Friday, February 29, 2008
Dear Peeps;

Wow if you thought college was fun? Try college with a busted leg! Anyway things are not to bad for me now, keeping busy and moving at crutch speed! I have started my own Blog you can see it at There you can see my current thoughts and there is also a link to my wicked awesome Gallery at flickr! Where you can see crappy pots like this: Hope you all like it and when ever I come across any nuggets of joy on the web I be sure to share with you all!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sarah, I wouldn't actually punch you.
I wrote this poem in the passenger seat of Krystal Hering's Honda Fit, on the way to a conference in Atlanta last year. Andy was in the back of the car reading, I think. I just found this in my notebook:

title: I'd Punch Indiscriminately

I'd punch you in the arm pit
I'd punch you in the damn hip
I'd punch you while a gypsy band stood by,
and strumming.

I'd charge out the door of my apartment complex
and punch you in the Lincoln Avenue crosswalk.
A haggard woman with glowing pink knuckles
would come out of Pita Pita, banging a wooden spoon
against the side of a skillet, and I'd punch her too.

I'd lay that old woman out flat on the asphalt
and I'd punch anyone who had something to say about it.
I'd punch anydamnone. I'd punch your damn grandmother.
I'd punch my own damn grandmother. I'd punch my own girlfriend
in the damn throat. I'd punch my best friend in the seat of the pants
and when he turned around, I'd punch his crotch.

I would not trust him with my children.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Rommy says:

So I broke my leg Wednesday morning and here are a couple photos of the events that took place in the hospital;

1. Is my leg after it happened, not much swelling, most of the damage is inside. (before getting the first of three cast's)

2. Me on Lots of Morphine! (I know... I have no shame)

3. The inside of my Foot after the operation going into the final cast... I won't show you the incision site, unless you request it... Its pretty gross!?

4. The X-ray of my new hardware, So metal detectors will be interesting from now on!?

5. My new fancy red fiber-glass cast!

Heavy Metal Battle Cry

It is nice to know things never change. Look at Amish back there...


Monday, February 25, 2008
A Brief Documentary About Life
Sunday, February 24, 2008
This was a triumph
So apparently Still Alive, the amazing end-credits song from Portal by Jonathan Coulton is being released as DLC for Rock Band in the 'near future.' This is good news! Tis supposed to be budget priced for .99 cents as well.

For someone that made fun of Guitar Hero et al back in the day, I have been enjoying Rock Band to a ridiculous extent. I've bought all of the DLC out so far and have been playing it online some with various people from the official Rock Band forums. It truly is great fun, and I wonder what is going to happen when the next big thing (Brawl!) comes out...

I noticed a lot of us have it and have been playing it, including Kenny as of last night; we should really set up some time to get together online and pretend to be rock stars. I think it'd be fun, at least. Twould be even more fun to get together and actually do the Band World Tour thing (I think we could get up there on the leaderboards if we tried, even though we're probably not top ten material.)

In other wllm-related news, Nissa is going to be visiting me again from late April through most of July. If you didn't take the time to gawk at my fake internet girlfriend the last two times, this is probably your last chance!

We weren't going to do another trip until the Big Move; but the stars shifted into alignment and United Airlines contacted her about her frequent flier miles expiring at the end of April, so plans were changed suddenly. Still, best (belated) birthday present ever!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Heavy Metal Battle Cry

I need Smash Bros. Brawl to come out.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Heavy Metal Battle Cry
Hold up...wasn't it William's birthday the other day?

...and no one remembered.

I could be wrong. And I don't care. In either case, here is a vidjeo, reminisce of the later days of Ye Olde Attic Apartment.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Heavy Metal Battle Cry
Out of curiosity and a random "necessary update", I decided to try to reopen Microsoft Internet Explorer, after about 7 years of using either NeoPlanet or Firefox.

Suddenly, I have a status bar for AIM, MSN Messenger, Skype, Itunes, Yahoo, MiRC, and a plethora of retardedness that I didn't sign up for, like Zwiggy and Banzai and stuff Lynn may have downloaded as a prank, and even crap I have no clue about that probably came up with software installation (which would explain the Xerox bar, now that I linger on it). There was something about how live girls were waiting to talk to me right now and it was a click away, as well.

I tried to right-click and get rid of these bars, and guess what? IE7 froze. Probably because it is compatible with Windows Vista. I will never use IE again. Why? It is crap. Standardized crap that uses the power of naive 14 yr olds to peddle their craptastic search engine wear.

