Saturday, May 31, 2008
Something worth a look
This has been going on for a long time, and it's for a good cause. When I get to Maryland and have an address to mail to, I'm going to order one. This foundation is nonprofit and rases funds and awareness about HIV/AIDS through the selling of these bracelets.
Not only are these for an amazing cause, but they're beautiful. They have these hand-carved bracelets from villages in Namibia, and of course, no two are alike.
The money goes to food, clothing, schooling and care for children in Africa.
Even if you don't want to buy one, or don't like them, you can still donate money through the site.
It's certainly not a sales pitch, but just something worth looking at.
Friday, May 30, 2008
remember typing 5138008 in your calculator?

Unfortunately, SomethingAwful dot com is my supplier for all things of sub par amusement. Like wretched license plates.
Another Day, Another Dissapointment.
There was a press conference in Denver about an alleged alien encounter caught on tape from some farmer in Nebraska trying to catch someone peeping on his daughters (insert wide array of farmers daughters and sex jokes here). They had experts saying the video is authentic, and it would cost too much to forge the thing, stating muscle movements and blinking... I heard about this and I got excited to the point I couldn't focus in class. When that grueling, nail biting anxiety was over I google the news...

They are not releasing any more than this badly printed xerox printout. Apparently they are making a documentary about it and it will be in the movie. The whole point of the press conference was to show the world tiny 2 second clips of the full video and to rally support over some sort of Colorado-based alien welcoming division.

Colorado has enough aliens, let alone needing to attract more. These aliens are usually doing landscaping or carpentry jobs. You want videos of alien encounters? Go behind Home Depot, with a video camera.

As far as the claim that it would cost thousands to reproduce the video? Ghost hunters in Denver recreated the video with $90 and in five hours.

Apparently, the guy who is making this public has tried to grab media attention before to fund wacky and wonky tonk government-sponsored ideas. His last blunder involved public destressing or some sort of handjob shit like that... The guy is also a jerkoff, mainly because he resembles Applegate from Heaven's Gate-another group of alien sucking dumbasses who craved media attention. They are dead now, and so it goes.

It breaks my heart. The only thing to make me smile so far today is hearing "breaks my heart" in my head as spoken by the announcer from DDR, and I hate DDR.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Nick sent me a ██████ today. Unfortunately, my ██████ is broken, so it will take a while to show everyone the ██████ inside.

Learned me some control-v
Not terribly safe for work.
Oh god, another link! Why do these keep happening?!

Bad words in many languages

It is sort of childish I guess. Reminds me of trying to figure out how to swear in Spanish class, or asking someone who knew another language to teach me bad/insulting/dirty words.

The Designer in me loves the use of flash video and type. So simple.

The Child in me giggles at the funny videos and bad words.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Challenger Appears!
Johnathan Swift would be proud.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mildly amusing steampunk game ... thing ... + odd video
Dirk Valentine. Go play.


Luftwaffles from William Barr on Vimeo.
On that note
Monday, May 26, 2008
One of our drunken conversations becomes a reality
Saturday, May 24, 2008
This is why Amish and I do not collaborate on anything
Friday, May 23, 2008
Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in three words:
Wah Wah Waaaaaaah...

I have mixed feelings on it. Yeah it was fun to watch, but I can sense the Lucas and Spielberg influences (like the monkey heavily on it now. However, Shia LePew did not retard the movie up, because he was not his usual spastic, convulsing idiot that he has played in all his movies.

I will say this, though: it was SOOO much better than Temple of Doom.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Time For Tim to do a review of Cats "Books"
I walk into a book store to do some looking and what do I see? No, not in that section you perverts. That's for you Andy. If you read the title then you would of guessed "Stuff on my Cat" and "More Stuff on my Cat". That's for you Dave. Do a search of Amazon and "the cat review" will have plenty of material for at least two to four more entries. There could be cat review of movies or just reviewing of cats watching movies. That's for you Tim. Kevin and Shannon are getting a cat! Good for you Shannon. Shame on you Kevin. I'm allergic so I guess now I really won't be visiting any time soon or I can just call the place you're getting the cat from and tell them how Shannon is a violent drunk and Kevin was raised on a farm if you get my drift. Then I can visit without my face swelling up. Or I can just wear a haz-mat suit that says "allergic to cat" on it and attempt to stuff food and drink through the mask, making a mess and everybody feel bad. And I would do a jig. And teach your cat to poop in your shoes. Only the left ones. I'm sure there was a collective joke about cats and shaving that went through most of every bodies minds at some point in the last few sentences. Perverts. That's for you Amish. As for the rest of you I got nothing. Now go the fuck out side and get some sun you look anemic. That's for you Wes.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Amish is a textbook-definition troglodyte homunculus
Monday, May 19, 2008
*1,000 yard stare*

