Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Didn't expect this new title, did you? That's what I thought...
All sorts of wonderful things have passed since I last posted—a heated debate with Ryan and Denise about the vices and virtues of babies (I’m an antibabian, in case you’re wondering, while Ryan is so pro-baby that he withheld vital adult beverages from us until we gave lip service to his ridiculous ‘babies are cute’ postulation), too much videogaming, and the unexpected return of Dave and his satchel of bizarro artwork. I haven’t written anything here lately because I have been devoting all my free time to becoming a wildly successful author, an endeavor that is always either tiring or disastrous, and usually both. But damn it, I will do it.

Also, it’s been so long since I posted on that tiny little sub-blog I started up (slimyprincess) that I’ve forgotten the username or password or both, and so until the right vaults in my head swing open again that sheet’s closed down. I liked it because I could vomit up all manner of photos onto it. Can we do that here?

My days of idleness at the office are temporarily suspended. This all happened last week: I was happily frolicking through the flowery glade of my taskless job, slipping through the eight hours in an almost hallucinogenic semi-consciousness, when some counselor from one of our outposts came in along with the bureau chiefy (who is married to my partner here in research). The counselor handed us this request that got lost in the post system (maybe because there is no post system for us—they’re supposed to email the damned things) and asked if we had time to get to it. Bureau chiefy laughed a bit and said yes, send us whatever needed done. So she promptly emailed us five requests along the lines of “my client is vaguely interested in these so please do up several detailed reports and we’ll use them to make paper hats if we don’t need them. Which will almost certainly be the case.”

But the real killer blow, the real bite to the jugular, came yesterday. The bureau chiefy came in to see his wife and casually mentioned that the higher-ups wanted a network of contacts with which to find jobs for their clients, and so could we compile a list of employers in Iowa with multiple branches, offices, etc. I waited for clarification, specification, but that was it: he wanted us to list every business in Iowa with multiple locations—yes, every Hardee’s and Fareway and Pioneer and Home Depot and CarEx and Baskin Robbins--then find out the name and contact information of whoever handles hiring, and put it into a report. Not sure how we’re going to go about that yet. The consultation of dark forces will almost certainly be required.

If you read the few posts on slimyprincess, you may recall that I was going to buy the fuck out of a particular book. Well, I did, and holy fuck, it has even more fuck than I expected. McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories is fucking fuckgreat, it’s full of spookyass stories as well written as anything in literary magazines but with actual plots and twists and interesting characters. A Stephen King short kept me up for an hour and a half waiting to be eaten by blind lovecraftian beasts. But it was worth it.

Oh. I just got an email informing me that a story I wrote for a contest (what was the contest? I don't remember. Something inconsequential, involving brevity or subject or time used to write or something) is online. I'm guessing the site is not too picky on their writing, but anyway the story is up there so if you're bored, go ahead and read it. I think there's some voting system to see who gets published in an anthology, but I am too tired to figure out how to vote. Just vote for me if you figure it out, or a curse is upon your house (the same one that's on whoever formatted these pieces for the web and failed to line break between paragraphs).
Friday, November 26, 2004
Rail humpin' madness
Happy belated Thanksgiving. And stuff.

House is officially open to the public. Feel free to drop by.
The basement ended up freakily rather like Wauson's. My bedroom is down there, next to the general public/game room.


Oh...I have this set of swords. They're all Samurai style and sheot, only with hand-carved sheaths/hilts. Katana, Wakisashi, and Tanto.
Was wondering if anyone was interested in 'em. Otherwise they'll be sacrificed to the great god, Eee-Baiy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I am an English muffin
The list is getting longer.

What list? The list of people who are going to be in Albia tonight.

Lets check the list...

Where they are tonight:
Andy: Albia

Bill: Albia

Kelly: Albia

Tim: Albia

Ryan: Albia

Amish: Albia (where the hell else would he be?)

Dave: Denver (Like the rail-humping whore that he is!)

Mau: Somewhere in Colorado (She might be humping rails...we have no conclusive evidence.)

Grrt: Albia (He was recently spotted humping the shit out of some poor rail.)

Heather: Her mom's house. Where she will be subjected to hours of Fox programming.

Karl: Chariton, doing whatever it is that married people do.

Kenny: Albia...pretty sure

Kevin: Albia (Will he be working tonight? What a mind-blowing question.)

Martin: Don't know for sure. Could go either way with him.

