Friday, September 29, 2006
These colors don't lurch.
So apparently, there was a demonstration in Texas for the equal treatments/rights of zombies. But it was counter-protested (???) by a group of pirates.

Why the fuck weren't we told about all this?!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
And how long have you been a superhero?
We're just a day short of the one-month mark on that Tick clip that Nick posted, and still it freaks me out everytime I load the page. Still! I'm sitting here in the clothes I slept in, which means, basically, my full clothes, so I've got that sticky-sweaty thing going on, and then suddenly somebody's talking and then the Tick is talking and it's like the damn Tick is in my bedroom, in my bed, Jesus, what did I do with the Tick last night? What did he slip me? Damn you! Damn you, you son of a bitch!

There's a great article about D&D in the most recent Believer. You can read an excerpt here. The interviews play a round with one E. Gary Gygax, one of the inventors, in which they attempt to find the powerful Teeth of Barkash-Nour.

But I'm hard pressed to believe that their campaign could be any more interesting than our mythical round of Morgan-DM'd shapeshifting telescope-with-a-range-of-farring pizza -eating ridiculousness. Am I wrong, or was this the same night that Goathead decided, hmm, coffee grounds + ice cream = delicious?

I have today off, just one day, and already my old internet-happy-time-wasting self has returned. I've emailed two people, including my girlfriend, I've watched today's Ze Frank show (today's wasn't that great, although the invisible babies are an interesting concept), and I've even played the dick out of Line Rider.

Why didn't I have Line Rider at my job?!

Original discovery credits for that game, by the way, go to Cricket.

The reason I have today off is, Andy's and my Thursday night class is cancelled. It's cancelled because tomorrow we're field tripping to Minneapolis to see a couple publishing houses. This sounds fun, right, except that our van is leaving at seven in the morning.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Ride, you little fucker!
I've been addicted to this for days.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I am a pilgrim in an unholy land.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Drunken ranting from America's shriveled penis!
There is a publication here in the great city of Orlando called the "Orlando Weekly". It's a free publication as it's paid for by the advertising it has. So it has 10 pages of real journalism and 20 pages of ads but that's where you find out what's happening that week being that this paper comes out weekly, hence the name. It's top writer is a gay ex-coke head. Tim would fit right in. All the bars, clubs, and music concerts advertise here. So back story aside, I saw an ad that would probably be a hit there in Iowa. A rum tasting night. That's right. RUM! It was like 50 bucks, expensive yes, but you get to do shots of different types of rum until 9pm when the tasting stops and they just drink beer. By nine every one will be so hammered that the 50 buck entrance would be a blur. Throw in some live music from a local band and you got a class A party. The profit would be great. Any bartenders out there should take heed. Whoo Hoo. RUM!
Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day!
Ahoy! Ever'one! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day! Arrr!

I have t' move out o' me room on Saturday. doubloons-identally, I requested Saturday off Sears a forthnoight ago so I coul' have a day off. Now it be spent movin' t' another room. This move will make it official: I have raised flags upon every floor at t' dorms. It be a wonderful and useless title, me mateys. Garr.

Bless me stars! I haggled a game called Monster Hunter upon the other evenin'. Yo ho, me mateys, yo ho!. It's me life, really. You Davy Jones' locker involuntarily a lot an' you have only a deck broom t' defend yourself upon every starboard bow. And you plunder stuff, too. Tis really hard t' "aquire" thin's, cuz you have t' cook and alchemy a lot o' it. Oh, and ye have t' cook yer chow. But ya burn it a lots before ya learn how to, and burnin' t' foods makes you sick or makes t' food worth a haypenny. Tis Animal Crossin', but without t' Scurvy Carnfoogler Tom Nook t' help out and buy yer goods under the false pretense o' t' Empire breathin' down yer neck, my boys. But it only cost me a few doubloons to fetch it from a bargain barrel, so it be wind in t' sails, boys. Wind in t' sails.

Monday, September 18, 2006
The zemskii sobor
I fucking love Russian history.
Since no one is posting...
I hate 3D animation. Well...more specifically I hate the modeling aspect of it. The animating is damn easy. It's just getting to that point suuuuuuuucks. Maybe I should have copped out and gone to a regular educational place. But then again, I would be working at an evenoreso deadend job with a pipe dream of a cartoon not going anywhere.