School has ended, I have moved, and am still unemployed! I made a crap load of work while I was at school, most of which will be posted somewhere online, and now I have no studio to work in and am almost ready to climb the walls. So I will be on the job hunt here in Iowa City starting tomorrow!? I plan on going to Albia some time in the near future to sort out some things and visit with whoever is around... So consider your selves warned!!!
I just get my feet and put them on the floor
Shit cocks. I have a demo reel due Tuesday. Well, it's the last review of a demo reel. After this week, I have to touch up anything wrong with it. No more things to add to it, no more BSing frames... it's go time, as one would say in a pool within Lovilia at 1230 am with goofy-ass goggles.

I came to this school four years ago with dreams of being the person I am today, and here I am: the person I wanted to be four years ago. Bitter, easily coaxed, popular to an extent, and a firm grasp of who I am. I remember several nights after moving here initially wondering if I made the right choice coming all the way out here. I can tell you, yes I did.

I finally got rid of Jaime, I believe. She moves off to Fort Benning, or has...not too clear on the details there. I realize now that one of the determining factors of me being in Denver was her. I had to get the fuck away from her tentacle-like grip and stop having easily funnel of funds go her way. Now she's married to Ricky and is preggers again, and I DON'T HAVE TO BASE MY LIFE AROUND DRIVING HER ANYWHERE.

So it goes.

I have had some interesting conversations in the last couple days with people I trust and listen to. This cartoon, the one I keep talking about, HAS to be done. That is my goal in the next six months, and I am *gasp* going to focus on this solely! No other distractions besides social outings and work. Toon Boom only costs $150 for a legal copy, and I have fallen in love with the damn thing. The time of talk is over, it is doing time.

I think everyone should take a moment and think, "What do I like to do, and what do I want to do the rest of my life and get paid for it?" Whatever it is, figure it out. Seriously. I'm going to be drawing the rest of my damn life, no doubts about it. I hope some of you will be writing the rest of yours, or start filming, or coding, or whatever other sinful things can be done with engines.

No image macro. Just go and be happy. I sure am.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I have internet back, if you haven't noticed. So, I can play Smash Braz with however wants to play. As soon as I'm done with all my big projects before graduation (JUNE 13th BTWFTWROFLOLMAO BFFJILL) I will be getting Mario Kart Wii in case you all play that.

Also, I'll be putting my reel up here so you all can see it. I plan on being back in Iowa in July with Ali. So far Bil, Amish, and Nick (I guess Rominger too, that chipmonger...) are the only ones who will be around or have definite plans of being in Iowa still.

Until then, courage...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Suddenly, everything makes sense...
The care and feeding of Pulpy.

Pulpy likes flat shiny donuts from johnnyCricket on Vimeo.
Gee Tee Eh

Because we don't have enough ranting, crumpet-eating tossers on this blog.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Dave Wells: time-traveling crazy person?
The Bee War!
Something historical that involves Iowa, Missouri, borders, bees, militia, and whiskey!

The Iowa Perspective

The Missouri Perspective
Monday, May 12, 2008
Salt Lake City, ho
Kevin found out the Mormon church in DM runs Sunday mornings, starting at 9, so if you want to go this weekend send him or me a message!

Max Payne
So Max Payne is being turned into a movies, and for once a video game had a shot at being a good movie, but the good people at Fox thought to themselves Fuck that let's ruin this son bitch. So a couple months ago I read Mark Walberg would be playing Payne. I was a little bothered by this but willing to be open minded. Hell, I even grew to like the idea. So a few weeks later I hear they are shooting for a PG-13 rating. How can Max Payne be rated PG-13 when the hero spends the majority of the video games popping pills to keep pushing through the pain, oh well whatever. So now I find that Ludacris will be playing the role of Jim Bravura. Nothing against Luda, he did a fine job in Crash, but he doesn't fit the role. I'll demonstrate below.