Shawk: Lovilla, right? No? Okay, don't know.

Wes: Lovilla/Albia (If he's not, I'll have a full tank of gas that says he WILL BE!)

Did I miss anyone? Good.

So...Halo 2? Show of hands?

Okay...I'm not seeing many hands for that.

Pounding some "Rock the Goose"?

Maybe one or two there.

Humping some sweet rail?

You people are sick....
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Double Dash and a hella lot of turkey
Well, I'm gettin ready to head on out of this place. Got to go to the bank and get some monies and then point my vehicle towards Albia. Hmmm...yeah, that's all I got for now. When is everyone else going to be back?
I hope everyone has an awesome day, and hopefully we can all get together sometime over the week/weekend. Bye for now.
Monday, November 22, 2004
This is sickening, you sound like chapters from a self help booklet!
Boo doo ah doo ah. I have to say things are wierd. I hung out w/ my neighbor girl Melissa Friday and Sat night (both under intoximacation) and friggin EVERYONE thinks that we're doin stuff now. WTF. Not that Im ...against.... said situations. I just hate fucking gossiping gausomers. Thats all.

Hmm. What else. Oh. Im stuck here for Turkey Day. The best fucking thing to happen to me since...well...last post. Blah. Do me a favor everyone: fricking play Double Dash if yall get together. And when someone humps a rail just think of me saying "No Bowser! No! Dont do that!" or some shit.

Remember a year ago? We were all huddling for warmpth in my extra sexy badass apartment. Now it is tainted...by the dusty extrement of Gert. Ooooh... sounds sorta Hobbit-ish.

"Then oneday Timbo
Was asked to go
On a big adventure to Dave's Old abode
To help some winos get back their apt
That was stolen by a fatass in the days of co-old!"

... I got nothing. Oh. If youre a girl and you juggle 7 guys around: you have a fucking problem.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Been busy with homework like hardcore style. Its crazy. Trying to keep my head above water and at least sort of succeeding. On brighter news, the project I worked on over the summer was released (and I get royalties). Its pretty neat:
RTS Starter Kit

A devoweler for Bil...
I am an English duchess
Does anyone else think that "tortfeasor" sounds dirty?

I need a date for Wells Fargo's Christmas party on December 11th. I am now accepting applications.


I just realized; I don't think I've ever linked to my Deviant Art site. Well, we shall remedy that, forthwith and posthaste.

If you wish to read my humble attempts at poetic grace, click hither.
Gonzo in the Hizouse
I was just thinking ­­­ about Gonzo. What a weird character. Wiry blue bastard with a cucumber of a nose.

Any plans for Thanksgiving (I was awfully tempted to write ‘Thanksgizzle’ there, but just couldn’t)? I’m gonna be in town Wednesday night through Friday afternoon, and then I am being secreted away by an underground steamer that travels on subterranean lakes, to Alyssa’s grandparents. So the main question is: will Goathead be around? Will Wes? Will Bil? Will Kelly? Will Ryan? Dave is lost somewhere in the middle of Africa.

This morning I woke up at four after having a horrible, horrible dream that someone’s attack dolphin almost got me. It popped out of this little hole in the yard, and had big ol fucking dolphin fangs. Its sonar blast was a warning. It really was pretty damn scary.
Then I woke up and thought for certain that the world had ended. But CNN.com told me that the only important news was something about fossils indicating an earlier presence of humans in N. America (?? who knows, it was 4 am) than previously thought. So after checking the closet and the shower for space invaders, dolphins, or both in one, I went back to bed. Which is to say, I went back to the pile of blankets and dirty clothes in the center of my living room.
Hot Damn!
Hey. See my speak easy. Crap your pants & fulfill your day. Easy enough?
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I'm not a coward, I've just never been tested.

I moved.
I think I mentioned that.
New number.
Big house. (see also: fucking huge)

New Job.
Blockbuster Inc.
Which means;
free rentals
Movie nights (i.e. Anime night...horror night...action night...Sci-Fi night...no, no porn night. It's Blockbuster. We have the low carb margarine of porn: B-flicks.)
Corporate rules and regulations. (Dance Monkey! Dance!)
One hell of a spaztic boss.

Got a job offer from some sword-vendors at a Renaissance Faire. Hee hee. Dread has come upon you all.

