Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Without the internet, I'd be way more productive

See? What good is this picture going to do me in the long run? is damn funny though.

I cannot find a UC-E6 USB cable anywhere in the real world. It exists on the internet...but nowhere else, it seems.

While at lunch with Allison today, a bull hippo and her spawn cart nearly ran me over when we went to Wallgreens. I said "Excuse me" and the cow huffed at me, like it was my fault she almost hit me around a corner with her fatass kid being pushed around. I hate the obese, especially when they reproduce. Seriously: someone is fucking them, and it can in no way be a beautiful thing.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
That really hurts
Saturday, January 26, 2008
...because it's Saturday and no one has posted

Thinking about buying anything worthy of purchasing the optional warranty from Circuit City?


My monitor, bought from Circuit City, shat out. After fighting with Xerox over the shipping and the "30-45 days before we can approach the issue", I finally contact C.C. to get the monitor switched out. I paid an extra $80 a year ago for a warranty that doesn't go out until January 2010.

Sounds nice? No. Because the monitor broke during the warranty period, and seeing that in 30-45 days before they can work on it would overlap the end of the manufacturers warranty, deeming that I would have to pay for the repairs, ugh. So god damn confusing.

I can't send it back to Xerox because the warranty is expired, and even returning it within the warranty when it broke would negate the warranty. I can't take it back to Circuit City because it was more than 15 days since I bought it, and the extended warranty doesn't cover it because it broke during the manufacturer's warranty.

1000 men ass-ramming me to the door on the left
1000 men mouth-raping me on the door to the right.

Either way, I am getting dicked. Royally dicked. By a kilo of men.

I'm going back to newegg and not flushing $300 down the drain. God damn it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Amateur Hour
Did you ever see the Tiny Toons episode when they make student films? And the psychic female duck made that awful long art shit tank?

Yeah...welcome to my demo reel class. Imagine reading people's horrible books (or thesises) all in rapid succession.
This isn't going to help...
I still refuse to believe that dirigibles are a lost cause. Read on...
Drink it!
Something to make you go: wtf! Drink it!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pic Unrelated

Now that I have had a couple days to stew over Cloverfield and have talked to people who have actual opinions and see movies as artwork (not just explosions and boobies, Amish!), I recommend it. Yes, the monster was not the cool whale beast that shot bears but it works wonderfully in this movie.

Apparently I missed a couple things in the movie. What sounded like "Help Me" is actually "It's Still Alive" and theres a part with seeing something hit the water.

Wacky as hell.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cloverfield in four words
Awesome movie; shitty monster.

Hey blog, I am back.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Naming conventions of inanimate objects
My parents got me a paper shredder for christmas. I finally used it the other day and was way too amused by the things that it can shred (cds?!) 

Anyway, since it amused me and now serves as my destroyer of mail and country music, I've decided to name the machine. I was thinking Fred, or Bob, but that just seems to mediocre for a thing that can chew all of my flat papery things to a fine confetti. 

Other ideas: 
Gorgoth the Ravenous

I'm open to further suggestions. 
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Eat like snake
This is one of the commercials I'll be showing in class tomorrow.
I got sentimental this morning. 

I was driving to work, listening to a morning show on the radio. One of the DJs said: "Eating lustfully from his mouth" and for some reason it reminded me of you guys and the good ol' days. 
Friday, January 11, 2008
This Blog Needs More Zombies

Get More Diary of the Dead Trailers at
Saturday, January 05, 2008

This probably wouldn't have been remotely entertaining if the player had actually been very good at Tetris.

Friday, January 04, 2008
New Years Eve thru the lens of Amish's camera and his wildest fantasies!
Sorry. My Bad. Don't want to destroy anybody's career. Don't worry, the picture of you talking to Dave has been throughly destroyed so it can't come back to haunt you.

But I leaving up the gay pics.

Grab the Amish
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Gitcher Gawdamn fuck outta here
Sarah found this.