Saturday, September 16, 2006
Sewn Back Together Poorly
Fucking shit balls with a side of cock: I was relieved of my RA position.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
More evidence that God hates me.
Even when I was a child I was hated by skeletons.
I"m sure some of us have already seen this, but:

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
All alone in my defeat

Distract Him by ~MechaDaveO on deviantART

So I have a blind date set up for next weekend. I am fearing it will be like a trip to Sea World. You know...orca and all.
Lyric I just heard:
We goin back to the future just like Christopher Lloyd.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
So yeah.
I went to Dragon Con again this year.
Here's some lovely pictures if any o' y'all get bored enough to look. Fun stuff aboundeth.

Zee pictures.

I'm thinking I might hit Necronomicon down in FL this October.
Monday, September 11, 2006
It's like looking into a Japanese mirror
So I've gotten into this anime Cromartie Highschool and I found so many parallels between it and our highschool days that made it even funnier to me than it probably should of been. If you haven't seen any episodes yet then I suggest you find someone with a copy. Because if you get hooked like I did then it's worth buying. Here are some characters that remind me of people either by looks or personality.







September 11
I was browsing through the news stuff online this morning when I got up and was reading a few things about September 11th, with all the rememberance stuff, and ceremonies going on today, etc. Even around campus there are memorials and so on and so forth.
It's just strange to think that was only a few years ago. I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news. I was driving to school, had on 103.3, and I thought it was a terrible terrible joke. I didn't think anyone in their right minds would fly a plane into the Twin Towers. (and no one in their right mind commits an act of terrorism) All day long we were in the library or in classes watching all the carnage unfold on the news. My volleyball game that night was cancelled, and I remember the string of cars outside every gas station in town, waiting to fill up, because of the fear of increased gasoline prices.
Now, a few short years later, here we are. It's strange to watch movies that were made in New York in the 90's that show the Towers, and it's a little sad. They are now non-existant. And we're fighting an uphill battle, where no one is seeming to gain any ground. Gas prices are terrible (thought they can always get worse) and I am now a proud member of the United States military.
I wasn't so sure back then how my life would be affected by that day, or how the world in general would be affected. But now I know. Upon my graduation (which is just in 13 short weeks) from UNI, I have only a few weeks before I ship out for my Navy training. I'm going to be a linguist and work in intelligence. Based upon my high test scores and language abilities, I'll most likely be learning Arabic with a small possibility of Korean, Chinese or Japanese, but most likely - Arabic will be it.
A lot of people are upset by my decision to do this, but the majority of my family and friends are happy for me, and proud of me. To be honest, it really feels as if I'm doing the right thing. I'm really excited to be serving my country, to be working for something greater than myself. But I'm not going to lie, there's a part of me that's terrified beyond belief at the unknown at what will (potentially) happen, or where I might go. That's a risk I'm just going to have to take.

Anyway, I was just thinking.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I like apples
they are delicious.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Child fuckin
Here's a story about a group of alleged Catholic priest sexual assault victims who are upset because a Davenport bishop is warning that his diocese may have to go into bankruptcy to deal with the endless payouts. To be fair, the bishop refused to let an independent advisor examine the diocese's financial situation.

Does anyone know anything about this? Is it really possible that this many priests were sex abusers? It seems like a witchhunt that goes on and on . . . but maybe it's deserved. The high-stakes monetary payouts are what make it seem questionable . . . but it seems dangerous to start doubting sex assault victims.

I dunno, I'm just wondering about all this right now instead of writing my presentation for tonight which, interestingly enough, is about Nabakov's Lolita.

Some kid at UNI made Sarah a pirate music compilation once, and I'm listening to it right now, and it's like . . . landed on Sailing Medley sung by 'Disneyland Children' and some tenor who sounds castrated, gay, and zonked on a prozac & estrogen milkshake. Imagine the most gentle 'blow the man down' you can.

As I know most of us here enjoy our piratey things, let me offer the good parts of this collection:

Aquabats -- Captain Hamton & the Pirate Midgets
Unicorns -- Sea Ghost (didn't listen to all this one, but it uses the phrase 'watery deaths.'
Decemberists -- Mariner's Revenge

I guess that's it. Damn.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Manifesting My Revenge
So I lost my phone. Don't call me for a while until I say so. Not that, well, any of you fucks do call me, but just keep up the no-contact order.