Had some lady yell at me when I went to purchase D&D stuff at our local Uber-geek store. Her babbling contained something along the lines of a tearful "People have died playing that!"
I wondered why my methods of recreation were any of her business. My response: "More people have died playing poker."

It seemed to work. She shutthefuckup and left me alone.

Saw Bubba Hotep. Cute movie. Bruce Campell rocks my socks...along with Ronnie Perlman and a few other eople I can't think of right now because my little mind hurts.
Playing the fuck out of Soul Calibur II. It's a pretty game.
Some D&D on the side...my roomies rock. One collects the little miniatures, the other collects the books...heh...Then I have a friend who's all Mr. Staff Sgt. at Das Army Recruit Place. His wife has an e-bay addiction and buys every RPG book she can find. It's funny.

My computer broke. Or...something. Some Zombie Adware came and ate it's brains. I'm now using my old one (insert witty remarks about punch-cards, wind-up keys and wax cylinders) and...it seems to be holding together for the moment.

But yeah...life in the world of me at the moment. Roomie Eric chased away all the Mormons. But in a dignified way, so they don't think they've gotten points for having Satan turn them down or whatever. (It's odd...the more they get doors slammed in their faces, the better they score. If they get a chance to prattle off the Josifsmith stuff, they don't earn as many God Points. At least, that's how they do it around here...3 hours from the Promised Land of U-tah. I think they do it that way so the little kids they get to go door-to-door don't feel as bad when people tell them to fuckoffanddie you sonsofcum-gurglingguttersluts.)

for pertinent info...

The roomies are wondering what to do for dinner.
Mel to the rescue...
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Advice for Dave in his trying time
This started as a comment on Dave's post and ran a little long.

Dave, I think its time you face reality. I know it's hard, but we're here to help you through it--this reality acknowledgement stage in your life.

You see Dave, you've been deluded; or deceived rather. The Mormans aren't really the ones to blame for all your problems. Oh sure, they've had their hampster-molesting hands in your affairs on occasion. But they aren't the ones who should bear the bulk of the blame.

It's the Pandas Dave.

I know how you must feel right now. Shock. Surprise. A sharp pain in your stomach like some Russian sambo wrestler just speared you while wearing one of those pointy German helmets. And I'm sure you are in denial. "No, no, not the Pandas. They wouldn't do this to me."

I understand why you might not want to blame them. After all, they are awefully cute and cuddly looking. Its a mask Dave. They are still bears, and bears are evil by nature.

You may be asking, "What do I do now? To whom do I turn?" Well, you still have all your friends here. We're behind you. We know you can overcome the evil wizards that run your "institution".

As for the Pandas. Well, from what we know about the Pandas, they won't stop here. If you leave them unchecked they may continue to wreak havoc on your life. They'll use gurrilla tactics. They'll piss in your morning cereal when you aren't looking. They'll water down all the beer in your fridge. They'll rewire your computer so that everything you draw turns into bamboo.

I think the path is clear, concerning the Pandas. Only one course of action will assure they can no longer terrorize you.

Kill them all.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Wheres the fun if a few "precious" lives arent lost?
I officially hate existance. Right this moment, all the midterm projects are being shown in my Lighting/Material class. Because the Greater Power hates me, I lost mine the day it was due and couldnt find the fucknut teacher to get an extention and a copy of our mid term room (we had to texture&add shit to it). I fucking hate it. This school is stupid too. They expect us to be well versed in 3dmax after 2 quarters and be able to pump out Shrek 2/Incredibles stuff by our 6th quarter. Fuck that. Im still stumbling through this damn program. . . Its like this for all you non 3dsm users: You have a phone book. Now, find the exact number for someone who speaks polish, drives a motorcycle, AND can break a $20. Oh, and this phonebook is for the New York area, and your in a dark room...thats laced with broken glass...and Prince is blaring at about 398 decibles (sic).

Point is...Im pissed off about "our expectations" here at this infernal donkey show of a school. This place isnt even a fricking college. Its registered as an institute. Not a higher learning place. Ill spend $120k for absolutely nothing. Im seriously going to find 3 Goddess statues, turn the world to Ruin, and fricking build a monument to destruction. And contrary to whatever Ryan's mom told him, Im not coming home for thanxgiving. Existance seems fit to make my car a gas guzzler and to keep my wallet empty. :( I blame Mormons. Fucking Mormons.
Bigger is beautifuller
Have you heard those Jimmy John's sandwiches commercials? Man, I love those! That guy sounds like my cousin Dave after a few (read 14) beers. Fuck Blimpie's and Subway for feeding me bologna! I'll feed them something! Murder!