Jim Bravura


I'm all for artistic license in certain cases, but if something isn't broke don't fix it.
ISUCOMM: The Movie

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sarah just did something Amish would do (not THAT)
Well, I'm in Minneapolis for the next few days.


Kevin, regarding your last post, I did some more reading about that Mormon church in Des Moines we talked about before leaving Ames. Are you still interested? We could check it out this weekend.

Well, cheers.
During the hot water explosion at my apartment Shannon eagerly answered the door in hopes that the wonderful maintenance people had arrived. Unfortunately in her haste she didn't look through the peep hole. Who was there you ask? Mormons that's who. Unfortunately Shannon's sweet disposition forced her to listen to these people, so now sitting in my apartment is a Book of Mormon that I'm considering reading.
Friday, May 09, 2008
I wonder who feeds them...
I'm sure this is how it was invented: "You know... Those claw games just arn't hard enough. The prize should wriggle and struggle for freedom! Yes! That will make winning all the more rewarding! It may also make me rich with the quarters of stupid people!"
GTA comic
Found this in a link from Dinosaur Comics.Link
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Coming home
Hey all, I just wanted to let you know that I am officially a Russian linguist for the US Navy. Today I graduated, and put on Petty Officer 3rd Class and I'm flying out on Monday. I have to spend the night in Baltimore, then fly out Tuesday morning and will be going to Minneapolis so my dad can pick me up. I'll be spending about a week-ish in Iowa so let me know if you would like to get together. Hope to see you guys in a couple weeks.
That's all for now.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
The Kevin of old has returned I have to be to work in about 3 hours and I can't sleep. So you ask your self how is this important to me. It's not, I just needed to vent and didn't want to awaken anybody who is actually capable of sleep right now.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Cartoons of strange!

Things you will see in the link above: Space wolves, zombies, skeletons, gnomes, and narwhal. Just to name a few.
The internet is the bane of every censor and hypocrite.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Watch this one second
Like chips
Friday, May 02, 2008
.... hitting fan
I'm still surprised at how much trouble you Ames fellas have stirred up. I'm curious as to who first sicked the press on the story as well as a wondering who contacted Youtube to block it. Though glancing now at their TOS I'm seeing they have a pretty open-out written in. I've heard of people getting hit with DMCA requests more often and didn't know they had this. Probably only took an email from an ISU extension to get it pulled down.

7. Account Termination Policy
A. YouTube will terminate a User's access to its Website if, under appropriate circumstances, they are determined to be a repeat infringer.

B. YouTube reserves the right to decide whether Content or a User Submission is appropriate and complies with these Terms of Service for violations other than copyright infringement, such as, but not limited to, pornography, obscene or defamatory material, or excessive length. YouTube may remove such User Submissions and/or terminate a User's access for uploading such material in violation of these Terms of Service at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.

Amazing really to think that nothing would have happened if they just let it slide by. Also found them talking about you in the Chronicle of Higher Education forum.

Opinions all over the place seem to be highly divided, and some are just standard internet bitching. So regardless of whatever else comes out of this you dastardly TA's have started discussions all over the place in academics. Ran into an ISU English Prof last week that I didn't realize I knew from another context. She seemed to think I should apply again. After all this I'm largely thinking I have posters that would be better wall hangings than another document from an educational institute. Never expected it would be colleges that would turn me off to organized learning environments. I seem to be tangenting, knew I should have gone to bed sooner.

Anyhow, good luck working through this ...whatever this is now. I'd have to say try to not stomp on more toes and becareful that you don't go and say something that really can come back and bite you. The videos are out there and being scrutinized. I can't say I remember anything too damning in them. But in their defense don't say something to give the other side something they can run with. As you'd said earlier, you are almost graduated and back to having to deal with the non-academic. Its probably not good to have hostile references behind you for whereever you are going next. I'd side with you, just watch your backs.

Thursday, May 01, 2008
Guess who's seeing Iron Man tonight at 8:30 pm (9:30 cst) on a very big screen?

Three guesses, and answers involving Elvis or Sasquatch/Yeti do not count.

Some girl with pigtails and an Elton John (Sir Elton John for all you Eurofags) willingly talked to me today on the bus. I didn't even have to bribe her with money or a gun.
Even more.
oh internet, how you put the smart and stupid on a level playing field.

giant squid vs. whale?