I had to go to the Nextel Store to put my phone on hold so no mystery Guatamalian or Lebanese person would find my phone and make calls to their heathen families in the areas of the world God has forgotten. So Ali and I go out and park in the Mall's parking acre. We come back 40 minutes later to discover that an SUV has pinned us into our spot by not properly parking. This assclown seriously had his bumper inches from Ali's passenger door...and something snapped. I grabbed a Sharpie and a piece of white paper and left this pinnacle-of-my-existence scripture on the fuckin' SUV's windshield from years of the nightmare that has up till now made me irate:


I can almost die happy. I just need that gothy/pirate/punk girl to scrog me to death while MSI blares in the background whilst a 300 ft. screen projects the slaughtering of a blue whale. Then I can die happy.
A covey of partridges.
Here you go.
Monday, September 04, 2006
The animal world lost a champion

I'll miss the hell outta that guy.
May he find peace wrasslin angel crocs.
Huh, didn't see that coming.
Steve Irwin is dead, but not due to massive croc mauling. Didn't see that coming. They called it a freak accident that a stingray's barb through the chest. Somehow I think we all know he was messing with it.

Rest in peace Steve. You've entertained us and lived a wild, wierd, and full life.

Betty Cocker
So today after work I said "Fuck it: Lets spend money on me." And I did. 45 bucks later I am the happy possessor of The Tick vs Season One and City of Villains.

I cannot install CoV until I get my homework done for the quarter. Balls. I will, however, watch The Tick this week. After Ali's birthday, which I am bringing a penis-shaped cake. Mainly cuz I get to say Betty Cocker as much as I want to in reguards to the cake.

Betty Cocker.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Let the public decide on net neutrality!
Which might just give the tel-co's the advantage. Why? Have you seen the new commercials on tv about net neutrality?

Oh yeah. TV. No pipes to clog there... The commercials called the "net neutrality" issue a lot of mumbo jumbo. Big words made up by the silicon valley big-wigs to make you (me, all of us) pay out the nose for internet service. You mean that's not happening anyway? To be fair, a 30 second spot doesn't have a whole lot of time to flesh out the main points of the whole issue. To say the least there's certainly no time to talk about a tiered internet based on subscriptions via the same telco's that sponsored the ad (so blatant, they could have omitted any name and I would have guessed the telco's, or some lobbying group).

Cause when it comes to who should get rich from the internet, who could pay for all the bandwidth, and how we should distribute who can get what at what speed, it's purely silicon valley that's worried about getting their cut. The internet is a damned gold mine these days.

I saw a fast food commercial that was selling mario toys with their kids meals. The commercial? A repurposed version of the stage version of the mario bro's video that floated around the net for awhile there (I'd imagine the youTube for that is still out there).

Point being? I'm straying. I want to know the number of people who have cable, and those who have internet, or both. Then those who only have cable, what their knowledge of computers, internet and the net neutrality issue. I worry that while there may be a strong case for net neutrality, there might just be more people who have no idea what it even means and would see those commercials that easily play on a tv whenever needed. Things don't fall into your lap the same way on the internet... Not generally at least.

While here on the net, I don't expect a coherent or successful campaign from the telco's. On the flipside, I don't see any organized front from the internet making it's way to the tv.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Mostly harmless
So the retards came into the Lobby tonight. It is comparable to a sea lion colony. Just a bunch of barking, babbling, and undecipherable bitching.

I went and saw Little Miss Sunshine. You all were right: this is the best movie I've seen since PotC2 ...what? You haven't seen it yet? You fucking godless bastards. Why haven't you seen it yet? ...grad school?! That's a fucking LAME excuse. About as lame as a man with no legs. No head, even. Go see it! NOW!

I want to club some seals now.
Giant Monsters Attack Japan!
One of Matt Stone and Trey Parkers next live action films is called Gian Monsters Attack Japan. Apparantly this movie intend to take a man in suit approach to their giant monsters. Dave, why didn't we think of this first? By the way everybody, I am actually enjoying school. Granted I've only been there for about a week, but hey at least I've enjoyed it this long.