I went to the doctor, and all he gave me were these yellow pills
Hello blog. It's been a while. You've been around longer than I like to think about. Because it makes me feel old.
You know what else makes me feel old? I recently found out I have high blood pressure. Pretty high, too. I guess. This sort of thing is still very new to me. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago because I was having trouble sleeping, and the nurse who took my blood pressure told me that it was really high and I should keep an eye on it. So I kept and eye on it and, sure enough, it was consistently high. Always well over the magic 120/80 numbers.
Why? God only knows. I don't drink much caffeine, I don't eat a lot of salt, I exercise regularly, and I'm not fat. I do drink a lot of alcohol, but that can only account for so much. Unfortunately, I might just be genetically predisposed to it. I do tend to stress out a lot, so that probably isn't helping.
They call high blood pressure "the silent killer" because most people who have it don't have any symptoms. I would say that I've had a few symptoms, but I never thought it was high blood pressure. I've had a few heart palpitations before and the occasional headache. Now I've got a bottle of yellow pills. I'm really not happy about it, either. I thought I'd make it through my twenties without any such medical problems, but no. 28 with high blood pressure.
Theoretically, if it is my lifestyle that caused it, I should be able to reverse it. All I have to do is cut out all the fun things: drinking, smoking, caffeine, red meat, salt, stress . . . that sort of thing. (Yes, stress can be fun. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.)
The crazy thing is, I actually plan to do just that. I'm trying not to look at it as a sign that I'm growing old. I'm trying to see it as a sign that it's time to grow up. Is that really any less depressing?
You know what else makes me feel old? I recently found out I have high blood pressure. Pretty high, too. I guess. This sort of thing is still very new to me. I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago because I was having trouble sleeping, and the nurse who took my blood pressure told me that it was really high and I should keep an eye on it. So I kept and eye on it and, sure enough, it was consistently high. Always well over the magic 120/80 numbers.
Why? God only knows. I don't drink much caffeine, I don't eat a lot of salt, I exercise regularly, and I'm not fat. I do drink a lot of alcohol, but that can only account for so much. Unfortunately, I might just be genetically predisposed to it. I do tend to stress out a lot, so that probably isn't helping.
They call high blood pressure "the silent killer" because most people who have it don't have any symptoms. I would say that I've had a few symptoms, but I never thought it was high blood pressure. I've had a few heart palpitations before and the occasional headache. Now I've got a bottle of yellow pills. I'm really not happy about it, either. I thought I'd make it through my twenties without any such medical problems, but no. 28 with high blood pressure.
Theoretically, if it is my lifestyle that caused it, I should be able to reverse it. All I have to do is cut out all the fun things: drinking, smoking, caffeine, red meat, salt, stress . . . that sort of thing. (Yes, stress can be fun. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.)
The crazy thing is, I actually plan to do just that. I'm trying not to look at it as a sign that I'm growing old. I'm trying to see it as a sign that it's time to grow up. Is that really any less depressing?