We're just a day short of the one-month mark on that Tick clip that Nick posted, and still it freaks me out everytime I load the page.
Still! I'm sitting here in the clothes I slept in, which means, basically, my full clothes, so I've got that sticky-sweaty thing going on, and then suddenly somebody's talking and then the Tick is talking and it's like the damn Tick is in my bedroom, in my bed, Jesus, what did I do with the Tick last night? What did he slip me? Damn you! Damn you, you son of a bitch!
There's a great article about D&D in the most recent
Believer. You can read an excerpt
here. The interviews play a round with one E. Gary Gygax, one of the inventors, in which they attempt to find the powerful Teeth of Barkash-Nour.
But I'm hard pressed to believe that their campaign could be any more interesting than our mythical round of Morgan-DM'd shapeshifting telescope-with-a-range-of-farring pizza -eating ridiculousness. Am I wrong, or was this the same night that Goathead decided, hmm, coffee grounds + ice cream = delicious?
I have today off, just one day, and already my old internet-happy-time-wasting self has returned. I've emailed two people, including my girlfriend, I've watched today's
Ze Frank show (today's wasn't that great, although the invisible babies are an interesting concept), and I've even played the dick out of Line Rider.
Why didn't I have Line Rider at my job?!
Original discovery credits for that game, by the way, go to Cricket.
The reason I have today off is, Andy's and my Thursday night class is cancelled. It's cancelled because tomorrow we're field tripping to Minneapolis to see a couple publishing houses. This sounds fun, right, except that our van is leaving at seven in the morning.