Thats right, a big plate full of murder.

This weekend, or what I remember of this weekend, was really fun. I was witness to a large, hairy, bearded man wearing two (count um, two!) button-up shirts, singing "I'm just a girl." Goodness gracious, Lord a'mighty! If only the audience hadn't been comprised of girls either under eighteen or over thirty, Amish may have gotten himself some groupie action!

Man, that murder sure does taste good. Kinda like snake. Which, as everyone knows, kinda tastes like chicken.
Interesting quote
I went to Sueno this weekend, which was a pretty interesting/origonal play if I say so myself. Here's an interesting quote from it.
"If God wants your ass, God is going to get your ass."

I will make a more useful post at a later date.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Ones on the pole shoved the other in the bag with the rerun shows and the cocain nose jobs--
Hmm. I have not posted in a while. Figured I would.

I think the "Fab n" (n= number of members in drunk induced city hopping) need to visit Denver. Fuck, all of you (hehehe "fuck all of you") need to come out here (HEH HEH come out here). *SLAP* Theres a fucking hotel like 10 blocks from my territory that rents out for 39 a night. $39 a nite!!! Thats dollars to donuts, you fools. Plus now that you all have decent jobs ...does kevin still work at AYM?.... you all can pitch in circa $140 in gas plus $160 in hotel rooms (2 nites, 2 rooms, sorry for the one sharing w/ Amish&Kev) so...

+ $160
300 Clams divided by n(we'll make it five) =60 + 15 for food & 10 for the best fucking drink deal ever=$$$85$$$

"Hmmm. That is too fucking pricey for my too cheap fucking ass" is what you are thinking...but you all can sanction paydays out of that...right? As well, I can score a meal or two out of folks here plus all you singles (ie EVERYONE BUT TIM AND KEVIN) there are women a plenty who would want to bang the fuck out of you over me :( Oh, and like..you could play Halo and womp the shit out of these "ameteurs" here. Plus like......hot drunk women! HOT DAMN! I cant really promise the last thing, but I think you all could be rewarded w/ spending 4 days out of Iowa. Really.

I figured this all out at a Huka Bar this evening. Hookas are fucking badass. Im not sure how to spel Hukah..so ill spell it all the ways. And no, its legal pansey flavored tobacco we're smoking and not Maui Wowie.

ALSO: I will be returning on December 18th...prolly 10am. Hopefully. If I have not succumbed to damn hotties downstairs who are drunkenly violent w/ Guilty Gear X2. (curse you Novowels!)

Friday, November 12, 2004
And a microphone.
Much as I'd like to throw some new content onto that new site I put up, I just can't resist posting here.

Due to my apartment being located thousands of miles below the earth's crust, my cellphone is worthless. It pretty much self-destructs whenever I walk through the door. So I'm trying a voip service starting in a few days. If you don't know what that is, it's like...running a regular phone through your broadband connection. That will be the new best bet for contacting me...so if you want that numero email me at pharaoh@gmail.com. I would slap it up here, but as Vilhelm pointed out we are just another page on the big field of webpages for bored wackjobs to flip through. Nevermind that the phrase 'bored wackjobs' describes most of us pretty well.

The biggest letdown about Halo so far is how easily everyone--and I mean everyone who's opened the game package--lets important spoilers slip. I am going to use strike-anywhere matches soon to cook up some blabbering bastards.

Where it's at.

OH: And Amish and Kevin are coming here tomorrow. If you're a Des Moinesian and want to do anything, call me or goathead or ryan or..well, fuck, anyone...and we can get some dinner or something. Or chip in and share a prostitute. Hell, I don't care.

braaaains.... and a palestinian state
In #infidelchat yesterday we wondered what would happen if Yassar Arafat's corpse lumbered to life as one of the living dead and began to terrorize Israel.

It's these kinds of thoughts that kept me out of the really good schools, you know.

Couple of things about the Blog. That new "next blog" button at the top of every blogspot blog is sending an awful lot of hits our way. Just letting you know that a fair amount of completely random, possibly fucking insane people are looking at this thing. Ahem, might not want to put too much personal or sensitive information like addresses and phone numbers up, maybe. S'all I'm saying. Also, one year anniversary coming up. Woo. I may be doing things. Maybe not. I'm lazy and am trying to save up money, and most things that are cool on the internets cost money now. Damn you for inventing this thing, Al Gore.

