Sunday, December 31, 2006
Richard in my donkey
Balls and cock: I had to stay in Albia to help my mother this morning, missing my rides with Gillassbeads and Tim. Hence: no New Year's with Wellzie.

It really is like three years least I don't have a goiter.

This break has been fun. Despite my vagrant wandering habits around the deader then dead Albia, I had fun in Des Moines with you all when I saw you. I would have loved to been around for midnight, but you would all be sucking face with someone else and I would be...again...without a face to suck.

I leave you now with my New Year's resolution: Iwill not kill any more dinosaurs. I have to have a realistic and attainable goal.
Friday, December 29, 2006
There are a surprising lot of hobos here.
Hello, Blog!

I'm back in Des Moines--at least for an hour--writing this from the second level of the Central Library. I had to drive my father up here so he could submerse himself to several hundred feet inside a

hyperbaric chamber, and while he's diving I'm F'ing around here for an hour. And while I realize it's ridiculous to be excited about being in Des Moines, I've been in Guttenberg then Garnavillo then Dubuque then Albia for the past week, so: F you.

John's right, all this being-in-places-of-origin must come to a stop, and soon. I think I'll have an orgasm when I get back to our apartment.

Last night Rominger, Dave and I had an adventure involving Blakesburg, but that story will wait until I get the pictures uploaded.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
A Sex Cult that Doesn't Actually Involve Sex
This first section is mostly meant for my comrade, Arthur A. Wells, or also anyone in Albia:

I finally beat that horsefucking router. It took until about a half hour ago--after an initial 12:07 AM victory, I was defeated again, but came back at the brink of exhaustion.

Tomorrow I'll be out of town with me mums in the day, and then with the fambly till 8:30 or 9 or so, but if you (Dave) or you (anyone else) are interested in the traditional walking around Albia after that, LET'S DO IT.

This next section is meant for anyone

My sisters gave my father a laptop for Christmas and I, after hearing that he'd finally advanced past godforsaken porn-surf-libido-crushing dial-up, picked up a wireless router. I then did battle with that beast for a combined total of

at least five hours
at least two glasses of water
at least 20 handfuls of Rice Crispies (dinner having been skipped)

Also, this vulgarity frequency chart, while unscientifically compiled, is accurate enough:

Word or Phrase----------------------------Times Said, Whispered, Growled, etc

God DAMN it-----------------------------------32
GOD damn it------------------------------------5
This is a dick in my ass-----------------------2
Tree Fuckin Hippie-----------------------------0 (regrettably)

All this on the back porch of my parents' house, with the door closed, and my mother sleeping not fifteen feet away. Let's hope she sleeps soundly.

So now I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, typing this up, at 3:06 in the damned morning, the concept of which would blow the top of my head off four years ago, when I was hunched over the desktop upstairs, trying to gut PKers on the mud with a 28.8 dial-up modem that kicked out every 40 minutes.

Just being here is reminding me of that version of myself, Tim From the Past, and that time, and everyone. Earlier Dave came by and, lacking anywhere to go and anything to do, we walked out past the old apartment, out around the Romingers' cat farm, through the high school parking lot. Dave told me there's nothing left to do in this town but walk around like an old man, and he's right. To me this town has become a shell of the past, somewhere I visit and get out of before too much can happen, because almost no one's left (Amish doesn't count because he's working nights, and I feel too goofy knocking on Josh's door at 10 pm by myself).

But tonight, about 30 minutes ago, when I was finally pissing all over that router's defeated carcass and getting ready to go to bed, I started looking around the shadows on my father's back porch and the popcorn-salt-orange light coming from the high school parking lot and the back of Meagan's house outside the window and everything came back to me for a second, the feeling of being young, of this place being vibrant, of not worrying about my parents' health, of having the entire future ahead and not knowing that every month gone is a month's worth of lost opportunities.

Does anyone else feel like that? Like we've been accelerating like mad and have now rocketed past some singularity after which everything is slowing down and dead and just stagnating, floating, unchanging? Too many things have gone from potential to fulfillment to interesting to great to commonplace to either gone or fading. My parents are getting older, my father's got some bizarro illness, Heather, Heidi, Ryan, Billy, Bunny, and other people who were important parts of my time in Des Moines are now people I haven't talked to in months. I've been free of a job long enough that I'm almost bored of it, which is ridiculous, but almost, somewhat, true--I'm having dreams lately about my old job, about getting hired again, where my old boss calls and asks me back and for some reason it's almost orgasmic going back to the capitol complex, pinning the badge back on, fucking around online for 8 hours and then getting paid for it.

Not that I'd take it back for even double the pay. But for some reason I have these dreams. But then, last night I also dreamt about working for a newspaper and receiving tips from a clairvoyant and then, after waking up and padding around Sarah's brother's house in my red-and-gray skull boxers, about joining a sex cult that, disappointingly but relievingly, didn't actually ever involve sex.

