I've been thinking about buying a rifle.
I'm not alone, considering the number of background checks performed over the past few months, there seems to have been
rise in gun sales. And people in Forida are apparently stocking up on bullets because there is a
shortage of bullets in Flordia stores.
Why the sudden gun lust?
Maybe because we have a new president who is concerned about gun violence.
Maybe beause the economy is bad, getting worse, and they fear they may have to defend their property against desperate hobos.
Or maybe there is revolution in the air.
What do we do when the government takes 6.6% of our wages and hands it over to the same people who tried to sell us refinanced mortgages at 30% interest? Do we vote for the democrat who is going to increase spending and make the government bigger and probably can't fix anything, or the republican who is going to cut taxes, increase spending and also can't fix anything?
Are we supposed to sit back and laugh, or watch in horror as the people we voted for agree to spend a trillion dollars of our money and probably our children's money, on a bill most of them haven't even read? Do we write very serious blog posts about how concerned we are and hope someone is listening?
What do we do if they decide they need 10.6% of our wages because half the country is out of work and the government can't function without jacking up taxes? Do the patriotic thing, and sacrifice our wages for the good of the republic that already flushed our money down the crapper twice?
What the fuck are we supposed to do? We already voted. What else can we do?
We could storm the capitol.
I know that sounds crazy, but should it? Our country was founded by people who were sick of being taxed by a bunch of assholes who didn't give a shit about their well being. At what point should the poor people of this country consider revolt against the rich assholes who don't care about us? Who, in fact, seem much more concerned with keeping us quiet and controlled than making us prosperous.
At what point would you consider buying a rifle?
Some of you are probably thinking, "NEVER! What do you think I am, suicidal? The government has tanks and jeeps and bombs of every size. We've already let the governemnt control an army too powerful for the people of this country to stop it."
That's true, maybe any revolution against a modern government could only end in failure. We are absolutely at the mercy of the governemnt.
Man, forget the rifle, I'm moving to Ireland.