me: piss
Tim: you're like a fried banana sandwich
me: dont forget the mayo
Tim: an entire jar
me: and covered in powdered cheez
that is disgusting
Tim: yes it is
but i kind of want to make it now
and let it be my profile picture
i may do that
me: i did the Twinkie Weener Sandwich from UHF
it was grossly satisfying
Tim: blet
did you eat it?
that is
as you know
me: yes
it was like....
gross to think about but good
Tim: I dare you to have the banana sandwich
at your regime change party
me: hah
i may
Tim: i made chipotle brownies
that were similar
disgusting to consider
but tasty
me: yeah
spicy sugar snacks never appease me
i had mexican candy in the army
after being on a candy famine
it still stucked
Tim: yeah
these were called "mexican brownies"
those goddamn spicy communists
if you have any communist friends, that would be a good name to call them
"Come 'ere, you spicy socialist"
me: heh
i do
i made my friend's great dane tell my friend "I ront ralk to rexicans"
so thats the big bean bash right now
Tim: my coworker is actually afraid of mexicans
me: whaaaa
job theft?
Tim: something about being followed home by them
me: whaaa
Tim: she is really just nervous around large hispanic males
which is still absurd
me: thats crezzy
i know a lot of folks who will still cross the street to avoid black folk
Tim: Someone is supposed to deliver some tests to me at any moment
that is equally crazy!
if not mroe so
i'd prefer to hop over them
mario style
if i was going to go out of my way to do anything
me: or at least spin jump on them so at least you interact
Tim: yeah
and it makes that pleasant bopping noise
here's what you can put on the sandwich
Tim: i just made that noise
which was unwise
as i did it very loudly
me: hahah
since i am moving back to albia
Tim: the people in the corner stopped speaking spanish for a moment and looked over here
me: im going to see if i can revive the attic apartment for 4 months
Tim: hoorah
me: hahah
Tim: that would be great
me: it would be nostalgic as fuck
Tim: indeed
except now
the new class!
it'd be like a sitcom
but a spinoff
me: hah
one that lasts only a season
Tim: where one or two characters stay, and a new cast comes on
me: and guest stars come in to remind everyone what happened
i should just have canned cheering when any other members show up
Tim: definitely
me: that would require everyone to pause a moment and soak it in
Tim: triggered remotely
by a button in your shoe
me: or in my tooth
Tim: i think you should post this whole conversation to atticapartment
me: oh im gonna
And I did.