Don Piano, Public Dick
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I'm calm...calmer than you are. Calmer than you are.
What the dick was I doing in New Hampshire? Everything not involving Colorado. I had an opp to get cheap tickets to NH back in July and I took it. So I went out there, and it's pretty amazing. Here are some highlights.
The Thirsty Whale. It's so thirsty, they close the kitchen at lunch.
They converted mills into apartments. They are huge and reasonably priced.
We went to Mt. Washington. It was 82 at the base but 32 at the summit. And damn windy.
This is actually Newbury Port (?) in Massatwoshits. The rest of the pics I have involve tiny streets and leaves changing colors. Lynn has pics of me in the ocean. Maybe later. I am tired from my flight and I'm avoiding everyone.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ocular Penetration
Live From Congress: The Skull Fucking Bill Of 2007
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This is for Tim.
I am off to New Hampshire today. I'll be back on zeBlog Thursday.
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This is for Tim.
I am off to New Hampshire today. I'll be back on zeBlog Thursday.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Senior stampede

My final conference day is over; don't worry, the giant blue bear didn't get in or interfere in any way. Dave, I saw no signs of a college graduation. Does this college you have convinced us you are attending actually exist, or is it all part of an elaborate ruse?
I think I'll be glad to be done with this hotel. Right now, as I sit at the desk typing this, I am being blasted by the air conditioner which the desk was brilliantly placed directly in front of. And for some reason, it is now filled with the elderly. Not that I mind them generally, but they move slowly and are everywhere I go, and I've been forced to wade through multiple busloads of them in the lobby. Must be an old people convention of some kind. On a hopefully unrelated note, I came back to my hotel room this evening to find my door ajar. Nothing seems out of place, but who knows what old people get up to when we're not looking.

Morgan, I'm going to be on United flight 6118, scheduled to land at 6:34 PM. Be there, or face my wrath.
Oh, anybody want to buy a ticket to see the Blue Men at the Wells Fargo arena on October 20? It looks like I have a few extra.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
For you folk (TIM) who don't have a myspace page anymore (Bwaaaaaaaaa!)
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
And suddenly the whole trip's worthwhile

I won this bad boy at the casino night thing thrown by a group that supports the user group hosting the conference. The hell with Halo parties. I think it's time for a Dig Dug party.
Anyway, Denver is just messed up. It has damned storms delaying flights; crosswalks that have an ok to jaywalk sign; hotels that claim to be booked up, tell you they are going to give you a presidential suite, which you go up to find is not marked and apparently under construction, then they magically find a normal empty room, so that you are disappointed but not roomless at 11 at night; and casino game employees that walk out of the game room where they are setting up, lift up their leg to fart loudly, then look sheepish when they realize there's somebody in the hallway.
And why the hell is blogger speaking German all of a sudden? "Tastaturkürzel: drücken Sie Strg zusammen mit: B = Bold, I = Italic, P = Publish, D = Draft "
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Embarrassing Photo Time
And Ryan is in search of a warm apple pie.
A better shot of the Golden Mumu of Shame.
Proof that Mrs. Hampton the drama coach truely hated me.
Wes was just that cool.
Back in the day.
Even without a warm apple pie
This is what sexy doesn't look like.
And warm apple pie was had by all.
GAY for the Golden MuMu of Shame.
And Men.
Nathan Allen has mix fellings.
Amish is just happy he didn't have to pay for the show.
Some props to Dave for being a pokefag with me and suppling the reference material.
I have more. Just need a scanner. Tim if you got one or another way for me to get this analog to go digital, let me know.
I have more. Just need a scanner. Tim if you got one or another way for me to get this analog to go digital, let me know.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I had this dream last night that Tim and Andy had bought a robot from Craigslist and it was their newest and bestest friend. He looked like a crash test dummy and acted like Bender.
I grew suspicious if he was a robot or not. When I confronted Tim, he said "Well, he's a damn good drinker either way"
I grew suspicious if he was a robot or not. When I confronted Tim, he said "Well, he's a damn good drinker either way"
Monday, September 03, 2007