a link now, but it doesn't seem to have anything else much. Is that an "up and coming" sort of thing as well? Grumble... Back to work...
P.S. They are doing construction in the building I am supposed to be answering tech support calls in. LOUD construction, not sure how this ones gonna work out...
Is it possible to be hungover from lack of sleep alone? Blargh...

I visited Andy's last night. He's got enough Christmas lights up in his living room to cause a holiday seizure.

The Lego sites are good stuff, especially the Brick Testament. Oh yes.

Ok, I got bored and started tweaking shit. Fuck you, it looks better now!

Holy shit, I'm tired.

I'm kinda obsessed with the 2px black border now. Overdone it slightly. Oh well, I'll fuck with it some more tomorrow night I guess.
Changed the look a bit... I like the way it's looking now and will probably keep moving in a 'thisish' direction, but if anyone out there hates it let me know.

That thing in the right will eventually be our LinkWhoring opportunity. I haven't quite decided how to arrange it or what to put in there exactly, but if there's any permanent shit you'd like to see us link to, post it.

Dave, Andy, and Tim's personal sites as well as are obvious ones. You don't need to mention those.

I also need to put up a little description thing somewhere including how to get on the Blog. I know a couple of our errant group members have expressed interest in joining.

Not to me, of course. Since I'm the admin and can actually invite them to join. Asking me would apparently be too fucking smart.
Monday, December 08, 2003
Legos are hot!
HA! I just recieved Transmetropolitan 9: The Cure. I then downed it in one sitting and there was much goodness. Devin reads it even as we speak. Yes, be jealous fools. Now if they'll just bring 10...
(P.S. The chair leg of truth rocks hard solid ass as well, no offense Dave)

In the mean time I wish I had a doctorate. Listened to a talk today and she was all like and now I will present this through proof by CAPITAL LETTERS. That is big pimpin. If I could do that in my classes I would be set. Unfortunately Devin (who was also at the talk) informs me that you can only do that when teaching to undergrads who wouldn't understand anyway. So I guess I just need to be a pompous ass of a professor (or student) and just presume that nobody understands.

I beat freedom fighters. It was cool, not neccesarily of its merit (though it had plenty), but because I say so. I would explain it, but you wouldn't understand...

Alright, I take it back. That kinda sucks, after that brief outing of my theory even I wanna kick my ass. Oh well, back to the drawing board...
AH HA HA!! Thats fucking hilarious! Dave as the Hobo King, Tim with five cookies stuffed in his gob, Garrett sodomizing time...YOUR SITE ROCKS HARD SOLID ASS, DAVE!!

Old man winter is amassing an army to wreak his revenge upon us, Wellsie. Try to stay warm.
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Dave, I fear you are sticking the quetips too far into your ears.

I like the idea behind freedom fighters. Sounds cool.

Tonight, after the Metrosexual romp, lets do something besides hang out at Dave's and continue the ruination of our eyes. We stare at videogames, movies and computers enough. Lets bake cookies and make apple cider, then we can go down to the lake and go ice-fishing, or maybe widdle wooden soldiers...ah, fuck it, lets just get drunk and stare at the glowing god.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. ...I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."
Grumble. Heh. I got a new game. Its called freedom fighters. It rocks.

US loses cold war. Soviets take over New York, you and friends are trying to take it back.

Um yeah. So I'm gonna go play that now...
Hmm..plans? You go do your own thing, Bil. Tim and I are going to do MetroSexual things on the square behind panes of glass! Its like we're specatcles at a freak show...of PAIN!

I think tonite late late in evening should be a night of the brotherhood of brawl you fucking BIYITCH!

Hmm what else? Oh Kelly wants to watch the Sexy Pirate Movie. Thatll be cool to do after bein Metro in public. Any objections? Good.

Andy? Booze Gift Box still bad idea in DaveWorld. Understand that in DaveWorld, FLCL made sence. Certain gourd-resembling party's logic, however, doesnt. Intellegence of said entity is comparable to a jar of blended mayonnaise and wood chips, for that matter.
Gamera is spelled with one "m" technically.

I'll be in town today. Somebody... Post something here about what's going on, or MSN me. I'll be hungry, and I want to buy a DVD. I can either go to K-ville to buy shit and then head in to Albia, or we can make a roadtrip to O-town. Or whatever. Unless we get more snow while I sleep, things should be ok. I should be up around 3 or 4pm.

