So Japan is going through the I'm-bored-with-this-scenario-so-lets-induce-every-disaster SimCity moment. It's okay, the West Coast of Amurika is getting the plume of the eminent nuclear (nukular) fallout. Possibly.
Then there's this
asshole. This morning there were about 6 different pieces that did this idea. Understandably, people deal with tragedies differently. Some people write songs, others paint pictures. To me, I feel this is exploiting the tragedy as some people exploit high school people on their Facebook: the more (number displayed) the better. Pieces like this strike a cord with the largely untalented section of DA who favorite anything that is chibi, deals with Japan, and deals with tragedy. And this person does it.
Am I jealous? Damn straight I am. Exploit whatever you can, when you can! Why am I angry? READ THE ARTIST'S COMMENT. They are angry that the internet *gasp* is full of assholes and insensitive trolls. If the blog has taught me anything, and it has in so many situations, is that the internet is a giant truck of tubes filled with assholes and cats. Logically, it is also full of cat assholes. Being butthurt that the internet doesn't put lotion onto your hurting butt and tell you that it is an amazing thing and prettier than the rest has to be expected, especially if you leave the critiques and comments on a site full of pretentious a-holes. Criticism is also something artists have to learn to deal with and accept, even if it isn't constructive. Also, if you expect a serious critique with logical points for improvement...on the internet... you are either 12 (and don't know what this is) or full of your head, foot, and self.
If case you are wondering, I got reported for agreeing with another comment that it wasn't worth the 10k views hype. The artist reported me for abusive behavior/bullying policies, but I only got a warning. What does this teach me?
I don't know. I didn't learn a lesson. Butthurt cat assholes is the main ingredient of the internet, I guess. That's a pretty lousy lesson.
Labels: Adrian Brody, cat anus, Japan