Well, Sarah and I stayed up all night watching the fucking entirety of Venture Bros. Season Three. Was it worth it? I suppose. I tried to break away to type and to read but was so mentally throttled by two weeks of low-level craziness at my job that I slunk back to the couch to watch costumed people punch other costumed people. My only clear thought after the entire six hours was that life would be much, much better if I lived in an expansive compound instead of in a single long room above a garage in a neighborhood of red-tinged beer-gutted assholes and their creepy staring children forever standing in the center of Dingens Ave. or tootling around in their Power Wheels.
The Power Wheels kids are kind of cute, though.
Emailing this one in since I'm at work again this morning. (Red bulbs set above our desks spin to life if anyone accesses a webpage with the word 'blog' in the name.) I switch Saturday mornings with another employee here every six weeks, and this one is the worst so far. Last weekend the entire office was staffed by me and one other person, so it was all coffee, books, off-key singing under breath, phone calls, video game websites, posing the Gumby action figure next to the phone. Today though the entire damn campus is alive with employees and dead with students, so that nobody has anything to do but wander around and hector other people with bizarre favors (the librarian just came in asking if I had any plants smaller than the palm tree behind my desk).
Back to Venture Bros.: it was pretty good. I caught most of last season one episode at a time, and came away with a general impression of slight disappointment, but after watching the whole mess in a single go it coheres better than I last noticed. My criticism is that they totally should have pursued the Dr. Venture as supervillain storyline, instead of immediately shutting it down ten minutes in. Come on! Totally refreshing new direction here. I sound crazy.
Here are some other reviews:
Bowl of Cherries: Pretty great.
Under the Volcano: Pretty wordy.
Best American Essays 08: Good essay on the Hitler 'stache
The one last night about the gym: pretty fucked up.
Video Games
Resident Evil 5: pretty great, not as interesting as 4, but with good replayability in the mini-game
Left 4 Dead: Not as addictive as it was a week ago
Sarah and I are thinking about moving again but just can't decide. Right now the darts are in the map in SF and Mpls, but any change is probably a few months off.
<strong>Weighing in for Orlando</strong>
My job is impossibly cushy
The worst weather comes in the form of warm rain
The theme parks were actually pretty kickass for Halloween
<strong>Weighing in on the Get the Fuck Out side</strong>
Our friendly boozing Missourian and Sarah's pet Mormon both moved away
The best bookstore is the Borders in the bad part of town
I have not found a single bar I care to return to
This city's arts culture is really barely disguised yuppie culture
I could rent two apartment in DM for the cost of our current place