Tim: we need some Princess/Princess action. Booyah!

Seems the template I have set up is a real bitch to mess with. I might have to rewrite a ton of shit to change the look of the blog even a little bit. So... I gave up for now. Maybe next week I'll update it... Or something.
Friday, December 05, 2003
Andy, I dont need a haymaker..but Id LOVE a cotton djinn for Christmas! Ive heard a lot of peep recommend me to the Mormon episode Bil, so BRING IT ON! As of this post, the snow was melting pretty well on the Highways. I dont think we're doing anything tonite. Tomorrow night, like Saturday, Tim will be back? I hope so. The snow is callin for wacky ass shit to happen with a camera. Heh. Camera sounds like GAMMERA! GAMMERA IS REALLY NEAT HE IS FULL OF TURTLE MEAT WE ALL LOVE THE GAMMERA!

oh...and by the way to tim and andy....

I don't think Dave will like the Mormon episode that much.

So. Any plans this weekend? The roads are looking pretty shitty so far. I want to know what I'm risking life and limb to do.
Shotglass Chess

Fuck yeah. We need this.

Also: I have the Mormon episode of South Park and some new Aqua Teen Hunger Force. ROCK.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Dave, I will SOOO give you a HAYMAKER!

One of y'all need to drag Jimmy to Christmas in Atown. I dont know bout you, but Christmas isnt Christmas w/o a muppet around.

The gift-package just sounds like too much of a hassle than a helping, Andy. Besides, Wal Mart is a community killer.

Im so glad payday is tomorrow. Im sick of living off Maruchan Noodles-in-a-Cup. Man CANNOT live on carbohydrates and Hiland sandwiches alone! Whatre we doing after the Victy Stroll? Kage was talkin bout watching PIRATES.

Oh and my word for andy? Is YOURS.
Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the phonecall Tim...YOU FUCK! By the way, I need you to explain to everyone just how wonderful my gift-package idea is. They are non-believers.

The way it was supposed to go is that everyone sort of chooses the one they want, and then they get that one. Its not communal, they don't have to share if they don't want to. So really its pretty much like buying your own, only someone else does it for you. I thought about making it a surprise but then I figured that no one would like what they got.

by the way, the new word of the week is up.
Scrote lives! Somebody needs to move him into my proximity in the not too distant future...
Tonight Gert and Scrote showed up outside my door. It was a damn good thing, too, because I've been pretty much chained to my desk all week and I was bordering on madness. We went to gamestop and I blew some money. Ooooh yeah.

Scrote is now employed by the Home Shopping Network. Yep. He does manual labor at their Waterloo office, unloading trucks full of the stuff people return when they realize how much money they dropped on impulse purchases. He said that in the break room, the home shopping network plays on the TV, and the channel button has been removed.

We ate at the really good Chinese restaurant, and it was yummy.


Best bumper-sticker ever.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
A message board it is not, but you should feel bad for spamming it anyway. Whore.

Ug. Finished writing a first draft of a paper a bit ago. Now what to do...
A break is in order I think.

Andy its probably like 16 gauge 1/3" ID or something.
I can probably use them for something.
I'll try to remember to remind you.

I'm up for trying a variety of different stuff, though I must agree that I'm not sure it would work out very evenly...

Grrrr... I have another idea for a game bil. I like it... I need to decide on one and stick with it. I'll email you when I get it written up or something. I'd like to get something done on a game over my break, if you are down anyway. I'm really not up on the art end of things and could definately use concept stuff, as we have discussed on previous occasions... I'll try to write it up soon so as to recieve some sexy feedback...

It's a Blog. Not a message board. A blog.

You're not supposed to be changing your nickname every day. It's allowed to be changed in case you actually change your name to something else, but in general you're supposed to leave it alone after signing up.

