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King Of Kong update: Steve Wiebe sets a new Donkey Kong Jr. score
I am considering moving to either California or Georgia. That is where the jobs seem to be. California seems to be where the film and art scene is, while Georgia is where a certain studio is. However, I would need to make almost $40k in CA while I would only need to make $29 in GA to live comfortably. I have about 3 months to prepare for either and five months to plead for jobs before I finally make a move. I would be happy with either. I just want away from the goddamned snow and cold-ass-fuck winters. I can deal with new cultures and having to drive in big cities and bugs.
Other news: I am now making an animatic to the job offer. It only took, I don't know, 3 months to get to this step? This is going to be exciting.
The warm weather is upon us now, which means for single, sick, deviated perverts like myself it is the season for girls to shed their winter coats. Sick deviated pervert indeed.
I want bacon. Away I go to get bacon.
Despite that I can't, lets move on.
Despite LOSE stealing all the ideas of FOES, poorly, I have started making a pitch trailer. And I'm going to actually do it this time. I made an animation of a certain someone throwing a jacuzzi at a giant trash monster, which was about 65 individual frames, and it only took me about 6 hours. That's pretty damn impressive, actually.
I plan on coming back to Iowa for Kevin's wedding in September (?) so that should be exciting.
I seriously need to get over this person leaving. Super Cereal.
In a fit of boredom and Boo-hoo Betty, I popped in my dvd of The Adventures of Pete and Pete Season Two. If you ever get a chance to watch this show again, Viacom free and without a commercial break every 5 minutes, you really should. The real underlying message of the show is that it is okay to be weird and you should never really grow out of things you have fun with. Also, it says that it is okay to hang out with a grown man who wears tight clothing and thinks he is a superhero. Oh! Fun fact: Artie was created in Iowa City's No Shame Theatre.
Have any of you played the hell out of Megaman 9? By playing the hell out of, I mean spending the extra $2 and getting Protoman mode. Protoman mode is frustrating. So frustrating that it cannot warrant an analogy. I can compare it to 2/3 of Final Fantasy Tactics frustration, but it doesn't do it justice. The fact that Protoman is constructed out of Dixie cups and every environment involves high winds and obscene amounts of precipitation does not help the fact that the last boss's first form is both cheap and a bitch.
I may lose something tomorrow night. More news later.
Hello, Blog. Are you ready for another jumbled and poorly-spelled post? Yes, it's true, even I, an English professional, fuck up my expression when emailing in posts. It is the lack of the ability to see the final product on the screen. I tell my students about this (editing; not emailing in blog posts) in class to convince them that they should do a few drafts; the argument is that if professional writers rely on copy editors to make things pretty and meaningful, chances are that hillbillyass people who can barely be bothered to separate sentences with terminal punctuation may need a second go-through.
Man, let me tell you about this book I am reading: it is called The Castle in the Forest, and is the last novel by Norman Mailer (you can find an old video of him fighting people on youtube; I lacked the patience to puzzle out the backstory). The narrator is a devil who is influential in the early development of Hitler. Yes, I know; it sounds cartoonish. But is not.
In fact it is pretty kickass!
I now think of Bil every time I fumble around the internet, as I have taken to using Opera (hopefully my memory has not failed me as to his browser preference). Though I loved Firefox the damn thing started swallowing its tongue every other launch. Hey, let's read the blog. Ope, shit. And then instead of properly crashing it would just freeze up, a corpse preserved, until I force-quitted my way back to the desktop.
Sarah is now returning to Iowa for the weekend and part of next week, yes, crazy, and I will be alone in this, the second-most miserable state in our country (according to some article I read earlier today and cannot now be bothered to resurrect), for the first time in—ever. Ever, yes. What will I do? It's a mystery. Probably the same things I do anyway, just without Sarah for a week. Namely, playing video games.
Elsewhere in the Cricket-verse: mostly busy. Have volunteered for a design event that sees me in the cities every other Thursday. It's pretty fun, but kind of sad that I drive all the way there only to have nothing else to do so I drive back home. This is sad considering how close I am to Uptown when I'm there.
There's been a resurgance in the time I spend playing Halo 3. Fun, but I probably should be using that time for actual projects and research.
I have managed to play/research/make a random project here and there. I've been playing with a thing call Context Free. Interesting in terms of getting artists and designers to think about generative art and not be afraid of math and code.
25 Steps from johnnyCricket on Vimeo.

"When a lot of us saw it, we thought this was the definition of a great game," says Pete Fenlon, CEO of Mayfair Games, Settlers' English-language distributor. "In every turn you're engaged, and even better, you're engaged in other people's turns. There are lots of little victories—as opposed to defeats—and perpetual hope. Settlers is one of those perfect storms."
Makes me want to play. Would anyone be interested in a a game night? I'm not free this weekend, but maybe sometime next week.
Anyone willing to drive/fly/skateboard/pogostick to Des Moines would be invited.
--> right about here <--
Then I got over it.
So now, meh. Nothing is keeping me here in Denver, aside from Sears and a dwindling number of friends. I have been told by several people now that my cartoon show is much more creative and original than L.O.S.E. and that I should stick to my guns. As far as this girl thing goes, whatever. Enjoy what I can. I have a damn bed now. I have a clean apartment. I need money, but right now, who doesn't?!
In good news, I may be moving to California in the next year to make a living drawing and animating masturbating pirates. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUN.
Here is me with a well behaved dog that I could not rile up.

The Spice must flow!