Monday, June 30, 2008
Two links
And he


Guess what I had for lunch
Seriously, you all have to guess.
Not yours. Can't have.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Two cents a gander
I would love to throw my 2 cents into this discussion.

I will be brief.

The world is not ending because apocalyptic stories are used to scare people into believing in religions. Prophecies are as accurate as shooting arrows and drawing targets around where they land.

There are cycles of hot/cold climates on earth. However, they takes centuries to peak and centuries to cool. Our current peak is tremendously shorter than the last few.

America (fuck yeah!) won't sign the Kyoto treaty on emissions because China and India refuse to sign as well. It's easier to leave your dog crap in the park than it is to pick it up with a plastic sack, tote it around, and find a place to deposit. In a matter of decades, we will see India and China mature into industrial goliaths and then we will be fucked.

Individuals do not destroy the environment, large groups of individuals do.

There are no conspiracies on gas companies or oil tycoons. There is only a certain amount of finite material and after it finites the fuck out, these people will have no money. That does not mean they own the patents to cars that make 300 miles a gallon, Amish.

This cat is Jewish.
Whats from the earth is of greatest worth
the burning brushes are speaking

the waves drum a warning on the shore

the levees are leaking

the earth is rumbling from its core

the foolish are freaking

the wise prepare for what's in store

There is power in names. The ability to name something gives you power over it. The namer shapes the thing she names just like Romminger shapes clay on a wheel. I sucked at pottery, and I think the reason was because I wasn't patient enough to slowly and rhythmically shape clay. I thought I could just beat it into shape like a blacksmith.

Global Warming is a term that has had people's hands all over it. In my mind it is sometimes a big black drooling smog demon with oil fires for eyes. It moves over forests and jungles lighting fires wherever it steps. It gobbles up pandas and polar bears. It pisses fire and shits brimstone all over the planet.

Sometimes Global Warming is an oil-soaked guerrilla holding a black, dripping Ak-47. He runs around like Tony Montana in the last scene of Scarface, screaming "You want to drive cars, huh? You just go ahead jump into that SUV, asshole." Then he pulls out a gas pump and says, "Say hello to my little friend."

That second one is an image many Americans might really find scary.

Global Warming: The Environmental Terrorist.

But is it really a terrorist, or is it a freedom fighter? It's too bad we have such a tough time distinguishing between the two.

What the English couldn't understand about Ireland and India; America couldn't understand about the middle east; we might not understand about global warming is: we deserve this.

We have fought and tried to control nature for a long time on a massive scale. Now, a lot of people talk about fighting global warming. That has got to be the answer, right? Fight or flight. We can't run from global warming (yet), so we have to fight it. But isn't that exactly the mentality that got us into this problem in the first place? The idea that we can fight nature is as dangerous as any other war mankind has ever conceived.

Maybe it's time to stop fighting nature and start trusting it. After all, we grew out of nature. Mother Earth is scolding her children. Maybe we need to stop throwing tantrums, take a time out, and listen to what she is telling us.

Making decisions about my future employment and locale has been really tough. Should I gamble on the status quo dominating the future, or put my money on a shake-up scenario? And what sort of shake-up can I count on? Should I start a potato farm in Melrose or keep pushing paper for Wellsy McFargo? What does the earth want me to do?

I wish I knew.

Until a solution can be found.

I'll be in Amsterdam.

Burning one down.

My choice is what i choose to do;
and if I'm causin no harm,
it shouldn't bother you.
Your choice is who you choose to be;
and if your causin no harm, then your alright with me.

If you dont like my fire, then dont come around, cause I'm gona burn one down.
Yes, i'm gonna burn one down.

Herb is the gift from the Earth,
and what's from the earth is of the greatest worth.
So before u knock it, try it first.
and you'll see it's a blessing and it's not a curse.
If you don't like my fire, then dont come around,
cause i'm gonna burn one down.
Yes i'm gonna burn one.

Ben Harper, Burn one down
Andy's article got me started on a comment which eventually got too long for the comment box, so I decided to paste my rant here.

There's the theory that global warming is a trend - a pattern - something that happens every so often.
Like the mini ice-age of Napoleon's time and all that.Only not. It's a little warm splotch.
In the mountains, at about 10,000 feet elevation, you can find fossils of sea shells and sharks' teeth. Because there used to be fucking water up there.
Ferns, too. And a few extinct species of laurel and some other succulant, warm-weathery plants whose names elude me right now.
At 10,000 feet. No kidding.
There's still snow up there, right now.
Most of the little Jeep trails still aren't open becuase of snow.
Hell, it snowed a couple weeks ago.