I think after you change it you have to repost or republish or something before the change goes into effect . It's not meant to be changed on a whim, though, so constantly changing it will probably fuck things up. One of the reasons why I'd rather everyone just left it as their plain first name. (aside from how I might eventually reference it in the HTML, and changing it from what I've referenced to would fuck the code up)
Ok sorry for spamming this message board but I was on the phone and my dad wouldnt stop yakkin about politics. A booze box? Uh....ok. Wouldnt it be cheaper if we just bought the contents ourselves? If we go in with this BoozeBox, its very unevenly distributed. I mean, yeah sure itll be drank but very unevenly distributed. Amish can fly thru a bottle of Jack Daniels faster than any one of us. So that means that if I wanted to get drunk off the Jack Id be blowin 20 dolla on mebbe 5-6 shots while amish would GUZZLE the Jack and the vodka? Fuck. Tim and Wes would inhale that faster than ...well...really. fast. Its just very unevenly distributed booze amounts is what Im saying, and the math is not adding it all together. Yes I know it comes with glasses and shoe bags...but it clicks in my brain that just buying bottles individually and sharing/caring it amoungst us is a lot better economically than throwing a bunch of money in a pool. Its like Person A buying a large pizza for 13 people. Sure, a pizza can be cut into 12 slices...but does it mean Person A gets a slice? Who gets left out? Is it worth it? Explain the booze bottle sizes. Are they individually normal to sell sized bottles or are they like lil sized ones for a gift box? Im lost. My name magically fixed itself. Musta been a wizard. Im not NAYSAYING. Just be more specific in this idea Andy!
What the hell? I cant change my nickname! Its SOLID! not SOLD! WHY?!
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
Wes- I used your dowel and whatever gauge recomendations you made, so you would probably know better than I. I cut them over a year ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy(whats new?).

Okay, so Christmas is coming and I was thinking this year we should all get presents for/from one another. A great way to do this would be for each of us to throw $20 in a pot and purchase Booze gift-packages from Wal-Mart or Target. Tim and I are still researching these gift boxes, but the ones we've seen so far are very cool, reasonably priced...and they contain intoxicating liquids, so what the problem? The ones we've seen so far are Bacardi (various flavors) w/glasses, Citron w/hip flask, Bombay Sapphire w/big martini glass (and when I say big, I mean "HOLY MONKEY DOO thats a big glass), Jim Beam black label 100proof w/golf shoe bag(yeah, we thought it was fucked up too), some kind premium vodka w/ice shot glass tray thingy, and Irish Mist w/two sweetass tumblers. I figure we could pick out whichever ones we wanted. There were others, but those were the ones that I remember. The most expensive ones are only $21 and some of them were only $12.

If everyone else wants to get in on this I'm sure we could do some more research and give a complete list of all the gift packages so people could pick the ones they want.
Muhaha. I didn't mean to unleash evil in the nickname knowledge... Sorry Bil.

Speaking of freaky...

I have recieved no chainmail from andy. I dunno. I might use it. I have more than I can manage to really do anything with already though. For the time being any way. And its stainless steel, which is kinda nice. Maybe I'll steal yours to prototype and play since its not so pricey. Don't suppose you know how big the rings are, gauge and inner diameter? That would be helpful.

I have no birds here, but I'm giving you one anyway. AS HARD AS I CAN!
Why does the post page change every time I log in?

Dave- Don't play Pretty Pretty Princess Dress Me Up. They have it set up so the controller injects you with addictive chemicals that make you want to play it ALL THE TIME!

William- No, I didn't run that search....then.

Tim- Answer your damn phone, I want you to go to Wal-Mart with me.

Wes- Did I give you that giant box of chainmail rings or did I drunkenly forget? And could you use them if I did give them to you, or have you moved on to the better rings for good now?

UPDATE: The bird has been dealt with. Jeff caught him and struck him, many many times, in his birdy head. We then played birdy baseball. I hit a homerun right out our balcony door. Miraculously, the bird survived and is now sueing us for $5,000 for alleged trauma we inflicted upon his bitch ass. I tell you, whats the world coming to when you can't beat the hell out of a bird that invades your home, without fear of legal action. Fuckin lawyers!
I had a bird in my apartment a while back. It was scared. I fear leaving the attic apartment today cuz I had a bad series of dreams involving sasquatch and yeti, again. Just about as scary as whales. Im gonna update my site tonite. That is if Im still motivated. I need to find $15,000 dollars by January. The banks that AiC recommended me to are really anal about my credit (lack thereof) and its a lost cause at the moment. Hopefully something is prevailent.