Oh, also on the "getting hits" front: We do show up on Yahoo! search now, I think that's it though. If people look for you they are probably going to find you, is all I'm saying. We have had hits from people searching for "Andy Judge Des Moines" and "sexy pedo monki" -- although I'm not sure exactly what that last one is all about, and why I'm not involved with it.

In important Vilhelm news: Vilhelm is bored with and hates work, Vilhelm has a new 4-player fighting game that nobody will play with him, Vilhelm recently bought an MP3 player with more hard drive space than his desktop, Vilhelm has received a marriage proposal from a gorgeous 18 year-old lesbian in Australia, Vilhelm hasn't slept in 18 hrs and is really feeling it, Vilhelm is filled with delicious cheese snacks, and Vilhelm just got through writing a condescending post mocking 90% of the chatters in #infidelchat for acting like whiny children.

One of those things are untrue. Try to guess which one and win a prize*!

* offer of prize void to cosplayers, hobbits, and anyone that has ever played Halo. Offer void in Utah. FUCKING MORMONS.
I support our troops
leaving Iraq.

Is anyone else just about fed-up with those stupid fucking ribbons? Not to mention the message posted on store marquees across Des Moines, "We support the troops." Am I the only person in America who thinks that phrase is dumb? Exactly how are they supporting our troops, I wonder?

My first guess would be that these people are sending money to the pentagon in little yellow envelopes marked "troop support funds." Well so what if they are!?! I pay my fucking taxes! Just because you send extra money doesn't mean you get a special little fucking ribbon on your gas-guzzling Ford Explorer. Ass hat.

So if it isn't monetary support, then what? Is it ideological support. Should those little ribbons really say, "I support our troops in their endevour to massacre the poor, foolish Iraqi people; so that our gas prices can drop ten cents." Too long perhaps? Maybe "I support our troops" is just an abbreviated sloagan to save space. Support for the troops is really just a thinly veiled support for the war. No? Of course, it's hard to argue that you don't support the troops because you don't support the war. The inevitable question that follows, "So you want our troops to die?"

Because, lets face it folks; even if you disagree with the war, you still have to support the troops. Right?

What kind of bullshit rhetoric is that? I think this "support the troops" ribbon campaign, or whatever the fuck it is, is a tricky way to brainwash the American people into supporting the war. I can see absolutely no way that someone can "Support the troops." It is a fucking ridiculous claim. If your brother Bob is in Iraq, and you love Bob and you hope that he survives then get a ribbon that says "I support Bob." If you support a war that is founded on greed and lies then just own up to it and put a fucking sticker on your SUV that says "I support the war."

I want a ribbon that says, "I support our troops coming home."

Fucking posers.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
but you had to have your fucking orange juice.
Fuck the South

Really. Fuck it.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Sometimes ants live in there.
If you’re like me, you thought I couldn’t get any cooler. But then I go and win the Halo tournament sponsored by US Cellular and win a free copy of Halo Dos. So yes, I am amazing. And it didn’t hurt that, aside from Goathead, the competition sucked. For a while I felt bad, having beat out kids who are still in high school; but then I thought, hey, those fuckers have more time than me to practice. I work for a living, for the love of God!

That’s enough gloating.

Tomorrow my office will no longer be just my office. They need places to stick new afternoon secretaries, and since there’s an extra desk in here . . . This could cut into my doing nothing time. Or maybe not.

My parents are coming up after work and we’re going to some bar downtown that’s having free shots for people over fifty. Well, not really. We’re probably going to Village Inn.

This is cool.

Man . . . a couple days ago I realized that Goathead seeing John every week doesn’t mean that 1) John is coming down from Cedar Falls but that instead 2) John fucking lives in Ames. And then there was the feeling of retarded. But now I am past it and am ready to see John someday myself.

If you happen to be an Albian, and if you haven’t been to that seldomly-updated webpage I recently put up, then know this: I return Wednesday night and I have grown two extra arms. Be warned.
Monday, November 08, 2004
Everytime we kill someone, take a shot!
If you havent seen The Incredibles yet....you are wrong.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
No, wait, let me explain.

I moved again.
Bigger place(much. like, literally 5x the size of my old one). Better roommies. Hopefully.
Drop by.
Phone number:(970)249-5887.
Address available upon request.