But. It's really hard to deny at this point in time that people as a generic whole have certainly altered our living space.
I have a hard time swallowing the term "we" though. More on that later.
But industry and transport do, undeniably, have their emissions. Inside the city, it's usually several degrees warmer than outside the city.

Thing is, I don't like being accused of stuff. Mebbe it's just me, but it straight-up pisses me off when people accuse me of stuff I didn't do.
Like, say, slavery. I'm 26, female, and mostly Norwegian, with a dash of Swedish and Scots thrown in for good measure.
I didn't betray my fellow African 200 years ago by luring him to a clearing then bonking him over the head with a stick and selling him to the slavers. Oh, and I wasn't a slaver. Ever.
Actually, an ancestor of mine - lad by the name of MacCabe - was more or less enslaved on a plantation right along side those African folks. "Indentured servants" are they called them. Some wretch over across the pond would sign his life over to whomever would pay for his passage to the Americas.
Several thousand shiploads of prisoners were also shipped to "The Colonies" and sold off as laborers.
Lots of white folks were.
People seem to overlook that, though.
People weren't horrible to just African folk back then, they were pretty damn wretched to just about anyone they could be.

And it wasn't my fault.

I didn't kill the Native Americans. Didn't take anything that belonged to them. Don't feel guilty for what happened because dammit, I didn't do it.
A bit callous of me perhaps, but I find in this life, one has to pick their battles. Feeling guilty for something I had no control over ever is not something I want in my little sack of burdens.

But Mel, you're Norwegian. Your people were Vikings and shit.

Yeah, yeah.
But I wasn't. I didn't do it.
It's in no way my fault because I wasn't there.
And even if I was there, the Vikings weren't the only assholes to make their pesence known.

And global warming.
I am fucking sick of being preached at for every plastic bag that ever got caught in the branches of a tree.
The Industrial Revolution was not my doing.
Most of these green bastards are hypocrites anyway. Accusing everyone else as they zip around in their private jets or drive their SUVs oh, but God, they have energy efficient light bulbs, and their toilets use a teaspoon of recycled water to flush away their crap.


I drive a Geo Metro. It gets about 38 miles per gallon. 9 gallon tank.
The fire truck I drive is a little less efficient. But hey, it helps put out the fires that put out wicked-crazy BTUs because for some strange reason, energy-efficient plastic shit burns a hell of a lot hotter, longer and more toxic than plain old wood.

I don't disagree with Tim's response. It's just good manners to try to keep your space clean. No one likes a slob.
Unless he has his own personal jet and gets famous by telling people the sky is falling and we should feel responsible for it.

The people who put us on this pathway are dead and gone.
Without them, our lives would be different, doubtless.
It's not like an episode of Captain Planet where the undeniably bad wench slapped around some baby seals, covered them with oil, then stuffed plastic bags into their lungs while puking hydrochloric acid into their faces and laughing evilly.
It's an unfortunate side effect of us furthering ourselves as a species.
We could be "clean" and wonderful like all the 3rd-world countries out there that have an average of one automobile per 100 people. But then again, they don't have things like modern medicine or the intrawebs.
Our weak would die instead of being put into special schools or on special machines that keep them alive and more or less functional.
"Elderly" would be around the age of 35.

Okay. Kind of done ranting now.

And that said, anyone read the article on the carbon footprint of the Olympic Torch? Struck me as kind of ironic in a way...China's boasting "Green" Olympics. But simply flying the damn torch all over the place for four months will be as horrid to the environment as 153 Americans living out their whole lives as wastefully as the average American does. Or 624 Chinese. Whichever.

One more moment of being trite, I'm afraid.
I can't accept wildfires into the collective of signs of global warming.
They might not help the outcome, but they're not an effect.
Relative humidity has to be low for fire to start.
All those other things require or somehow involve high humidity.

Wildfires are started because for some reason people thing natural wildfires are bad. So they go and put them out.
Which leaves a bit of unburned fuel laying around. Dry sticks, dead leaves, etc.
This accumulates over the years.
Then, you have a dry spell come along and poof!
No more California.
Andrea Thompson blows goats for quarters--I have PROOF!
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
-- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
-- Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895.

"Our country has deliberately undertaken a great social and economic experiment, noble in motive and far reaching in purpose."
-– Herbert Hoover, on Prohibition, 1928.

"The multitude of books is a great evil. There is no limit to this fever for writing; every one must be an author; some out of vanity, to acquire celebrity and raise up a name, others for the sake of mere gain."
--Martin Luther, German Reformation leader, 1530s.

"There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will."
--Albert Einstein, 1932.

"Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night."
-- Darryl Zanuck, movie producer, 20th Century Fox, 1946.

“Stomach ulcers are caused by stress” — accepted medical diagnosis, until Dr. Marshall proved that H. pylori caused gastric inflammation by deliberately infecting himself with the bacterium.

"Global warming can no more be 'proven' than the theory of continental drift, the theory of evolution or the concept that germs carry diseases."
--Andrea Thompson, Some bitch with a blog.

There may be enormous mass fires scrubbing whole counties clean; 1,000-year floods that wash away entire towns; giant tornadoes up to half a mile wide; Category 8 hurricanes; 9.5 earthquakes; a severe lack of ice at the north pole; but there is no "PROOF."
Friday, June 27, 2008
He looked in and saw Sarah in pigtails with a frozen pizza in her lap.
Sarah and I just got pulled over a few miles from our place. We'd stopped at a gas station and bought a frozen pizza and some beer. Afterward, I headed through an intersection, past a cop, and realized in horror that all the arrows on the road were pointing toward my car, and were white.

So I looked for the first place to pull into and did so. This was on the corner of a sort-of industrial zone, and my lights splashed all over a hobo, who looked shocked enough to go into cardiac arrest.
Body Snatch Mastermind
This just doesn't seem so bad to me.

I have spent the past two weeks turning into old-school Kevin, as far as my sleep patterns are concerned. Sunday I was up for forty hours, which wasn't so bad, except that I was tired all day while Sarah was gone and was electric at night when she was asleep and so I spent most of the night trying not to bounce around the living room or go out onto the balcony to stare menacingly at the neighbor's house.

Today I woke up at ten o'clock, when some people from a company I interviewed with called, and decided they could leave a voicemail since they dodged my call yesterday, and then went back to sleep until two o'clock, when I pulled myself into the kitchen to microwave a bunch of hot sauce and rice and turkey.

Better than it sounds.

Dave's buffalo post broke my brain and I'm still in recovery.
You and your damned English

If wikipedia says it, it MUST be true!

Now listen to the soothing musics
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wish I'd written it
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Damnit Nick, I had to look.
Erotic cakes.

You know you want to look.

Not safe for work.

Or your mother's kitchen.Oooh, now that's an erotic cake.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Future Cat visited me. He told me to stop telling people that things are as "Old as Internet," because in the future, everything is old as internets the moment it is conceived.

Besides, the fact that my internet savvy is far ahead of the rest of you peasants only makes me a better person on the internet. Now if you would excuse me, the world needs me to revolve around and my space car needs a driver.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Andy, you want a sign of the apocolypse, here you go... (Updated!)

Dave's Graduation from johnnyCricket on Vimeo.
Super Mario Cakes
A gallery of Super Mario cakes.
Gays and barbecues take priority over me
There was a hole here, and now it's gone.
More signs of the apocalypse
2,500 people line street in Milwaukee for food vouchers; crowd becomes unruly

Man Driving Motorized Wheelchair Charged with Drunk Driving

Dwarf pimps runaway teen in NYC

And Carlin died.

And I start a job at Wells Fargo tomorrow.

These are dark times.

Now if only we had a black president . . .

Everything seemingly is spinning out of control

Sweet Prince, etc

George Carlin is dead. Maybe.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Review of Diary of the Dead

So I bought Romero's "Diary of the Dead" three days ago and have been meaning to sit down and watch it. So I did just that today after work. If you are a film student, ever been a film student, or ever considered being a film student then this is one of the greatest zombie movies ever. As for every one else, this is one of the greatest zombie movies ever. The Romero overtones of society gone mad and wither we as a race are worth saving are still very heavy, but the things he does with the zombies and characters that would of been great in any of the first trilogy have redefined how I look at zombie interaction. Mostly because of the Amish part. You heard me. And I'm not telling you what I'm talking about, you'll just have to watch the movie, but the Amish part made it all worth it.

Also on a side note, a cheap "Day of the Dead" knock off remake hit the shelves and of course I got that as well. For a "B" movie they did a decent job, yet there were a few things that dropped the grade in my book. If you want to know what they are then just ask, but it's to long to put up here and nobody cares anyways. Certainly not Wes, who if I had the money to invest, I would fund a PC zombie based survival horror game that takes place in Vegas and the only weapon is a shot gun that you upgrade "Parasite Eve" style and a array of different armors. O' did I mention it would be a MMORPG. And everyone would have to stake out there own secured area as the jump off point when you enter the game and it could be compromised if somebody messes it up. Seriously Wes give me a call so I can throw details at you and you can tell me how much it's going to cost.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Never have truer words been said