Oh, and I wanna play Pretty Princess Dress Me Up. Sorta....
Andy, please tell me you weren't the one that did that search. Not that either a yes or a no from you would surprise me.

THERE IS A BIRD IN MY APARTMENT! Its just fucking flying around like, "Hi, I'm a bird, I'm gonna poo all over you're stuff."

I don't fucking beleive this shit! We thought there were mice in our vents or whatever, so we opened one up to put some d-con in it. And today I was just sitting at my desk when I saw a black something out of the corner of my eye. Sure enough, I go to investigate and WHAMMO! Bird in my fucking face! All flappin and jip jappin! After I changed my pants I whipped out a dag sword and a garbage bag in an attempt to either capture or kill the beast. I couldn't find the damn thing. It went into stealth mode or something. I opened up our balcony door but it didn't seem to want to leave. I'm currently locked in my room praying the bird doesn't figure out how to open doors.

I'll post again if I ever figure out where the damn thing went.
Seems to be having a bit of a problem loading tonight...
Monday, December 01, 2003
The World According to America

Blah. HTML is quite uncooperative today.

I'm going to try adding a comment link to each post (so we can respond to individual posts without having to make a new one, as well as allowing the unwashed masses to respond to our posts) this week sometime.

The other main thing deals with information in the sidebar at right. Anything you freaks would like to see over there? Links to webpages? Email addresses? Profiles? I know I need to put up something about joining the blog, since the invitation post is off the main page now and some people are apparently confused about joining.

Also: Although I'm not doing anything with the nickname field yet, it may become a lynchpin in the post design later, so I'd prefer it if we didn't start treating it like our MSN names. I'd really prefer it if everyone just left it as their first name, but I can live with a webhandle or a real nickname. Since I'm not using it yet, and I'll let you know if/when I ever do use it, feel free to go crazy with it for now.

Just don't get too used to it.

I have to go to work here in a bit. Damnation!
Damn the classes.

I emailed my boss today and told him I was skipping work to finish writing a few papers for tomorrow. This is what I got back:

No problem buddy. Prevail over the scurvy devil-dogs.
See you when you have vanquished thy to do list.

I found some decent mp3's from Hunter at the official website ( or something like that) a while back. Worth checking out if you're into zombie-slaying music.

Andy: Carol as well noticed that my jaw is made of wood. Now I will have to kill you both.
Yeah, I was damn busy all of break, but next weekend should be....better. And I'm never too busy to make a fool of myself, or hang out with you guys...and BOTH? Count me IN! I hope Tim can find those chains I wore last year. Scrooge can win a hand and start celebrating and I'll throw down my cards angrily and proceed to strange his ass with my chains. YEAH, HOWS THAT FOR A FULL HOUSE BIATCH!

By the way, never turn your heat off for any extended period during the colder months. I got back to my apartment and there were icicles hanging off the entertainment center.
YOURE FREAKY, WES! Ok Im apolgizing for being an asshole today to everyone. Im bored.
Tim, when you log onto go to edit your profile and change your nick name. That is what will appear over your post unless its not specified, then it uses first name instead.

I need less work so I can play more games dammit. Could somebody please inform my professors please?

P.S. I don't think any of you really play counter-strike but I must say the new patch with autobuy and rebuy weapon options is nifty. Too bad it only works with the visual menus. I hate the visual menus, why can't they have added them to the text menu too. I guess I could probably add them myself, but still... PAIN, they should do it for my lazy ass.

I wanna play cards... Could do without costumes and bar windows though. Thats just freaky...
Cool. The Victorian Stroll thing. Remember last year when Andy was EXTREMELY tardy for this? Im thinking that it should just be Tim and Dave for the reason that Andy is busy as a bee from the time he gets into Atown to the time he leaves. He didnt even hang out at the apartment but for 5 minutes! It makes me sad. Amish has to work on Saturday 3-11 and theres no chance that he can switch cuz Megan is stupid and wont budge less a River of Pisser tells her to. Oh well. If Andy aint busy sweet he can be Jacob (Bob) Marley. Otherwize, yeah. Ill be Cratchet Tim will be Scrooge and the both of us will be a spectacle....unless I go to Indianola and get drunk.

And Bil? I can make my website whatever the hell color combinations I want.

Oh and in closing, Final Fantasy X-2 should be referred to from now on as Pretty Princess Dress Me Up.