I'm going to bed. Right here, on my parents' couch.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Meat Pump
The recent e. coli outbreak didn't concern me, nor did the fact that once, when I went to a Taco Bell drive-thru in New Jersey, I was told through the loudspeaker that I couldn't get a burrito because "the meat pump is broken."

Something's f'd up with blogger on this computer, so the link to that is:
Sunday, December 24, 2006
At least we ALL look horrible -:- OR -:- Merry XXXmas
Wellsy, I hope you're ruining Christmas in Albia. I'm trying to ruin it up here, but the stakes are considerably lower in a town where the gas stations aren't even open.

Some pics from LAST Christmas Eve:

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Merry Cromas, blog!
Just because I need to write this down
I had a dream last night that has been weirding me out all day long. For one, every time I replay it in my head it goes back through other things I could swear I've dreamed about other nights. So I'm not really sure where the breaks in dreams are anymore...

The second reason is because andy sings odd songs. I was working in a women's prison. I started off as a guard on the ground floor. minimum security. The rest of the floors were below ground, each of the six or seven floor layouts were square, a ring of cells around a bottomless pit. Each level you went down, the worse the inmates got. The odd part about this was that reality kept changing. If I was walking along the south wall, it looked like I was outside, the ceiling disappeared and it was a nice summer day in a field behind a warehouse that just happened to be a prison next to bottomless pit. If I were walking along the north wall, a catwalk would appear cutting a path across the abyss on each level. If along the west wall, ramps to go between the floors. If along the east, the bars over the cells turned into glass walls.

At some point I figured out I was to do more than just be a guard and was given a long chain that had colored metal weights towards the end of it. I tied it off from the entry on the ground floor and climbed down to keep an eye on the inmates at the lowest level. The chain hung out far enough they couldn't get to me. I watched, hanging on until my shift was over, then climbed back up. But before I could climb over the railing at the top, I had to pull the chain up. I managed to wedge myself in a corner (a la spiderman) propping myself up by the railing, and slowly pulling the chain up with another guard hauling in what I pulled up. Finally the end of the chain came and the helper guard stopped helping. I was holding onto the weights and holding myself up. I kept pleading with them to haul the rest over, cause I didn't think I couldn't pull myself over the rail after all that. All I could see were the colored weights dangling over the pit... then remembered my arms were getting tired and I was going to fall in soon. They finally hauled the chain in and me, but I was ordered then to walk down to the bottom level... unarmed...

I get down there to find this withered old witch with bug eyed minons yelling at me. The other inmates cleared a path to her for me. I thought I'd be killed the moment I set foot on the floor. But instead I have this crazy woman cackling things I probably should have remembered... They seemed important at the time... She led me to an empty cell, had me open the door and then handed me a shrunken head. I picked the shriveled thing up by the hair. She pointed into the cell. I tossed the head in and the door shut.

Then my phone rang and I got up...

Moral of the story: when a witch tells you something, you better remember...
Friday, December 22, 2006
Santa Saw You Masturbating
Albia. Boring. No suprise there. stop

Next week: Christmas, loitering, possible Dana'ing. Anything going on for New Years?stop

Also: RETURNING TO DENVER JANUARY 2nd. Put it in your pipe and smoke it while you contemplate who the universe revolves around 4 weeks of the year (hint: it's me). stop
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Your lemonade, sir.
Hello, Blog!

I'm just sitting up here in Minneapolis, thinking about you, trying to type you an entry on my computer, which keeps flashing the godforsaken spinning beach ball every few seconds, as if all its dear processing power is eaten up by the effort of displaying a new handful of words on the composition screen.

It's snowing outside, suddenly. It went from rain to snow sometime around one pm, and now the road here is white, sugarcoated, threatening to confound my plans to go fuck around in town.

And every few minutes, my phone goes "Krooow!" Which means, I have a text message. So, is someone sending me texts? The reason I ask is, my screen is broken and so I can't see anything except for:

3 6

s y

The way this happened was, one day I woke up and my phone was somehow under my mattress, and the screen was entirely fucked.

I have this video of me, John and Goathead trying to skateboard. I really want to put the video up here, but I don't know how they'd feel about that. So, if you're in the video and are reading this, what do you think?

Here are some stills to whet your ravenous appetite:

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
If you get the chance.
I just finished watching the finale of the first season of Dexter on Showtime and all I can say is damnit, I want more. I've sorta over the last year or so become addicted to alot of the series on the premium channels. Deadwood was great, Oz was fun for a while, but Dexter has just become my favorite. So if you get the chance to watch the series in it's entirety I highly recommend you do so......but you don't have to take my word for it.(cue reading rainbow music)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Maltese Sparrow
Congratulations on your graduationiness Kelly.
Though...that was last Saturday and

We got two new rescue/recovery trucks at the station the other day.
Their arrival made the front page in the local paper; the Lameass Chronicle.

I had no idea a truck could be so sexy...
I got to help equip the things and otherwise get them ready for service.
Been showing off pictures like a proud parent.