Kojima may be done with Metal Gear, but Konami sure ain't ready to abandon their biggest cash-cow:
Speaking in an interview with 1UP a week before the game's release, MGS4 assistant producer Ryan Payton said there is "still a lot of room for filling in the gaps as far as Big Boss is concerned." When asked about the possibility of a Metal Gear Solid 5, Payton responded, "There are some misunderstandings that this is the final Metal Gear game. But it's really the final chapter of the Solid Snake story. That's all."
"I'm happy we could wrap up Snake's story in MGS4," Payton stated earlier in the interview, continuing, "because it gets to the point where if we continue on with Metal Gear Solid 5 with more Solid Snake adventures, we'll get to the point where the game has absolutely no basis in reality. I do like the idea that this character has had four or five big missions and then that's when it ended, rather than have 20 missions where there's no chance in hell a secret agent could ever survive. He's had four or five really big missions, and that seems a little more realistic to me."


Realism and Metal Gear don't like eachother. They sleep in seperate beds and when they sit down at the breakfast table one usually reads the paper while the other watches TV. They've barely said two words to eachother since pixels were in fashion.
Here comes Dr. Tran!!!
I just got my ass kicked by Dr. Tran!?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Geography Lesson
Yet another stupid video I found amusing
Thursday, June 19, 2008
And the weiner is.........Molly
Just kidding(sorta)

John Stossel wants you to do heroin

The things he says have been said before, but--com'n--its John Stossel. He wouldn't do you dirty.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
And another(actually a different video now)
I watched this. I thought of you people.
you are officially the kind of people that a video like this would prompt me to think of.

Oh, has some clever antics of its own, if you ever get bored and feel like thumbing through a bunch of weird.

Married To The Sea
For tim

The very end of this video is pretty funny.
Suddenly, Traffic Cones. Everywhere.
I found out where (Franchise) 2: Electric Boogaloo comes from. As I mentioned before, I am posting without a picture.

So because people build artificial lakes that artificially fill up from artificially named century-calculated floods, my mom will be in Denver for a week as of tomorrow. I blame Amish for all this.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Every orifice, every time
Since this blog is so "kickin" lately, as the kids say, I thought I'd write some things too. I will write five things:

1) Dave, I am going to look at the FOES information and will then marinate your info in the juices of my brain until I get something interesting. Hopefully this will be good, but if it's not...well, that will suck. I hope some other folk are going to get in on this too, as more minds=less fuckups, in general. Although that equation is occasionally glaringly untrue...

2) Last night I dreamt that escaped convicts killed several of you, so logically, afterward, Andy and Wes and I fired up a time machine and went back and preemptively killed the bastards. It was pretty great, in a disturbing way. One of them was thrown against a wall several times before being tossed into a stream of molten steel (note the careful use of the passive voice in this sentence).

3) Which brings up the question of: why has Amish not yet built a time machine?

4) As many or all of you know, I now reside in Florida. I had planned to suck up an album of interesting photographs and stories and insights, which would be vomited directly onto this blog or perhaps (perhaps!) even a new one, but have in fact found myself either without a camera or (more commonly) without anything worth using a camera on. There are a great load of palm trees, though. And a Mormon church down the street that looks like a damned temple of crazy--palm trees all over the lawn, fountains splashing into the sky, a golden dude on top of a spire. I vow to take a picture for Wells.

5) This is my next entry into the Kevin Henderson Wes vs. Tim Commemorative Photo Contest (category: best photo with FOOD):

Did he eat more, or did he just puke?

I meant to get an action shot of myself ravaging a burger, mustard flying, pickles atomized, but my camera is still full of sand from the ocean. Which doesn't smell as delicious as you may believe.
It finally happened . . .

. . . the aliens got me.

Let the creation of terrible abominations begin!

I call the one on the left Triducken (terror of lakes). The other one is my first attempt at a flying hoofed monkey.
Stimulate THIS!

My brother got his government stimulus check yesterday. Has anyone else? I completely forgot about them. If I got mine today I would take that baby straight to San Francisco and I wouldn't leave until those hippie fucks gave me a job . . . so, really, I wouldn't leave at all.

As it is, Wes, 65% chance? Huh? 55%?
Monday, June 16, 2008
So I feel like I need to post something but I'm not sure what I really have to say that's worth your time. Perhaps nothing, but I'm posting none the less.

Shannon is taking a cake decorating class right now. You should all be really jealous of the American flag cake sitting in my kitchen, also you should be very jealous of all the frosting I devoured earlier tonight. Speaking of frosting remember that time Lucas got all that frosting on his face.