You're going to Opus this May.
It's like a mini D-Con. Only cheaper.
You missed Mile High Con. It wasn't that great, but you still missed it.


I think that's all I had to say.

...and silence those lambs, would ya?
Morning all.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Taste the bitter truth!
Karl is a hypocrit. My roomie, Karl. Not the one who became a violent antichristian from video games and pees in pizza dough Krazy Kremling Czar Karl. Fat fucking douchebag pot smoking about to taste my fucking foot travel backwards through his digestion system Karl. Yeah. Hes gettin on my nerves to...well. Imagine 3 Gerts staying at my apartment smoking Amish cigars and leaving the mess of 10 Amish's and having the sleep schedule of Kevin. Thats how terrible it is. Please--someone send me a gun. Oh, hes a hypocrit because he bitches about people being loud and obnoxious at 130 in the morning--yet his fat fucking Virginia ass is yellin outside every nite minus tonite.

Im eventually goin to update Attic Leaches. Most likey by monday. As well, Im not coming home for Thanxgiving either. Its a bum deal, but I must seek employment. I must seek Buddah, I must seek Christ.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Zombies are involved.

and me now, too
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Check it out!
If you're like most of our nation's attractive young women, you've been spending most of your time lately wondering what my apartment looks like. Well, ponder no longer; for a view of my inner sanctum, just follow the trail of intestines.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Introducing, the first ever G6...fully loaded with Tim's naked ass!
In the market for a car Timmy? I'll endorse this little baby, here. Or, if it's out of your price-range, I'll sell you my car and I'll go buy a new one.

So did anyone do anything for Halloween? Well, other than Dave's snowy carousing with angels and nurses. I didn't dress-up or do anything that was particularly "Halloweenish". I did stay up until 6am Friday night (or is that Saturday morning) drinking beer with a guy wearing a green dress and a pink wig. We drank a shitload of beer and had some really nice conversation about politics, sports, religion, ect., which isn't an unusal way for me to spend a Friday night. I have to admit that it did get a little wierd listening to this guy explain why he was voting for Bush while readjusting his bra-strap.

Over the weekend I had a really good idea for next Halloween. Tim and I need to get a pair of white overalls and a pair of blue overalls. We need a green turtleneck and a red turtleneck. Top it off with a green cap and a red cap....does everyone see where this is going? That's right: Mario and Luigi! If we start growing the mustaches' now, they might grow in by next year.

Tim, do you have an E-mail address at work? I'm bored; let me bother you.
Let's do the time warp again!
Well, I just thought I would post, just as a friendly reminder I'm still alive. Classes are going all right, and it's starting to get cold, but there's 3 weeks left till Thanksgiving break, thank God.
Tonight at work, some guy was talking about flogging people for their insolence. I thought it was a nice use of the word 'flog' (No one ever uses it) Um...last night we did all the Halloween-ing up here. A friend of mine is the activities director for Dancer Hall, and they did a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show, and he dressed all in drag, then we went to a haunted house, and party-hopped around for a while, but came back as it was damned cold. So, not much excitement. But, it was entertainment.
Anyways, it's almost 2 am, and this is a really poor excuse for a post, so I wish all a good night, happy All Saint's Day, and hope everyone is doing well. I will have a better update later.
That's all for now.

Like a yard sale threw up in here.
Well. Halloween was fucking interesting. The blog is a year old this month. Remember last month about this time? It was all about Tim's and my websites (gote's fatal attempt too...) but yeah. A year ago Kelly, Novo, and myself were too damned tired to get up to UNI for an equally bad party that Tim got lynchmobbed for (britt....what a whiny bitch).

So. Yeah. Saturday there was this HUGE house party I went to. Fucking hell. I about died. There was an overabundance of cat girls, angel girls, and bad school girl costumes. Tim woulda died too cuz there were plenty of nurse outfits as well. I attempted to go Capt. Party on everyone...but eveyrone just took me as a damn snowboarder. Oh well. Im rounding up pics for my website of it (like 4 or so assailants took pictures like...mad skills and shit.). Yeah, sorry monki for bringing out the mad skills phrase.

But the ACTUAL day of halloween was interesting. I had a $15 gift card at Target and almost bought a Mario/Luigi/Bob-omb shirt....but I need groceries over clothing. And about 2 hrs after shopping, it started snowing. We have about 18 inches of the stuff now. And guess who had to drive girls back home across the uncleared slushy roads?! Me.