Trying to decide if that's just über lamesauce or if I've just finally found my calling...

That is all.
As you were.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
1200 Men Playing Grabass Could Not Be Gayer

I was told my cartoon needs work. And audio. Work and audio. Piss to that.

I will be back Monday. Yay. Where will you be when it happens?
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Class Project

Pictures for andy--yes, that is birdpoopy

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
This is how we make money in the creative writing program.
Aw yeah.
So tomorrow...
okay, technically later today...
I'mma get my bunker gear and start getting familiarized with the trucks.

Yeah, I know you guys are probably sick of the play-by-play of Mel's Life but...
Fuck y'all.
I'mma run into burning buildings and scrape people off highways.
How fucking cool is that?

I promise, after I get my gear, show off a few pictures, etc., I'll go back to normal and only bother you people twice a year or so.
Blog Logo
No offense to Peach or SSBM...but I would like to see a new blog logo.

Being bored and done with school, I threw one together with City of Villains and Paint. I know Bil and I had a really quick conversation about a new logo...but I never got around to it.

What do the rest of you think? I know: don't fix what isn't broken. But if there's an idea, I'm sure there can be some compromise.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I'm graduating on Saturday.
That is all.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Gone are the Olson Twins on the Financial Aide Book...
...and salutations to Rachel, Burning Bus Pirate Girl!

Three years ago, this is what I thought AiC was all about. Three years later from that thought, I find such thoughts. And this is why I FUCKING LOOOOOOOOVE THIS PLACE.
By the way, Rachel? Badass.
Sad fucking news.

Well I got some sad fucking news. My Grandfather died today. And although it's some shitty reas0n to be back in Iowa, I'll be coming back on Sunday and leaving I don't know. Either way, I want to do some heavy drinking after the funeral. The kind where I wake up in a diffrent state with a new wife. I loved my Grandfather and will miss him dearly. Army Ranger, fisher, mouse trap inventer, turkey hunter. He was many things. And those things I miss the most. If any one wants to join me, tell me now.
Parenthesis Day
This thought experiment, while a little boring, at least carries an interesting image (you have to imagine it)
Highlights from this morning's news
An Eastern-Iowa prostitution ring (?)

Insensitively, I say, "Boom!"

Wii! (alternately: "Wheeee!")
New Years Eve
We should have the party at my place because Shannon is on call. thoughts?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wang dang doodle

Click the pronunciation audio thingy, it is the funny!
Photo bukkake!
A drawing I saw on the fridge when I went home over Thanksgiving
(I'm told that nobody actually got punched, so its meaning is a mystery):

Where we ate dinner Thanksgiving night:

This is how Ames looked a few weeks ago:


Cricket (this is what he looks like all the time):


If I didn't already post my costume from Necro down in FL.


And, um...
I went and did it.
Today I was voted in to our local county fire department. Next Wednesday, I get fitted for my bunker gear and begin training.

In January, I start training to get my EMT certifications.


I can't begin to say how very awesome this all is.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
A misplaced headbutt can cause more damage to the headbutter than the victim.
Read up on this in preparation for your next big bar fight.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Wii search.
So I've decided to get my brother a wii for christmas, so if you find one let me know and if your tip leads to a purchase I'll buy you dinner or lunch some time.
Serial Subleasers
Might have an animation job. A sitcom about serial killers. Here's an excert:

"I envision a Christmas episode where they're arguing about what to throw through the girls' window for a gift. I imagine one of them lobbying hard for a severed foot. 'Dude, a severed foot. It's the ultimate stocking stuffer.' "

Now that, my friends, is the bastard son of Nick and me.

Two more weeks...two more weeks...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Sex in your mouth
This is mostly for Andy, but anyone who was taking part of last night's insanity, here's the answer to your inquiry.
I couldn't find how to make "Sex in your mouth" but I found how to make "Sex on my face" which is probably as close as you're going to get.

1/2 shot Yukon Jack
1/2 shot Malibu
1/2 shot SoCo
1/2 shot banana liqueur
splash of cranberry juice
splash of orange juice
splash of pineapple juice

Shake, serve in chilled glass over ice

That, gentlemen is how to make "Sex on my face"
Squinting to Believe It Looks Real
Amiss the constant blizzard, my succesful dating, the horrendous workload of school, the assramming of Sears, and the hunt for Red October, I am coming back to Iowa.

DAVE WILL BE BACK IN IOWA DECEMBER 18TH. Unless the train breaks down outside of Chariton, again, then I won't know what to do. Maybe skin some gators or poach elephant seals.

I would wish Nick to be back this Christmas, but that's an empty wish. I do however need to see Wllm. Everyone should see Wllm this Christmas. He did, afterall, help ruin Christmas a few years ago.

Damn has it been 3 years? Fuck, it has!! How sad. And to think I was lurking on the square in hobo skins.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Chuck Norris has a pet kitten...