Dave speaking of writing dialog, I visited with Nick this weekend and he and I discussed a movie premise about zombies/infected beings created by a bad batch of meth, and thanks to some great insights he had I have been inspired to start writing again. Who knows maybe this time I might write more than a page.

OK blog that's all I have to say for now, maybe sometime in the next week I will post an excerpt from my script.
I think the humane society has been reading Tim's Cat Review
I'm looking for a cat and I run across this description for a cat named Marley:

"He is truly a stunning orange tabby and white cat. He is a large, well-built cat. If you can call a cat manly, then that is how I would describe Marley."

Tim, Kara suggests that you should work part time for animal shelter websites giving descriptions of their animals (preferably cats).
My only regret from finishing school

I never got to do this on a math test, considering I had a final one two Fridays ago. Hindsight really is 20/20.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Writing is hard
I am trying to write the FOES pilot. It only occurred to me just now that I suck at writing dialog. I end up just making the characters yelling at each other in very unfunny lines.

This could be bad. Anybody want to help?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
High Altitude Atomic Detonation of 1962

Google Delivers, Andy.

See also: Godzilla 1985. Youtube fails at this one.
The flood is a conspiracy to cover up ethanol's inefficacy!
I also heard someone compare the floods to hurricane Katrina, saying Des Moines has done such a great job and how organized they are . . . as though the entire city had a lake empty into it overnight. It's a lot easier to make a decision when the water is creeping up to your doorway like the blob.

I have a comments assignment for everyone: What would an atomic blast in the upper atmosphere look like? I don't necessarily want scientific type predictions, but that would be cool too.

And no, Im' sure it doesn't look anything like two girls one cup.

I want to know because I had a dream in which I saw just that thing, but I couldn't really see it. It was like my mind wasn't sure how that concept would appear, so it just looked like a bright light with some blobby gray coloring around it.

I'm not sure if they're related, but that dream reminded me of something Tim said yesterday about these floods validating some of my fears about the direction of the world. Not that I get my jollys off fucked up shit like this, and not that I think these floods are catastophically worse than normal, but it does seem like a sign of the times. What is normal anyway? How do we take ourselves out of the equation to find normal earth weather? It was a ball of ice before it was a ball of water. Will the earth care when its a ball of shit?

At least we didn't nuke ourselves to death, though, right? Would you like the grand finale or the long kiss goodbye? How about a triumphant return of harmony, or is it too late? Like Jack Burton says, its all in the reflexes. Speaking of which, did Romeo already drink the poison? That dumb motherfucker. No faith, that one. Amish would have given her a proper goodbye and been the happier for it.

Lurned me a book.
Thursday, June 12, 2008

I dug around in my computer for some photos of before all this happened and also uploaded some from today... This is just one place on campus! There are other parts of Iowa City that are worse...

note: the top photo is before, there are three trees on the right and a trash can. That trash can is the same as the one on the left on the bottom photo, that was taken this morning.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
But have you seen THIS one?
Two great minds think alike!
check this out!!! just keep watching and your get it!!!
Monday, June 09, 2008
No, I didn't read it all.
Who the hell writes Darkwing Duck fanfic?
Oh No!
I think 'whitey' has come to Iowa City and blown up the livi with those attack choppers... Its the only reason why I continue to live in Iowa City, the weather here is the most extreme in the whole state. I will post some pics later when I can.

Juston "big-dead-bloated-carp-floating-down-the-river-blues" Rominger
The Nintendo Wii fails at online playing. Why?

The ridiculous 9-digit friend code. No one memorizes these things and requires one to look it up every time they have to register their friend.

For future notice: 9670-1133-4662

Now, your pokemans, show them to me.


Sunday, June 08, 2008
How do you like your republic now, Mr. Jefferson?
I hope you will mourn with me, the loss of this obelisk of freedom.

I really hope the DEA falls shortly after the American economy takes its big plunge.
Friday, June 06, 2008
The Real Deal

Demo Reel June 2008 from David Wells on Vimeo.

So. I am 90% sure that I am graduating in a week. About damn time, too.
Branden Scott Called Today
Yep, you guessed it . . .

Out of the family.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008
On a completely different note...
Kevin Henderson Wes vs. Tim Commemorative Photo Competition Installment One


Tuesday, June 03, 2008
For Dave's Birthday
Happy birthday!


To celebrate, I post this photo to the blog:

Kevin, I can't remember your email address, but I found this article relevant to our discussion on the ridiculousness of technical explanations of scientific studies.
Monday, June 02, 2008

Courtesy me
Sunday, June 01, 2008
UPDATE: Alien video leaked

Son of a bitch! I was scared out of my mind. It has to be a real alien.