Safari and Firefox, my friends. They are the only options for internetting. I feel sorry for anyone who is still too stubborn to try other browsers. That are free. And don't clog up the internet tubes, like a truck.

I pray for your soul if you still use Netscape. Gah.
The Pile
Cricket-san, that link is an excellent link. I'm tempted to buy some of those things; particularly, the variable-dollar voyage and the homeless dinner. Who knows? It will probably depend on a complicated equation of how drunk I get in the future and whether or not I am reminded of that site.

Last weekend was our school's Wildness Symposium. What is the Wildness Symposium? you ask. (I can hear you asking it, on my expensive noise-cancelling headphones, which are plugged into the stereo that is wired to the surveillance system I have installed in your homes.) Well, it is a tree-hugging hippy conference at our school that has something to do with our creative writing department. I am largely uninvolved but did sit at our magazine's table for one panel discussion on climate change. The table was in the back of the room and the tech kid who was recording had to slip behind my table every ten minutes. Finally he asked if he could have one of the promotional honey sticks we were giving out. Of course I said yes.

If you are wondering why our program is associated with the Wildness Symposium (this one I can't hear on my headphones), the answer is, because our program is full of bearded people who care greatly about the environment.

The only environment I care about is the environment of the Cozy Rest on SE 14th, where I regularly meet your mothers and sisters and girlfriends, on a rotating basis.

I'm excited because Thursday mornings are when I meet
I wonder how much he makes a year?
TThings for sale that I will mail you.

For some reason, this makes me think of something Tim would do, like the cat review blog. 
off the platter
Well, to alter a familiar metaphor, I'm now off the platter, as far as my phone goes. It's dead, and I get a new one for zero bucks on 5 March, so fuck it. I can hold off 13 days.
Monday, February 18, 2008
He's out there...
Some say he's in our hearts, our minds. He's not. He's in the woods. 

video, cause I'm not properly sleep deprived for something more witty. 
Happy Bayou Weekend
Well, blog, you missed out on Bayou Weekend for the 4th time. No, no; don't feel bad. You couldn't have known. I mean, about this one. Past occasions were sufficiently documented.

Here are some photos from it anyway. (photos not added because of horribleness.)

Some of you may know that at Bayou Weekend a few years back, Sarah ate part of an alligator.

It's true.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Cake Is Not A Lie

It's a piece of cake to make a cake. You cannot be lazy.

Lex Luthor stole 40 of these. That is four sets of ten...and that is just wrong.

Happy birthday, Wes. You son of a bitch...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I guess IE7 users aren't invited...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I know, I know . . . if I really loved you I would post more
Hello blog, I see you have a new picture.  It's lovely.  Reminds me of all those mornings we watched the sun rise in Dave's attic apartment.  Is that me on the right, masturbating with a lightsaber?  

Shit, is that a jedi cloak I'm wearing?  

Oh me, oh my, what crazy times those were.  Back when I believed a plasma torch might really be capable of two foot extension without burning the wielder's face off or requiring a massive power source.  

Innocent times.

Tim forgot to mention that New York was a cesspool of sin and degradation.  
All I saw were piles of garbage and concrete.  The sound of the city--a honking horn.
The smell of street vendors and car exhaust made me nauseous.
The endless avenues of tall buildings stretching out to where the buildings were hazed behind clouds of pollution.  Even the pigeons looked miserable perched on top of gold statues.

It made me homesick for Melrose and Albia.  I would much rather hear the sound of mooing
and lawnmowers running nonstop all summer long with a noxious cloud of pollen and cow shit lingering in the air than wake up every morning with the time the temperature and the newest sitcom advertisement staring at me through my window. 

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Captain Bland's Monotonous Adventure

Yes, that's right. Daddy's home.

I will post more later (promises, promises) but for now, here is a Halo 3 review.


Kevin's Hamboning Aint Got Shit On This!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Voicemail Bankruptcy
That's right, having just returned from NYC with 22 voicemails, I've decided I must declare voicemail bankruptcy. It's just too daunting to go through them all. The problem is of course that old ones are outdated by newer ones, but are still there. They mount up so quickly that they soon become intimidating and spooky. This happens to everyone but I am too lazy to take care of it in any sort of timely fashion.

So forgive me, but I'm skipping through them all in the interest of being a better responder in the future.

Here are some photos from NYC:

If you ever feel annoyed with me or Goathead, I invite you to relish how we felt after eating too much pizza doused in tabasco sauce in Manhattan.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
The Last Thing a Steak Sees

Instead of steak, you can replace it with:

Children dressed up as Bacon Cake who happen to be drinking Coca-Cola
Your Mother