Just to prove that sad face is wrong and that Dave isn't just here talking to himself, here's a post. Enjoy.
I finally got around to watching Scott Pilgrim for the first time on Friday, and I have to agree. Awesome movie. I actually watched it again on Saturday. Only thing I didn't like was the little Seinfeld bit. Seinfeld was great and all, but it just felt really out of place. Also, they should have kept all of the Wallace-related deleted scenes in. That guy was great. The test audiences were right to make them go back and re-shoot the ending, though. The original one sucked. I should get the books to see which ending they had; the commentary for the deleted ending made it sound like the one they ended up using matched the books better.
The Walking Dead? Excellent as well. Seems out of place on AMC, but at least somebody's making it. This is the type of series SyFy would be showing if they hadn't gone to shit years ago.
Just finished Casshern Sins last night. Good post apocalyptic anime, very pretty. Basic takeaway: living in a dying world sucks, but life is meaningless if it goes on endlessly.
We've been playing Rock Band 3 a bit at the house. Pro mode drums is pretty cool, but I'm reserving final judgment until I get a hold of the midi controller or the newer Ion drums designed for pro mode. The keyboard seemed a little easy in normal mode, but completely painful in pro mode. Somebody else is going to need to spring for the pro guitar to see if it's any good; I don't want any part of that thing. Also, the new character creator sucks. I have to work way too hard to create a character that doesn't look as good as the ones I made in 2 minutes in 1 or 2. And what happened to the personality option? My drummer needs to be punk, dammit!
Back to you, Dave.